Less-Liked Linkin Park Song


New member
I like all of their songs but if i had to choose it would be........ its impossible to choose a bad song cause their is none


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The reason why I didn't say Nobodys listening because it is very different and thats what makes it interesting to me. I also like trying to rap to that song^^
I like this song alot. Personally, I like to think of it as an allegory to the Columbine shootings. Lots of symbolism in that song, and the musical loop sounds almost alien. So cool. :)



New member
Which do I like the least? Hmmmm....

I've been listening to Linkin Park for about a year, and the song I like the least (even though I could still listen to it for over an hour before screaming "I CAN'T TAKE IN ANYMORE!!!!") , would be Points of Athority(sp?) , ether of them.

The reason behind that is, well, no matter how many times I hear the song, or read the lyrics, I don't know what it's about. *Shugs* It could be about being abused, or about someone being enemys with each other, or Something Else. *Shugs*

I like to know what a songs about, ya know? If I can relate a song to my situation (like One Step Closer) , or to someone elses (like Numb, love it ta death!), I can understand it better than those who can't. Or if I can read the lyrics and imagin what it might be about, than I understand it.

I don't like not understanding. The song Puzzles me. :confused: I don't like it when I'm puzzled. I spend all the time listening to the song trying to figure it out. Now, wouldn't it be fun if you spend the whole time a song was playing, trying to figure out what it ment? :rolleyes: I think not.

So, there's my answer, and my reasons. *Re-reads* :eek: Egads!! That looks like an essay! Stupid Compostion class! Now I'm essay-ing on the net! Terrible!

Adios Amigos!

*I cannot take this anymore

I'm saying everything I've said before

All these words, they make no sence!



New member
I like all of them.. but easier to run is a bit slow and soft for me.. and nobody's lisnteing is kinda creepy with the flutes and stuff..


New member
Pushing Me Away is the only song on Hybrid Theory LP is skip

1stp Klosr is just boring

Im kind of suprised of the amount of people that dont like Easier To Run and I personally think Nobodys Listening is there most refreshing song (just cause it shows more variation from the same old thing)

Figure.09 has alot to be desired too

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