Latest bombings....


New member
"You people"?!! (Who are they?) You are getting a little bit too defensive to a simple question. If you didn't want to get asked that question than you shouldn't have put "Allah is great" as your name. You say it teaches you patience but your not showing it. You talk like the prophets of Allah are the only ones that were punished and so one for what they believe.You could have just answered the **** question, and yet you said all that and didn't answer it.
Honey,you're new here,I've shown enough patience. I don't talk like the prophets of Allah are the only people punished,if you were smart enough you would have seen this E.G(for example).You didn't understand my answer or the question for that matter.He asked the question because he was tryin' to say,''If Allah is so Great then why are you gettin' abused?''.

Who the **** are you to tell me what name to choose?



New member
actually a muslim conference where the leaders all got together to figure out what to do about extremeists is a recnt event....infact (as newsweek stated) a first EVER...

Perhaps in america they are just trying to be on the "down low" ( i may be too old to use that term...but i want to appeal to todays youth somehow). But they shouldnt be....then again they are just trying to live their daily lives. Since anti Islamic attidudes are strongest here (and only since 9-11.............and before them it was...oh they wear a scarf because they lived in the desert and cant get over biggie...............honestly thats what everyone thought)...

Now its...oh they wear a scarf......just pray that they dont pull an uzi out of their burka and demand your jewlery or demand to see your leader....

Yes its commical...but it is proving a point. I like you AIG, i really do, but i know no other muslim to explain this too.......... that your people need to be WAY more outspoken against these extremists. The war on "terror" will be won by your own kind to stop this, or at least in my country (yes the country id be happy to leave because of how I am treated...but I still want to help). The steroetype of a bomb taped to ones chest is always accompanied by a turban or a burka...and stereotypes are at least 50% true. And this is the only stereotype of a terrorsits i know (and it predates 9-11).

For islam to scrape any credibility it needs to start speaking out in full force...and now. If not the threat of american bombing mecca will become true. And i know your blind faith of allah protecting it(keep in mind i feel the same way about christiantity) will be diminished before your eyes....

An afterthought, USA is like one HUGE island. We are isolated form the rest of the world, we are large enough that we dont care about petty **** going on in the rest of the world and we live and let live (well...if your straight anyhow). We never cared what faith you followd (unless you are a conservative christian...or a crispy critter).

But since our tallest towers fell Islam has much to prove, even if they technically werent the ones who did it. But they have yet to prove to us they are willing to help. And if they dont start soon I really dont have to remind you that we have a military pupett in office as president of the United States...and no matter how much i dont want to admit it...the most powerful nation of the world. And if Allah is powerfull enough to protect Mecca he shoulda been powerfull enough to protect his good name without all the extremist and would he?

Not to make you second guess your faith...but since its a religion i relish it and want you to second guess it...or at least spread the word that you cant sit on your fingers like straight/christian/society does by living a lie and taking its sacred text word for word when it is impossible to do so with all the many translations out there...




New member
Honey, darling, sweetie. If you are so smart and Im so new not to know everything you've said then why don't you show a little of your muslim patience and explain **** instead of being so on the defensive. I didn't say a **** thing to offend you or your people, I agree that muslims should not be attacked or a target for everyones anger on terrorism.

The only reason I said what I said is because I have no idea about your religion and was about to ask you the same question. I'm not judgemental or closed minded. I'm open to new ideas or at least I'll hear them out and see for myself. That whole "you people" remark seemed as if your categorizing someone just as you are categorized and attacked.

What do most muslims think of Americans back in middle east?



New member
How do you explain that less than a year after 9/11, the largest Pro-democracy Muslim group in America, some 40 thousand people or so, gathered in DC and not a single major news source covered it? Condemning these terrorists for their actions won't do any ******* good if people are to blind, deaf, and angry to hear it being done.
I don



New member
Honey, darling, sweetie. If you are so smart and Im so new not to know everything you've said then why don't you show a little of your muslim patience and explain **** instead of being so on the defensive. I didn't say a **** thing to offend you or your people, I agree that muslims should not be attacked or a target for everyones anger on terrorism.The only reason I said what I said is because I have no idea about your religion and was about to ask you the same question. I'm not judgemental or closed minded. I'm open to new ideas or at least I'll hear them out and see for myself. That whole "you people" remark seemed as if your categorizing someone just as you are categorized and attacked.

What do most muslims think of Americans back in middle east?
Sugarplum,I'm sorry about gettin' defensive.It wasn't my intention,but when most people are against what you believe and attack your beliefs,one does get frustrated.I'm not preachin' to people to be patient,that was not my point at all,and I wasn't implying that I was always patient,but I do believe I have not gotten overly sour over issues on this site.And I was not comparin' myself or anyone else to the Prophets,coz they were much higher in charactor than us.

Anyway,now that we're past that issue,you've suprised me at actually wantin' to know about my religion.I didn't take you seriously at first,coz as we all know not many on this site give a **** about learnin' abit about Islam.(the media suffices).

I'll answer the question:Why is Allah Great?I can't be able to put to word the many reasons.But infact Allah tells you Himself:

'Verily,it is Allah who causes the seed grain and fruit stone to split and sprout.He brings forth the living from the dead,and it is He who brings forth the dead from the living.Such is Allah,then how are you deluded from the truth?'

'(He is the)Cleaver of the daybreak.He has appointed the night for resting,and the sun and the moon for reckoning.Such is the measuring of the All-Mighty,the All-Knowing.'

'It is He Who has set the stars for you,so that you may guide your course with their help through the darkness of the land and the sea.We have(indeed)explained in detail Our Ayat(proofs,signs,evidences)for people who know.'

'It is He Who has created you from a single person(Adam),and has given you a place of residing(the earth,mother's womb)and a place of storage(the earth,father's loins).Indeed,We have explained in detail Our revelations(this Qu'ran)for people who understand.'

'It is He Who sends down water from the sky,and with it We bring forth vegetation of all kinds,and out of it We bring forth green stalks,from which We bring forth thick clustered grain.And out of the date palm and it's spathe come forth clusters of dates hanging low and near,and gardens of grapes,olives and pomegrenates each similar(in kind)yet different(in variety and taste).Look at their fruits when they begin to bear,and the ripeness thereof.Verily,in these things there are signs for people who believe.'

'Yet,they join the jinn as partners in worship with Allah,though He has created them(the jinn);and they attribute falsely without knowledge sons and daughters to Him.Glorified is He and Exalted above all that they attribute to Him.'

'He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth.How can He have children when He has no wife?He created all things and He is the All-Knower of everything.'

'Such is Allah,your Lord!La ilaha illa Huwa(none has the right to be worshipped but He),the Creator of all things.So worship Him(alone),and He is the Wakil(Trustee,Guardian)over all things.'

'No vision can grasp Him,but He grasps all vision.He is Al-Latif(the Most Subtle and Courteous),Well-Acquainted with all things.'


Please don't think that I haven't answered your question.To me Allah is the way He has described Himself to be.To change that would be wrong.



New member
I have said it before and I am pretty sure that preak has said it also.... If Islam doesn't start policing itself... we are gonna have to do it for them... But we are not going to be nice about it!
...the largest Pro-democracy Muslim group in America...
I have several comments about this phrase...

1) The largest? You mean there's more than one.

2) "pro-democracy muslim"... a bit oxymoronic. Like a "pro-religious atheist"

3) How many members in this group? ZERO maybe?

4) in America? Where are the pro-democracy groups in Saudi Arabia?

5) The **** flows slowly, but surely does it flow!



New member
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell:I have several comments about this phrase..

***,you should have kept them to yourself,bile isn't easily contained!! :(



New member
Well it seems like Ricky Martin as a goodwill ambassador is sticking up for followers of Islam...he dosen't want them targeted for retaliation based upon their faith.

Great...Ricky Martin! "Livin la Vida Fucktard!" :D

I am behind his opinion.......but seriously....Ricky Martin???

As i have said before.....the TRUE folowers of Islam need to round these fundamentalist ***** up, and dispose of them!

Things would be better for followers of Islam, and everyone else.



New member
Well it seems like Ricky Martin as a goodwill ambassador is sticking up for followers of Islam...he dosen't want them targeted for retaliation based upon their faith.
Great...Ricky Martin! "Livin la Vida Fucktard!" :D
Is this true?Where'd you get this from?Ricky Martin.Dang,he's HOT!!



New member
he he,sorry I'm stubborn and I don't believe anything said at the drop of the hat.

RICKY:"Those comments are made out of ignorance and we have to sometimes ignore the ignorant, but we also have to educate the ignorant. You have me here as a friend," he added.

Whoever said good lookin' people had no brains.But Spleef,Ricky is supporting Arabs not muslims in general.Though it's good since all arabs are concidered to be muslims.



New member
I like Menudo, goes great with fresh chopped jalapenos and lemon juice.

However, I HATE Ricky Martin.... He should Martyr himself.





New member
I have several comments about this phrase...1) The largest? You mean there's more than one.

2) "pro-democracy muslim"... a bit oxymoronic. Like a "pro-religious atheist"

3) How many members in this group? ZERO maybe?

4) in America? Where are the pro-democracy groups in Saudi Arabia?

5) The **** flows slowly, but surely does it flow!

1)Free Muslims Against Terrorism, Progressive Muslim Union of North America (PMUNA), Center for Islamic Pluralism...took 30 seconds to find those three, could find more Im sure.

2) Or a "pro-tollerance christian"

3) Well, I'm no mathematician, but 40,000 seems to be alot more than 0 to me. Plus, it's not like I said how many members belonged to the group, and its not like the article listed that too....idiot.

4) When will you ever be satisfied you fool? You say something like "Theres not even any anti-terrorist groups in america" I'll list some, then its theres not any in the middle east, which surely there are, then it would be something along the line of, "well not every single muslim in the world is shouting it loud enough for me to hear it from my doorstep".

5) .....and it all seems to be comming straight from your mouth.

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