

Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
Which language do you like the sound of most? I love Japanese and German's great because it's so simple--and you get to yell at people and spit at them when you're just asking where the library is. XD Personally, I really don't care for French. It reminds me of Vin Diesel (sp) in that he tries soooooo hard to be cool and it just makes him more of a dork. I feel that French tries to be fluid and romantic or whatever, like say Italian, but just fails. It also comes off as snooty.

But then, I was forced to take it for like five years, so maybe I'm just bitter. Anyway, thoughts? Opinions?
Silver_dragon87 said:
Which language do you like the sound of most? I love Japanese and German's great because it's so simple--and you get to yell at people and spit at them when you're just asking where the library is. XD Personally, I really don't care for French. It reminds me of Vin Diesel (sp) in that he tries soooooo hard to be cool and it just makes him more of a dork. I feel that French tries to be fluid and romantic or whatever, like say Italian, but just fails. It also comes off as snooty.

But then, I was forced to take it for like five years, so maybe I'm just bitter. Anyway, thoughts? Opinions?
I'm fond of English because when I hear it, I understand it.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
I'm fond of English because when I hear it, I understand it.

LOL, so true. Don't you speak spanish also?

I prefer chinese who speak engrish, cause it's funny.
I like German too, but the language I like best outside of english is Korean. Korean is a relatively new language and as a result Chinese is mixed in to give definition to what the hell they are trying to say... anyway when the expression is profound a Chinese gutteral sounds is used that defines the depth of hostility or whatever emotion is being explained. Even the newspapers have hangual, the Korean language and undefined emotions in Chinese...
jokersarewild said:
LOL, so true. Don't you speak spanish also?

I prefer chinese who speak engrish, cause it's funny.
Yes, I do... but I really wish that either the State of Texas or the US would make English the official language.
Honestly, I like the sound of all languages other than English just because they are something different. If I had to pick a favorite, I hate to be generic, but I would choose French.
Silver_dragon87 said:
Which language do you like the sound of most? I love Japanese and German's great because it's so simple--and you get to yell at people and spit at them when you're just asking where the library is. XD Personally, I really don't care for French. It reminds me of Vin Diesel (sp) in that he tries soooooo hard to be cool and it just makes him more of a dork. I feel that French tries to be fluid and romantic or whatever, like say Italian, but just fails. It also comes off as snooty.

But then, I was forced to take it for like five years, so maybe I'm just bitter. Anyway, thoughts? Opinions?

Damn thats a good question!!!

I actually like guttural languages like Arabic(arabee masree for e.g)...and following that,less guttural drawl German(deutscher)..It's nice hearing these languages spoken.(I have German ancestry as well hahaha)

I did'nt know vin diesel was french...I actually think he's cool naturally sorry.Jean reno is another favourite.The French language sounds a lil femanine for tough guys...but thats what make it funny when it's used.

That reminds me ..has van damme come out with any movies out lately? :cool:
Sorry but i love italian. Half of my family is from there and speaks it constantly, and they speak german (and english) and usually all 3 in the same sentence. But because i grew up hearing mostly italian i enjoy hearing it and to me it is beautiful!

Thats my plug..buh bye
Spanish, because I have learn some of it, it was easy to learn, and I got a thing for hispanic women and latinas. :D
I have always had a thing for the Russian spoken AND written language, and though I am not fond of the arabic language spoken, it's beautiful in it's written for. Personal I don't understand how anyone EVER learns English as a second written language (at least american english) It makes NO sense!!!!! Damn MUTT language ;)

I have only ever saught to learn two languages though, Dine` (navaho) and Souix. I failed miserably
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
One more reason you and I were meant for each other!

Oops! I forgot to finish my sentence:

Very sexy depending on which mouth it's coming from!

I also like english with an irish accent.
Hmm...there are actually a few that I like. Spanish, French, and anything Slavic. I studied Russian for a few years in Elementary School, and wish the program had been continued. I just like languages alot. When I had graduated high school, I was going to join the Air Force instead of college, and that was going to be my job: Linguist. GOD that test was hard! But I passed (God, was I proud of myself-they kept telling me how hard it was and how most people DIDN'T pass). But in the end I decided that I didn't want to go to war. But how cool that would have been...

And English with a brogue, British accent,....god, how sexy!!!
I took French 1 last year, this year I'm taking French 2. My Spanish friend's been helping me with Spanish. I like them the most because they are easy for me to understand. :)
I find English most useful, German most powerful, I can't even stand the sound of french, and when I hear spanish I think of punching my ex wife!