Kuervoz Rosarito 200, Rosarito, Baja Mexico, 4th July weekend , 2013

Man that sucks, sorry. At least your wife showed up in her orange suit to make you happier ;)
Jajaja I wish....

I send you the last payment, please let me know that u got it.

Hey stand by for my next order... 2 of your best clutch levers and maybe a new cluctch basket, the best one you have.

And how do I look? And we couldn't forget the banner.
Sucks the clutch broke, way it goes tho. On the plus side, that shoulder you cried on was well worth it lol.

Buy some ASV levers, cant break'm.
Streamline Ive never used, but I can vouch for asv. I woulda done one on my rebuild but for my casual riding the price tag isnt all that worth it to me. Course it is on the shortlist.
they were recommended by Tood@ Immotal atv. so ill go with them... cant wait to see the pics and post them up here..
Ya, Id say they are probably on par with ASV. Are they the unbreakable type as well?


Just checked the link to the rosarito race, looks almost exactly what kinda terrain I ride when were not in the wooded area. How rocky was the race itself? Large boulders or just the usual gravel type stuff?
Just checked the link to the rosarito race, looks almost exactly what kinda terrain I ride when were not in the wooded area. How rocky was the race itself? Large boulders or just the usual gravel type stuff?
it was rocky in some parts.and it had everything, big ones that would stop you in ur tracks and a bunch of small ones that would hit ur skids . its hard to describe then you also had your narrow roads on a cliff, so if you fall ur done...

it general it was a very technical race but super fun.. a must for any low budget desert racers
it was rocky in some parts.and it had everything, big ones that would stop you in ur tracks and a bunch of small ones that would hit ur skids . its hard to describe then you also had your narrow roads on a cliff, so if you fall ur done...

it general it was a very technical race but super fun.. a must for any low budget desert racers
Sounds like alot of fun!