Leave Britney Alone!


New member
omfg LOL I liked that video better

"That's not what I want you to put in my mouth" - Chris

"You filthy people, he was talking about skittles" - Jimmy

"I feel like I should be paying 4.99 a minute for this" - Jimmy



New member
It was like watching a really bad train wreck....i don't know if he is serious or just acting to get attention.


New member
I actually hate how everyone is making a big deal out of Spears, even though I hate her.

I seriously wasted 3 minutes of my life watching that dumb *** performance over a horrible song on the VMA's on youtube simply because I read that she "bombed" at the VMA's.

I was expecting something as great as the Ashlee Simpson lip synch fiasco, but nooooo. Yeah, she did lip synch, but I wouldn't classify that as a "bomb" since she went through the performance.



New member
yeah I'll admit that I like to watch this stuff just because celebs these days are so outta control. I love to sit back and laugh at them but when I get fed up with them, I dont want to see any more of it. It gets on my nerves and then it gets belabored to the point of beating a dead horse. enough is enough and I dont want to see her ugly face any more then I have to.
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