Just Ask for Music

my december kelly clarkson

could you get me Battery by Metalllica, the album version?
damn..I just notice that i don't have the Masters Of Puppets album on my pc....gonna get it for you soon

Hey jeezy can I have

Dream Theater Systematic Chaos

Could you rip me the songs Junkyard, Duuurty Dreams and Don't Hold Back from here please: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=43067625

I can't actually see the player, but I've been told these songs are here, :confused:

Man that myspace page is strange.....I can not choose the tracks from the player...
If its possible can I get the audio clip from the MTM dvd where they play a clip of "Grecian"? And please send it to me through rapidshare. Thanks.