Just Ask for Music


New member
hey man, i already asked for a lot, but could u please try and find The Sound Of Regret album by Amity Lane?

thanks heaps man!


Hybrid Soldier

New member
hinder - extreme behavior

no warning - no warning

no warning - ill blood

no warning - suffer, survive

gorilla bisuits - gorilla biscuits

manntis - Sleep in Your Grave

thanks in advance man



New member
ok easy one for you jeezy i want those FM tracks that wanet on The Rising Tide its on that mixedtype or something like that one of the tracks name is 100 degrees but im sure you know what im talking about thanks man i love you :D :D
ok easy one for you jeezy i want those FM tracks that wanet on The Rising Tide its on that mixedtype or something like that one of the tracks name is 100 degrees but im sure you know what im talking about thanks man i love you :D :D
Ah, no.

I can't begin to tell you how many times it's been said, but neither he, or anyone else, is allowed to give out official LP or FM material. The mix tape, even though it was released on the Internet at first, is now able to be bought through DJ Green Lantern's website.



Active Members
hinder - extreme behaviorno warning - no warning

no warning - ill blood

no warning - suffer, survive

gorilla bisuits - gorilla biscuits

manntis - Sleep in Your Grave

thanks in advance man
I'm sorry but I only found Hinder and Gorilla biscuits

ok easy one for you jeezy i want those FM tracks that wanet on The Rising Tide its on that mixedtype or something like that one of the tracks name is 100 degrees but im sure you know what im talking about thanks man i love you :D :D

---...I don't fill FM requests, sorry....---



Active Members
Just to let you all know...

I start a job tomorrow...so I won't be that quick to fill requests...

I still do it...and you can ask...

but it may takes a little longer...



New member
Just to let you all know...
I start a job tomorrow...so I won't be that quick to fill requests...

I still do it...and you can ask...

but it may takes a little longer...
i think no one should have a problem with that, they should be thankfull you even take the time to do it :) , but i'm sure other people can help you fill the requests if you want to, if i have time i can do some for you

anyway good luck with the job :thumbsup:

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