Join LPF


New member
I don't exactly recall how I got here either, but I think I stumbled across this forum accidentally after looking for LP fan fics last year or something. I think it had to have been through Yahoo cause I only really use Yahoo, rarely Google. I didn't post anything that I can recall but I did join pretty much that night. Man... talk about a lifetime ago! *laughs* Wow, memories...




Active Members
Heathen! Infidel! Canadian!

I just was really bored one day and I wanted to talk to LP fans, so I decided to type into the address bar and see where it would take me.

The rest is a long story....almost a year and a half to be exact. Holy ****, I am ancient. :p

**If any Canadians are offended by my comment, I will remove it and I apologize in advance.



New member
my friend kept talking about stuff ppl said on here so i figured that im lp-addicted enuff to come on so yea, thats how


New member
um.. my friend hayley who is hybrid_soul, anyone remember her? told me about lpf so i joined. and that was over a year ago *sigh* the wonderful memories


New member
I was searching for something LP related on Google (I don't quite remember what' date=' lol) and LPF came up. I read the threads, etc. without joining for about a month, then finally gave in and registered. And now.. here I am :) [/quote']Same here.


New member
It was the Fictions that brought me here. I searched LP Fictions on Google (yayness!) and I came here. After about a month or so of lurking I joined and now LPF is always the first site I go to. Well, it has to be because I have it set as my homepage...


New member
lpp told me about it, i didnt want to join at first lol>.< but she kept telling me it was good

thats one nice thing shes done for



New member
Yeah i love this place i saw this place dropped by all the time i ws just a guest

and I thought of joining but i just didin't then one day I just done it instead and I knew what i was missin when i joined this place



New member
One Word........................................................................................GGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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