Just wanted to apologize


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2006
My rantings last night were totally wrong. Really don't know what to say. I've been through alot lately. Some of you know what I've been through. It's a miracle I am even here to type this. But still that is no excuse. I just wanted to say I am sorry for the crap I pulled lastnight. I've been dealing with it allday and it's not a good feeling.
Lethalfind said:
I'm sorry but maybe I missed the thread that appointed GF your therapist...

Grow up...
I figured as much from you. Like I said. I regret what I did. I don't expect much from you or anyone else here. I'm just manning up to what I did. Wrong is wrong.
This thread is vaguely reminding me of the one Clarity posted about how she is still in love with that old boyfriend...the whining tone is so similar.

You need to suck it up.

AND as for your snide little comments...pretty impotent.
Lethalfind said:
This thread is vaguely reminding me of the one Clarity posted about how she is still in love with that old boyfriend...the whining tone is so similar.

You need to suck it up.

AND as for your snide little comments...pretty impotent.
Cool. Now that we know where eachother stands backoff. You have more problems than me it seems. :confused:
Lethalfind said:
This thread is vaguely reminding me of the one Clarity posted about how she is still in love with that old boyfriend...the whining tone is so similar.

You need to suck it up.

AND as for your snide little comments...pretty impotent.
I believe he appoligized. Keep up you're stuborn attitude and you'll have to appoligize as well for being a dick-head. It's called forgive and forget, everyone has those days.
There is nothing to apologize about. You weren't yourself last night. I think that your emotions were running high. Don't reflect upon last nights issue's. Move forward. Everyone has bad day's... Who really gives a **** what took place.. I was here through it all, and I dont even know what happened..

I am pretty sure that you are going to get slammed through this post.. Chalk it up, and don't dwell..Accept what they have to say and move right along..

And if you are ever going to leave this place.. Just say Bye, and walk away. Even though I really dont think that is what you want.. Cause if it was, you wouldn't be here posting this now..
Thanks Kathy. I don't want to move on but I'm sure I'll be pushed in that direction. I'll try to standfast. If anything I'll post in the newsgroups and stay out of the soap opera section.
cool_dude said:
I believe he appoligized. Keep up you're stuborn attitude and you'll have to appoligize as well for being a dick-head. It's called forgive and forget, everyone has those days.

PLEASE do me a favor, hold your breath, waiting for me to apologize for calling a nutless wonder, a nutless wonder.

If you and he can't take that, this is not your kind of website...
Lethalfind said:
PLEASE do me a favor, hold your breath....
Damn this is an obsolete expression of hate on any forums. Please be more original...

Lethalfind said:
If you and he can't take that, this is not your kind of website...
Apearently you can't take the heat since you cannot forgive him for challenging your criticizing limit. You should be the one to get the boot up your ass. Can't believe you made it this far being a trifling premium.
Ignore that dumb crack slut. She threatened me with the idiot box and she is just a paid user. Maybe she'll take some 12 gauge medicine and move on. Hopefully the dumb **** will use buckshot and not birdshot.
I can't take the heat???

Yea right.

The point is that I have. I have had Builder come after me ALOT worse then Zuki has ever even thought of. I never even thought about asking to have my account deleted OR not coming back.

I have more balls then he has, that why I have lasted...
Lethalfind said:
waaaa waaaa waaaa waaaaaa.

blah blah blah blah. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Blah blah.

waaa waaaa waaaa waaaaa

Who needs to grow up? The one admitting he screwed up or the one blasting him for taking responsibility for his action?
phreakwars said:
Lethal threatened you with the idiot box ??? Looks like I need to make a poll now don't I ??
Go for it! I probably deserve the box. But to be threatened by a lesbo regular member? C'mon!:confused:
The way I see it, LF challeneged YOU to an Idiot boxing, so this is an idiot box poll.. the uhh... winner gets ...ohhhhh.. we'll say 5 days in the box..

Premium member rules apply, only premiums and MODS can vote, and this poll will take place in the hidden forums.