Jesus Christ was not conservative!


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2005
So therefore, the term conservative christian is an oxymoron.
Didn't christ tell us to love our enemies, turn the other cheek, forgive, resist power and money?
I conclude that jesus was a lefty.
stayhuman said:
So therefore, the term conservative christian is an oxymoron.
Didn't christ tell us to love our enemies, turn the other cheek, forgive, resist power and money?
I conclude that jesus was a lefty.

No. Jesus was a reactionary tradesman. Big difference.

He abhorred the use of the church for profit. He denounced the tax-collector as the agent of evil, he fought for the rights of the public, and he was persecuted by the church he stood for. Go figure.
Further to my last post, Jesus was no *****. He was no ****ing lefty loser.

He was a man among men, in a time when lefty pussies would have gotten their arses reamed and then some.

Consider this; Jesus stopped a stoning. How the **** do you think one man could walk into the middle of a rabid mob of Arabs who are ready to kill someone by stoning them to death, and stop that **** from happening? Did he silently pray? **** no. He stormed in there and used his fire and anger and size and bearing to cow everybody into silence. That is how. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

What Jesus was saying was, the first person to hurl a rock is gonna be the first person to be pounded into the dust by my fists.

He was a mofo. No doubt. It was tough times back then. No pansy lefty could have survived then. Jesus was a man among men. A big kick-arse man. So don't be ****ing dissin him.
stayhuman said:
So therefore, the term conservative christian is an oxymoron.
Didn't christ tell us to love our enemies, turn the other cheek, forgive, resist power and money?
I conclude that jesus was a lefty.

Did you know that in history conservatism was more like liberalism, and liberalism more like conservatism?

Then again, I don't actually know how far back in history that goes....

I conclude that you're a ****sandwich.
TheJenn88 said:
Did you know that in history conservatism was more like liberalism, and liberalism more like conservatism?

Then again, I don't actually know how far back in history that goes....

I conclude that you're a ****sandwich.

The socialists stole the term liberal. The classical liberal feared government power and properly limited the sphere of government.
hugo said:
The socialists stole the term liberal. The classical liberal feared government power and properly limited the sphere of government.

We seem to have found some common ground, hugo-a-gogo. ;)
builder said:
Further to my last post, Jesus was no *****. He was no ****ing lefty loser.

He was a man among men, in a time when lefty pussies would have gotten their arses reamed and then some.

Consider this; Jesus stopped a stoning. How the **** do you think one man could walk into the middle of a rabid mob of Arabs who are ready to kill someone by stoning them to death, and stop that **** from happening? Did he silently pray? **** no. He stormed in there and used his fire and anger and size and bearing to cow everybody into silence. That is how. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

What Jesus was saying was, the first person to hurl a rock is gonna be the first person to be pounded into the dust by my fists.

He was a mofo. No doubt. It was tough times back then. No pansy lefty could have survived then. Jesus was a man among men. A big kick-arse man. So don't be ****ing dissin him.

hmmmmmmmmm. well damn builder i have to say i agree with you.

ain't that some ****.
Hamza123 said:
I wonder, If only Jesus was still alive!! He could stick it to bush..
Jesus is sticking it to enough bush up in heaven. Why would he want to bother with an asshole down here?
We all know Jesus was in construction, so I reckon he must've been the son of god, as it's a ****in' miracle he made it to his own funeral on time.
Tex said:
We all know Jesus was in construction, so I reckon he must've been the son of god, as it's a ****in' miracle he made it to his own funeral on time.

actually, I'm thinking it was his father that was a carpenter... Pretty sure he was into fishing... maybe I'm wrong... But i could have swore..
fullauto said:
actually, I'm thinking it was his father that was a carpenter... Pretty sure he was into fishing... maybe I'm wrong... But i could have swore..

Should've been a bar tender with that wine and water trick. He's have cleaned up.