Answer them? OK fine. If Obama was white, you'd still see the Lunatic fringe try and blame him for some crime or other, just like the alleged Clinton cocaine ring, or Clinton murdering such and such. **** then you have other Democrats as well. Every time a Democrat is in office, the lunatics come out ********, and the domestic terrorists start their ****. Even more so with a black man in office.
Blah blah blah boring as the Acorn ****.
I still wanna know where the outrage and protests were when The Patriot act was enacted, where was the outrage for the warrantless wire taps, where was the outrage when Habeus Corpus was tossed out?
They fell on deaf ears.
I hate the Patriot Act. Loathe it. Of all Bush's fukk-ups, this is the grandmother of them all.
Still, I can't put blame squarely on Bush. We've been on a steady infringement of our basic rights since FDR.
I see protester signs talking about wanting freedom back. I say talk to the man who took em away, not the guy whos in office now.
Again, we can look back to FDR's New Deal and the sludge-filled downward spiral to our current President''s New Deal.
How bout those taxes? Obama is taxing us to death? Wow, I had no idea there were so many chain smokers. He has not raised taxes, he even gave us all tax cuts.
Who got the tax cuts?
Probably more willing if you actually read the proposal instead of made up lies.
I've read it and can't find a **** bit of good for the future of our economy in the proposal.
I can opine all day long about it, but you can interpret them as lies. Believe what you want, Bender, but get ready for a big fat "I told you so.".
I love gloating.
What government control? Another lie and misconception
Typical response.
Have you not read the bill yet?
What rationed health care?
Proponents of socialist healthcare here in the US virtually never cite any of the realities of any of the existing "socialist" systems, be it one in Canada, Sweden, France, Germany, Japan, Taiwan, etc. Their system is always based on some non-existent, utopian system where all the treatments and outcomes will of course be "fair and equal".
How can that possibly happen when by its very nature all services under such a system will have to be rationed? Its just common sense that any service, if its perceived to be free, is going to be exploited.
99.98% of all companies are NOT governement owned, where the socialism here?
Where did you get that statistic?
Yet we have government hacks who probably would have a tough time making it in the private sector are going to be telling business owners and managers what they can and what they cannot do in the operations of their businesses.
The definition of Fascism is a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, SEVERE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL REGIMENTATION, and forcible suppression of the opposition.
Ah the ACORN conspiracy, carry on, that's quite boring
Typical Bender. Would rather shrug it off than face the music.
Yeah that 6% your paying now is killing you, not to mention the 1.45% for medicare, and 4.5% for social security. 70% my ***. MORE lies and distortion
It is all killing me, because it is my money. Fukk Medicare and fukk Social Security... which are perfect examples of how the government takes a terrible idea and perverts it, bankrupts it, and then blames the other guy.
Never mind the fact that I can come off as boorish and evasive, but I can't get around the fact that "more lies" constitutes debate.
You should have said that 8 years ago when we had a surplus
Yeah... that would've left them quivering in the wake. (rollseyes)
In spite of Clinton's "budget surplus", which refers to one column on the spreadsheet, the national debt grew under Clinton to nearly $6 trillion. You can look it up on the US Treasury website. Most people don't know what is referred to when politicians talk about the "budget surplus."
More lies, and you forget the Repblicans are also big time porkers as well. Porky Conservative agenda projects contributed to the deficit as well
Ohhh.... no! I have not forgotten the pork from the Republicans side of the aisle, either. And don't think for a second that I vote party lines just because I don't agree with you on every matter.
Again more lies, does it ever end?
If my statements scare you, perhaps you shouldn't answer them? TJ called you out on this list of mine, but I wasn't expecting a warm welcome.
BAM! Yep... you told me.
Nope, none on the Republican side is there, nope, none sitting in prison at this moment for it, is there?
Ohh... it's the old "I know you are but what am I" axiom, is it?
Can you name any Republican in that last thirty years that wasn't a crook in some form or another?
I can't either.
Thus, I am just as happy to point out the rogue's gallery of appointees made by Obama as I am any other president.
Name a President and I'm sure you can dig up some dirt on each one of their appointments.
It would matter if you'd pay attention.
Ah, you LIKE getting it in the *** from the financial sector, I see.
Better to be ***-reamed by an investment that I made, despite advice not to proceed with said investment, than by the almighty Federal government who can do it with force. Gusto!
By the way.... ee no longer have a "Federal" government. We have a CENTRAL government, a tyrannical government, a FACIST government, call it what you like, but it is no longer in any way federal.
Raised under Bush 2x, raised under Obama because it carried over from Bush.
Again, preaching to the choir.
Advocates for the minimum wage increases love to use this phrase "the working poor." I'm sorry, folks but nobody in their right mind should expect for you to raise a family earning minimum wage. If you do, you are a low-life. You are a failure. "The working poor" is just a fancy way of masking that reality.
Try something that isn't a lie, distortion, half truth, paranoia, fear mongering, or outright stupidity and then we'll talk.
Would you please elaborate, and to ad nauseum because I truly want to know, what it is I lied about. What it is I distorted? What it is I am fearmongering?