Let My People Go !!!

phreakwars said:
The moral to this story is... if you don't want **** revealed... then don't ****ing reveal **** about yourself.

And don't blame someone else for your own stupididty...

I'm glad we agree. The members who chose to reveal personal information in chat have nobody to blame but themselves. Nor should they blame others for being able to view the information they chose to post.

Your moral is correct: Don't post information if you don't want it known and don't blame others for your own stupidity.
Interesting, I never posted my home number in chat or in the shout box...or in a thread.

Phreak got my home phone number through his role as a Moderator of this site...pure and simple. AND then so he could act like the big man...he exposes it.

Totally and completely against the site privacy policy...read it and then completely disregard it because apparently GF don't give a **** about your privacy...

The reality is Phreak, your a bully, you will stoop to any length to feel you have the upper hand over people here. You don't want people to have a place to come and discuss and debate, you want a website that you can control...why??? Maybe because you have no real control in your personal life.

I was just realizing why you deliver pizza's...could it be that after doing a criminal background check, no one would hire you...or the problems you yourself say you have with PTSD and being bipolar would make it imposible for you to do the job???

I think its pretty clear that these things are effecting your performance here as well. Was Bob aware of all this when he made you a Moderator...somehow I doubt it.
Lethalfind said:
Interesting, I never posted my home number in chat or in the shout box...or in a thread.
Nope, but you DID call me.. I got your home phone number on my caller I.D.


Phreak got my home phone number through his role as a Moderator of this site...pure and simple. AND then so he could act like the big man...he exposes it.
See above statement.

Totally and completely against the site privacy policy...read it and then completely disregard it because apparently GF don't give a **** about your privacy...
More like totally nothing to do with site privacy policy.

The reality is Phreak, your a bully, you will stoop to any length to feel you have the upper hand over people here. You don't want people to have a place to come and discuss and debate, you want a website that you can control...why??? Maybe because you have no real control in your personal life.
None what so ever... tis true..:rolleyes:

I was just realizing why you deliver pizza's...could it be that after doing a criminal background check, no one would hire you...or the problems you yourself say you have with PTSD and being bipolar would make it imposible for you to do the job???
Or possibly that I might own a spot on the franchise ?? And deliver to cut back cost ? Were thinking of expanding you know..Might also explain why I work over 60+ hours a week too.

I think its pretty clear that these things are effecting your performance here as well. Was Bob aware of all this when he made you a Moderator...somehow I doubt it.
I think it's pretty clear your trying desperately to find a legitimate claim against me and come up short every time...Even your "PHREAKS LIFE SUCKS" criticisms fall short... BORING !!!
phreakwars said:
Nope, but you DID call me.. I got your home phone number on my caller I.D.
Taking a number off of your caller id and posting it online with out the persons permisison?

I don't care who ya are, that right there's pretty shitty...
eddo said:
Taking a number off of your caller id and posting it online with out the persons permisison?

I don't care who ya are, that right there's pretty shitty...
Well she was the dumbass who called him. There are ways to block your number. She should've known not to provide Phreak with any info he could use against her, inadvertently or not.
Never heard of 67 I guess. Could have been anybody who revealed it, me being a MOD has nothing to do with it.
angie said:
Well she was the dumbass who called him. There are ways to block your number. She should've known not to provide Phreak with any info he could use against her, inadvertently or not.

That reasoning is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard...
eddo said:
That reasoning is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard...
If I don't want someone to have my phone number, I don't call them. Simple as that.
But that's the difference between you and me Tori. I'm a dick . :cool:

I love how eddo is joining the crybaby bitch support group, when he is the ****sucker who started all this in the first place.

I do believe it all started when I complained about people's privacy being violated in live chat and eddo not sharing this exploit.. and of course Lethal and Phantom singing a WE GOT YOU, WE GOT YOU tune..

Looks like the tune sure changed when I simply showed what impact privacy could have on someone..

Now I'm just the bad guy all over again ain't I ?? :rolleyes:

Sorry, you won't make me feel bad about something I tried to address to others in the first place.

LF will just have to live with it..perhaps she will take this ban as an opportunity to get her lazy ass up off the computer desk and join the rest of the REAL world.
phreakwars said:
I do believe it all started when I complained about people's privacy being violated in live chat and eddo not sharing this exploit.. and of course Lethal and Phantom singing a WE GOT YOU, WE GOT YOU tune..
I know you were pissed off because they found out how conniving you are. They caught you doing what you do best
Actually, the real REAL moral of this story is

































