Judge: Man is too short for prison

lethalfind, i agree with you wouldn't it be great to hear that pedafiles get the tables turned, hell, after there done, i would get in there face and say, "how does it feel? slaps pedafile in face how does it feel? slaps again , dont feel good huh, go back to your pimp, bitch"

if they put that on the news for all pedafiles, i doubt that anyone would touch a little kid in such a way
kokorosenshi said:
lethalfind, i agree with you wouldn't it be great to hear that pedafiles get the tables turned, hell, after there done, i would get in there face and say, "how does it feel? slaps pedafile in face how does it feel? slaps again , dont feel good huh, go back to your pimp, bitch"

if they put that on the news for all pedafiles, i doubt that anyone would touch a little kid in such a way

Unfortunately, we live in a society where the news media would rather humiliate these sick assholes than punish them. They want us to have some compassion for these people, thinking its a sickness of the mind brought on by past abuse, molesting, etc.

In my America, these degenerates would be shot in the head on site. No judge, no jury... they deserve death.
RoyalOrleans, i wish i lived in that america, i think theres a country that actually does that

anyways, the media are ****ed up assholes that are ****ing up society making people care more about worthless piece of **** rather what is important, they use propaganda to make corpal punishment look bad, and make assholes look like gods, id kill 'em all if i had the chance
kokorosenshi said:
RoyalOrleans, i wish i lived in that america, i think theres a country that actually does that

anyways, the media are ****ed up assholes that are ****ing up society making people care more about worthless piece of **** rather what is important, they use propaganda to make corpal punishment look bad, and make assholes look like gods, id kill 'em all if i had the chance

Whoa! Whoa! Easy there, Seabiscuit!

The best way to do harm to the media is don't watch. Get your news from alternate sources. Television journalists are all hacks and copy-cat artists. All they want to do is get ratings and sell commercial spots for the ever-loving conglomerates that own them.

Nowadays, I get my news from my local paper and Neal Boortz.
Lethalfind said:
That's what is the poetic part of the punishment, they get to be the one attacked, by someone bigger and stronger.

Ok. I did some investigating and I have found out that because of his age and his height; he can raise a claim against the state (as wrong and stupid as that is) negligence per se. (His height and age create a special circumstance)

However, I still firmly believe that he could've been incarcerated in a medium or minimum security house where there is little or no danger of him being attacked by another inmate.

My guess is that the judge in this case was a liberal.

kokorosenshi said:
lethalfind, i agree with you wouldn't it be great to hear that pedafiles get the tables turned, hell, after there done, i would get in there face and say, "how does it feel? slaps pedafile in face how does it feel? slaps again , dont feel good huh, go back to your pimp, bitch"

if they put that on the news for all pedafiles, i doubt that anyone would touch a little kid in such a way

Unfortunately, the law doesn't allow them to do that. Anymore the law is such that the states can be held responsible for what happens to inmates who should've been segregated. Since less the 30% of corrections officers can be trusted to follow through with a request for segregation and since the police are infamous for passing the word; the untrusting judge is often left to make undesireable decisions.

Had I been the presiding judge that man would've gotten 15 years without parole in a medium or minimum security house.

kokorosenshi said:
RoyalOrleans, i wish i lived in that america, i think theres a country that actually does that..
You do, pendejo...who are you trying to fool...yourself?
Step back across the border and come back when you are better acquainted with our statutes, joto.
It's liberal extremists like judges, defense attorneys and organizations like the ACLU that creates this type of degeneration of our society and court system. Anyone or any organization whose goal it is to turn piece of **** rapist, murderers and child molesters into victims for any reason are the scum of the earth. I hope Dante is right and the 9th and lowest level of hell is reserved for the treacherous who have betrayed, because that's what these people do. They betray the victims, betray society and betray the future victims who may not have been victimized had justice been done.

I find it completely sickening how these left wing assholes have taken what is supposed to be a system that insures that someone isn't wrongfully accused of a crime they didn't do, is provided a fair trial and a fit and proper punishment, and turned it into a system where it is almost impossible to prosecute and properly punish those that are truly guilty.

The sentence in this case is not only an injustice to the victim, society and the justice system but completely makes a mockery of the seriousness of the crime.
**** like this is the reason why I want to put the 9th Circuit Court on trial for crimes against Humanity!! I'm pissed off enough to declare war on the mother****ing ACLU and other assorted scum!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Kryptonite Man said:
**** like this is the reason why I want to put the 9th Circuit Court on trial for crimes against Humanity!! I'm pissed off enough to declare war on the mother****ing ACLU and other assorted scum!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Make sure you throw that Gloria Allred **** onto that list as well !!
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
You do, pendejo...who are you trying to fool...yourself?
Step back across the border and come back when you are better acquainted with our statutes, joto.

im sorry, but in america (united states) that i live in, you go to court and be put in trial and not get shot in the head on spot, figure out who im talking to, pendejo.

pinche marica pendeja, te gusta que te chingen en el culo, eh
kokorosenshi said:
im sorry, but in america (united states) that i live in, you go to court and be put in trial and not get shot in the head on spot, figure out who im talking to, pendejo.

pinche marica pendeja, te gusta que te chingen en el culo, eh

Watch your mouth. I happen to be Amish and speak Spanish too. I'm offended by the language you use.:rolleyes:
ImWithStupid said:
Watch your mouth. I happen to be Amish and speak Spanish too. I'm offended by the language you use.:rolleyes:

Oh yeah... IWS... I forgot to ask you. Did you get that copy of Ankles Monthly I sent you? Some fantastic ankle shots and a few wrists as well. Check out the centerfold of Mary Ruth Bainbridge, hell of a butter-churner.
Oh yeah... IWS... I forgot to ask you. Did you get that copy of Ankles Monthly I sent you? Some fantastic ankle shots and a few wrists as well. Check out the centerfold of Mary Ruth Bainbridge, hell of a butter-churner.

heh, nice royalorleans, better than what i can come up with, i dont know to much about amish