Judge: Man is too short for prison

This is just bullshit. A ****ing sex offender getting probation? A child molester nonetheless!

And what the **** does his height have to do with anything? Prison dangers? Who gives a flying ****!?

The guy should have thought about what he was doing and how it's easier to ass-rape someone when they are short( considering he probably tried this once or twice) because they can't fight back as well, especially if they aren't muscular.

Basically, the judge said "I'm a liberal and love all people. Especially sex offenders. So I don't look bad, you'll get a lot of probation. Is that OK? I could make it a few years less if you want me to. I don't want to hurt your feelings or anything, since you are just misunderstood."
What a bitch!! Wow, if I saw this bitch in real life, I woulda just stuck my knee up and hit him in the face, last time I measured my height I was 6"2.5.
Hamza123 said:
What a bitch!! Wow, if I saw this bitch in real life, I woulda just stuck my knee up and hit him in the face, last time I measured my height I was 6"2.5.

I would have to agree. I am sickened by this decision. He could've been sent to a minimum security prison, where he would be safe, while still remaining removed from society.

People like this guy are very likely to re-offend. If I had children, I wouldn't want this scumbag near them. If I was the father of the victim, this pervert wouldn't be able to walk.

I read about this story. This is just disgusting.

I think that crimes like this should have a more standardized minimum time to spend in jail. This guy gets to walk with probation, I read an article about one guy who was given a couple months because the judge felt he would get better 'treatment' outside...of course that one was later reversed. However the minimum sentence should be standardized nationally and not so much discretion given to Judges on this...regardless of their height.
Debate This said:
AP - A judge said a 5-foot-1 man convicted of sexually assaulting a child was too small to survive in prison, and gave him 10 years of probation instead.

Link To Original Article

Phreak says:

WHAT???!! Who gives a ****! More reason to throw his ass in jail! Then he'll know how it feels to be sexually molested, too. He didn't care how small or young that child was..... The judge deserves to be sexually assaulted himself for being such an idiot!
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
Even short people have deep rectums...he is just fine :)

You should all find this interesting!

Sentence for short sex offender draws fire

By SCOTT BAUER, Associated Press Writer Fri May 26, 10:50 AM ET

LINCOLN, Neb. - A judge's decision to sentence a 5-foot-1 man to probation instead of prison for sexually assaulting a child has angered crime victim advocates who say the punishment sends the wrong message.

But supporters of short people say it's about time someone recognizes the unique challenges they face.

Cheyenne County District Judge Kristine Cecava issued the sentence Tuesday. She told Richard W. Thompson that his crimes deserved a long prison sentence but that he was too small to survive in a state prison.
Though he could have been sentenced to 10 years behind bars, he ended up with 10 years of probation instead. On Thursday, the state's attorney general, Jon Bruning, promised to appeal within two weeks, calling the sentence far too lenient.

"I'm concerned about the message this sends to victims and perpetrators," said Marla Sohl with the Nebraska Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Coalition, adding that it shows more concern is being placed on the criminal and his safety in prison than the victim.
But Joe Mangano, secretary of the National Organization of Short Statured Adults, agreed with the judge's assessment that Thompson would face dangers while in prison because of his height.

"I'm assuming a short inmate would have a much more difficult time than a large inmate," said Mangano, who is 5 feet 4 inches tall. "It's good to see somebody looking out for someone who is a short person."
Thompson, 50, had sexual contact over a couple of months last year with a 12-year-old girl, said Sidney Police Chief Larry Cox. He was sentenced on two felony sexual assault charges.
As part of the probation, he will be electronically monitored for the first four months and was told never to be alone with someone under age 18 or date or live with a woman whose children were under 18. He was also ordered to get rid of his pornography.

Thompson's attorney, Donald Miller, had no comment on the ruling. Cheyenne County Attorney Paul Schaub, who prosecuted the case, did not return a call seeking comment. Cecava did not return a message seeking comment.

[URL="http://us.news3.yimg.com/us.i2.yimg.com/p/ap/20060525/capt.96b5360fff06423ca5e0c5a557aa3ec4.short_term_ah103.jpg?x=180&y=238&sig=SbbGiFOnr7ebfT7m4Tl8gw"]http://us.news3.yimg.com/us.i2.yimg.com/p/ap/20060525/capt.96b5360fff06423ca5e0c5a557aa3ec4.short_term_ah103.jpg?x=180&y=238&sig=SbbGiFOnr7ebfT7m4Tl8gw-- <--- A PICTURE OF THE PERV IN QUESTION![/URL]
What? Are you 100% sure that's the truth? That just sounds like bullshit. I mean, I could never even see that happening here and I live in Louisiana..where people are ****ing retarded...and are stupid enough to believe **** like that.

Too short to go to prison....Well, they could've sent his little ass to prison, then that's one less person they would've had to worry about when it comes to trials and death penalty and stuff like that.......
If Cynthia keeps posting on this board with that sexy glowing green avatar picture of herself, I'm gonna be the next one on probation.:D