Jojo's gallery

crazy robster

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2006
Well, I started playing with Photoshop myself and I've been practicing my sig making. It's rather addictive!! I'm gonna post my creations on this thread, I know my sigs are mostly about my favourite subjects (Rob, GC etc) but if anyone of you guys has a request, feel free to post it here, I'll do my best! Any constructive comments will be highly appreciated... :thumbsup:

Here are the sigs I 've made so far... The Rob ones first... ;)





A Mike one:

Good Charlotte:



And Christian Bale, American Psycho...

This is what I've made so far thanks to Len's and Josh's guidance and I really feel I should thank them both...Thanks guys!!! :thumbsup:
Beautiful works my friend. I love the American Psycho one.
Keep it up. ^_^
+ rep

Edit: Or not. I must spread before I give it to you again. XD
Hahaha!!! The only thing I can say is: Honoured to have you here Josh!!! Thanks so much pal!!!! And once again, thanks for your invaluable help!!! :)
Hehe...thanks Yacky dear...Well, actually Mike is my second favourite LP member after Rob... Didn't know that, huh? :D Anyway, here is another one...

Oh, Fribs how kind of you to say this, thanks! Well, I will keep it up, that's for sure, cause as I said it's very addictive!!! Thanks for stopping by pal! :D
Wow sis, you're certainly taking to Photoshop like a fish to water, huh? *stands on a chair and cheers wildly* I have to say I love the Rob ones (like, D'uh) but the mike one is also great. If I ever defected *genuflects at Rob's feet* that's the sig I'd wanna keep. Just awesome sis! Oh I'm so excited for you, like a kid with a new toy or something... awww... ;)
Love 'em. Can't wait for more.
Sista!!!! My sweet sister thank you for coming in my thread!! Also thank you for your enthusiastic comments they mean a lot to me!!! Hehehe...that Mike sig seems to be very successful right? But I really do hope you never get defected, I couldn't cope without a Robsessed sister!!! Hahahaha!!!And speaking of our twin Robsession sis.... This is what I came up with today... I know you will like it!!! Although...hmmmm...I think I should have placed Rob somewhere between us, having a scared look on his face!!!! Hahahaha *evil laughter* :D :cool:

I look so butch there! XD Gawd...
But yeah, its all good. Me and my sis. Gotta love us. Or don't. Whatever. The idea of Rob looking scared between us - that's classic! I'm sure if he read even a quarter of the stuff we say about him (not just at the writer's thread or the CoB but AIM as well ;)) the man would look scared - right before he sued our Robsessing butts! (It's bound to happen one day)
Awww... very cool!
You should feel proud.
Damn fine start there my sweet.
*tackle hugs*
Hahaha!!! I've made a lot of people happy, I like that!!! Sis, I agree about Rob... we are such dangerous twins....hehehe....Allie, to be honest, I had you in mind when I made the Chaz sig cause I know you have a special liking for him! So glad you like my work guys! Thanks! :D