New member
OK, let me be the FIRST to admit I suck at political debate. But, I will say this.
I do believe in Impeaching the president, but the guy who is leading the charge to do it, is the wrong guy. This I can at least agree on. Like I had said before, the guy is too far left for me. And I also see him wanting to Impeach, almost as a sign of poor sportsmanship in the election. And I'm sure others would view it the same way. Bush was voted on by a majority. It wasn't REALLY a close race at all. Although he may have lost some support NOW, I'm sure a majority still think he should be our President.
I am also NOT against war at all. North Korea...NUKE EM.. Iran, NUKE EM.. TALIBAN/Al Quada, NUKE EM...
The problem I have, is when a country we go to war with is, for the most part NOT our enemies, then INCREASE there number of enemies because we are there, something is WRONG.
You could blame it on other extremists coming in from other countries to keep Iraq in turmoil, but it still doesn't matter. You need to go back to the initial justification of the war and see if the same philosophy still holds true. And, in this case, IT DOESN'T.
I'm not gonna argue that congress ultimately agreed on going in. DUH.. or that John Kerry also supported going in. But it is the FACTS of the situation that were presented to congress to make them vote in such a manor, that to are me... grounds for impeachment.
If we were to have a round table of GF members, and Bob was the CHIEF of the members, and he said we needed to kick, oh we'll say Royal Orleans out, because he had heard R.O. was part of a rouge league of BBS users who RAPED BBS boards for fun, and we all agreed on just Bobs word alone. But then come to find out, this was not at all true.. WHO DO YOU BLAME ??
You blame the guy who come to you with all this alleged proof, and you blame his staff who's job it is to confirm this proof.
THIS is how I feel George Bush USED congress to get what he wanted.
Anybody noticed were not hunting TERRORISTS in IRAQ anymore... WERE JUST HUNTING INSURGENTS.
Insurgents, who would have never been there, if we just pulled out when what we were looking for, was proven not to be there.
And I for one am sick of hearing anything like "OH, BUT THERE STILL MIGHT BE SOMETHING, WE NEED TO STAY THERE TO FIND IT" bullshit.
Let IRAQ handle its own problem now, our job is done.
I do believe in Impeaching the president, but the guy who is leading the charge to do it, is the wrong guy. This I can at least agree on. Like I had said before, the guy is too far left for me. And I also see him wanting to Impeach, almost as a sign of poor sportsmanship in the election. And I'm sure others would view it the same way. Bush was voted on by a majority. It wasn't REALLY a close race at all. Although he may have lost some support NOW, I'm sure a majority still think he should be our President.
I am also NOT against war at all. North Korea...NUKE EM.. Iran, NUKE EM.. TALIBAN/Al Quada, NUKE EM...
The problem I have, is when a country we go to war with is, for the most part NOT our enemies, then INCREASE there number of enemies because we are there, something is WRONG.
You could blame it on other extremists coming in from other countries to keep Iraq in turmoil, but it still doesn't matter. You need to go back to the initial justification of the war and see if the same philosophy still holds true. And, in this case, IT DOESN'T.
I'm not gonna argue that congress ultimately agreed on going in. DUH.. or that John Kerry also supported going in. But it is the FACTS of the situation that were presented to congress to make them vote in such a manor, that to are me... grounds for impeachment.
If we were to have a round table of GF members, and Bob was the CHIEF of the members, and he said we needed to kick, oh we'll say Royal Orleans out, because he had heard R.O. was part of a rouge league of BBS users who RAPED BBS boards for fun, and we all agreed on just Bobs word alone. But then come to find out, this was not at all true.. WHO DO YOU BLAME ??
You blame the guy who come to you with all this alleged proof, and you blame his staff who's job it is to confirm this proof.
THIS is how I feel George Bush USED congress to get what he wanted.
Anybody noticed were not hunting TERRORISTS in IRAQ anymore... WERE JUST HUNTING INSURGENTS.
Insurgents, who would have never been there, if we just pulled out when what we were looking for, was proven not to be there.
And I for one am sick of hearing anything like "OH, BUT THERE STILL MIGHT BE SOMETHING, WE NEED TO STAY THERE TO FIND IT" bullshit.
Let IRAQ handle its own problem now, our job is done.