Liberal Elitists


Oct 23, 2005
I live in Connecticut and the place in filled with liberal elitists who are too unaware to see the contradictions in their own life. They are stupid but they think they are smarter then everyone else. They assume everything. They never test their ideas nor can they abide anyone who points out the facts. They think that they are sophisticated because they believe opposite of everything that is obviously to everyone else.

They believe that punishing crime does not reduce crime although they believe that any act that they disagree with should be punished. They claim that oppression causes crime and that blacks are oppressed but deny that blacks commit crimes. They support burning inner-city businesses to the ground and complain there are no jobs in the inner city. On the other hand they attack religion at every chance. They see religion as evil and crime and tyranny as good. They constantly criticize democracy and the Jews and believe that those who disagree with them are Nazis. On the other hand they support Saddam and Stalin as protectors of the people. They say they think that black slavery is the greatest crime that ever occurred in human history but think that there in nothing wrong with Arabs going into the Sudan and taking black slaves and engaging in a war of genocide against blacks.

Liberal elitists are nothing but a bunch a rich privilaged bastards who are rich because of capitalism and live a good life because they live in the US, who often carry guns, and are protected by armed police and private security people who claim they are better then others because they hate the United states, capitalism and privilege. In other words they claim they are good because according to their own admission every aspect of their life is evil.
Liberal elitists....okay, I'm gonna take 3 guesses as to WHERE in CT (areawise) you are from:
Middletown(goddamn Wesleyanites)
Glastonbury (snotty ****ers)
Litchfield County (How can one county make the entire US think all of us Connecticutites are rich? Too much money there)
I know just what your talking about. I lived in San Francisco for 8 years and I couldn't believe the leftist hypocricy. The pretend to "fight racism" by being racist against white people. In the meantime, any negative behavior by black people is completely accepted.

SF has millions of bums. I love it when people who either only stayed in Mahattan or were never even in NYC make a grand statement like "Gulliani just pushed the homeless off into the borougho's". I lived in Queens and was only hit up once in my entire time there.

My favorite is when they have a "No blood for oil" sticker ON THEIR CAR!! I could go no forever about that topic. They think they are superiour to everyone else and are so smug it is sickening.
angie said:
Liberal elitists....okay, I'm gonna take 3 guesses as to WHERE in CT (areawise) you are from:
Middletown(goddamn Wesleyanites)
Glastonbury (snotty ****ers)
Litchfield County (How can one county make the entire US think all of us Connecticutites are rich? Too much money there)

I am from Fairfield County one of the richest paces on Earth.
myk999 said:
I know just what your talking about. I lived in San Francisco for 8 years and I couldn't believe the leftist hypocricy. The pretend to "fight racism" by being racist against white people. In the meantime, any negative behavior by black people is completely accepted.

SF has millions of bums. I love it when people who either only stayed in Mahattan or were never even in NYC make a grand statement like "Gulliani just pushed the homeless off into the borougho's". I lived in Queens and was only hit up once in my entire time there.

My favorite is when they have a "No blood for oil" sticker ON THEIR CAR!! I could go no forever about that topic. They think they are superiour to everyone else and are so smug it is sickening.

These idiots said we went into Iraq for cheap oil. The result was the price of oil went up. Did they learn anything no. Some of them still say we went into Iraq for oil. Well where the hell is it?
I grew up in Westport Connecticut (Fairfield county) It is rudest place on the face of the Earth. I was in a restaurant in Westport that sells pizza (Bertucci
flamestar said:
I live in Connecticut and the place in filled with liberal elitists who are too unaware to see the contradictions in their own life. They are stupid but they think they are smarter then everyone else. They assume everything. They never test their ideas nor can they abide anyone who points out the facts. They think that they are sophisticated because they believe opposite of everything that is obviously to everyone else.

They believe that punishing crime does not reduce crime although they believe that any act that they disagree with should be punished. They claim that oppression causes crime and that blacks are oppressed but deny that blacks commit crimes. They support burning inner-city businesses to the ground and complain there are no jobs in the inner city. On the other hand they attack religion at every chance. They see religion as evil and crime and tyranny as good. They constantly criticize democracy and the Jews and believe that those who disagree with them are Nazis. On the other hand they support Saddam and Stalin as protectors of the people. They say they think that black slavery is the greatest crime that ever occurred in human history but think that there in nothing wrong with Arabs going into the Sudan and taking black slaves and engaging in a war of genocide against blacks.

Liberal elitists are nothing but a bunch a rich privilaged bastards who are rich because of capitalism and live a good life because they live in the US, who often carry guns, and are protected by armed police and private security people who claim they are better then others because they hate the United states, capitalism and privilege. In other words they claim they are good because according to their own admission every aspect of their life is evil.

I just highlighted all of the grossly generalised assumptions (and subsequently, contradictions) in your post.

Guess that makes you a "liberal elitist".
Anna Perenna said:
I just highlighted all of the grossly generalised assumptions (and subsequently, contradictions) in your post.

Guess that makes you a "liberal elitist".

What a jerk. You make a claim without backing it up. Just highlight something an say it is a contradiction or racist or false and that makes it so? Well it does to a liberal elitist. The rest of the human race beleives in proving what they say but not you are above all that.
flamestar said:
What a jerk. You make a claim without backing it up. Just highlight something an say it is a contradiction or racist or false and that makes it so? Well it does to a liberal elitist. The rest of the human race beleives in proving what they say but not you are above all that.

Meh, I thought your post was a crock of **** too flamer.

The elitist left is a figment of your imagination.
flamestar said:
What a jerk. You make a claim without backing it up. Just highlight something an say it is a contradiction or racist or false and that makes it so? Well it does to a liberal elitist. The rest of the human race beleives in proving what they say but not you are above all that.

I may be wrong but it seemed to me that your entire initial rant to begin this thread was based on your personal contacts, observations and experience with the people in your community, followed by lumping "They" or "Them" in a group you decided to label as "Liberal Elitist".

I think the closest you came to any kind of support for your opinion was when you said that, "They think that they are sophisticated because they believe opposite of everything that is obviously to everyone else."

I was wondering if "everyone" was a certain demographic or if it was a small section of the population (maybe one person)(maybe just you).

Maybe someone else can help me out here also. Unless your point was to say that the people who live in your area of Connecticut are rich, closed minded and rude, I really don't even know where the hell you were trying to get this thread to go.

If you were trying to let the rest of us know that "they" are rich, closed minded and rude then I suggest that if it affects your life that much you probably should either keep to yourself or move to some magical place where everyone is polite and live and think like you do.

I hope I was able to help you with your problem.
builder said:
The elitist left is a figment of your imagination.

Isn't the "elitist left" that group of people that associate with the "shadow people" that come to visit during a sleep depravation induced paranoia after being awake for days at a time because of a methamphetamine bender.
ImWithStupid said:
Isn't the "elitist left" that group of people that associate with the "shadow people" that come to visit during a sleep depravation induced paranoia after being awake for days at a time because of a methamphetamine bender.

That's me to a T. :D
builder said:
Meh, I thought your post was a crock of **** too flamer.

The elitist left is a figment of your imagination

The parts of your message in color are places where you show that you are

I agree with your pov. I think these people were accurately represented in Team America as the Film Actors Guild - they think they their vacant postulating on the world, that their hideously misinformed and ignorant opinions - somehow make the world a better place.

They put themselves on a moral pedestal, while at the same time attacking people like christians who don't just pay lip service to people in need - they go out there and put their own time and money into helping people out.

Another thing you'll find is their opinions are like fashion - they chop and change with the times and the headlines. One week abortion is a woman's ultimate right, next week an attacker is pure evil because he caused a woman's unborn baby to die...they don't grasp the irony at their lack of moral consistency.

They like to bitch and moan about anything and everything - but offer solutions to nothing. They are do nothing, think nothing, but say everything sort of people.

We have far too many of these in Australia, just like the US - you can find them in turtle-neck sweaters and over-thick artsy glasses, sipping lattes on a cafe corner and loudly letting everyone hear their ignorant opinions on the world.
cybacaT said:

I agree with your pov. I think these people were accurately represented in Team America as the Film Actors Guild - they think they their vacant postulating on the world, that their hideously misinformed and ignorant opinions - somehow make the world a better place.

They put themselves on a moral pedestal, while at the same time attacking people like christians who don't just pay lip service to people in need - they go out there and put their own time and money into helping people out.

Another thing you'll find is their opinions are like fashion - they chop and change with the times and the headlines. One week abortion is a woman's ultimate right, next week an attacker is pure evil because he caused a woman's unborn baby to die...they don't grasp the irony at their lack of moral consistency.

They like to bitch and moan about anything and everything - but offer solutions to nothing. They are do nothing, think nothing, but say everything sort of people.

We have far too many of these in Australia, just like the US - you can find them in turtle-neck sweaters and over-thick artsy glasses, sipping lattes on a cafe corner and loudly letting everyone hear their ignorant opinions on the world

Elitist liberals say what ever most advances their agenda and they will make a 180 degree change in a heart beat in order to follow the part line. The worst and most disgusting change was when Yasser Arafat died. To spite overwhelming evidence they maintained that Arafat was a great leader who longed for peace who only wanted what was best for the Palestinian People. The moment he died every thing changed in an instant. All the sudden his death was a good thing because Arafat was against peace. Not only was he against peace but he was against peace because he was stealing billions from the Palestinians people which would be exposed if there were peace. Besides Arafat was an Egyptian and Egyptians never liked the Palestinians.