Liberals are helping to help win the war for the enemy


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2005
OK back to my beef with bias American media. ****ing liberals would rather worry about there own agenda than to do what
The low-down good-for-nothing political wimpy-ass liberals hate America and are trying to take her down from within while the enemy, ie, the terrorist scumbags are killing people on the outside. It pisses me off big time!!!! Frippin' pansies! :mad: :mad: :mad:
How the **** can you say that the schmozzle that is killing your countrymen for no clear reason is worthy of backing? Give me a break.

What is the end game? Democracy for the Middle East? You've got to stop masturbating to pictures of dubya. You ****ing wankers. :p
Bush is a big spender domestically and a Wilsonian on foreign policy. A stinkin' liberal on everything except social issues.
builder said:
How the **** can you say that the schmozzle that is killing your countrymen for no clear reason is worthy of backing? Give me a break.

What is the end game? Democracy for the Middle East? You've got to stop masturbating to pictures of dubya. You ****ing wankers. :p

I hate Bush. The bad kind of Bush, not the good kind (ie shrubs). I especially hate his warmongering, his politics, his ugly face. However, the troops need our support. Lord knows I needed it and received it while I was in-country fifteen years ago.

Personally, I could give a two penny **** about Bush's moral conundrums and democracy in the Middle East. It doesn't do me any good to have puppet regimes in a country that does not appreciate what our boys are dying for.

That said, has anyone visually seen the typical Iraqi male? Pathetic and sad looking. I hated being over there and hated the fact that I was trying defend a bunch of unworthy ****s from the dictatorship of Saddam. As far as I am concerned, Saddam should still be in charge over there.

Its nice having one more despot in the can, however.
RoyalOrleans said:
I hate Bush. The bad kind of Bush, not the good kind (ie shrubs). I especially hate his warmongering, his politics, his ugly face. However, the troops need our support. Lord knows I needed it and received it while I was in-country fifteen years ago.

Personally, I could give a two penny **** about Bush's moral conundrums and democracy in the Middle East. It doesn't do me any good to have puppet regimes in a country that does not appreciate what our boys are dying for.

That said, has anyone visually seen the typical Iraqi male? Pathetic and sad looking. I hated being over there and hated the fact that I was trying defend a bunch of unworthy ****s from the dictatorship of Saddam. As far as I am concerned, Saddam should still be in charge over there.

Its nice having one more despot in the can, however.

I feel the same way. I hate what George is doing. I want him AND his family to go away. It feels like he is trying to finish wha his Father started years ago at our countries expense. I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire...
HOWEVER, our men and women in the armed forces deserve our support. To run an army you can't have a group that is going to sit down and discuss whether a fight is worthy of their attention. They take their orders and do their job at great personal perile.
Its so easy to sit here in the US, protected by the contitutional right to free speech and throw stones at the soldiers, but where would we be without them?? Throw the stones where they belong, at the assholes who sent them over there. How many of the congress has sons in Iraq?? That would be an interesting fact to know. I'm guessing NONE...Of course none of the Bush chemical dependent daughters will ever be over there either.
Lethalfind said:
I feel the same way. I hate what George is doing. I want him AND his family to go away. It feels like he is trying to finish wha his Father started years ago at our countries expense. I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire...
HOWEVER, our men and women in the armed forces deserve our support. To run an army you can't have a group that is going to sit down and discuss whether a fight is worthy of their attention. They take their orders and do their job at great personal perile.
Its so easy to sit here in the US, protected by the contitutional right to free speech and throw stones at the soldiers, but where would we be without them?? Throw the stones where they belong, at the assholes who sent them over there. How many of the congress has sons in Iraq?? That would be an interesting fact to know. I'm guessing NONE...Of course none of the Bush chemical dependent daughters will ever be over there either.


There are alternate forms of energy and many other places to drill for oil. We do not need to solely rely on the Middle East for oil.
You guys are missing the point here. We are winning the war but the media only focuses on the bad. Bush
RoyalOrleans said:

There are alternate forms of energy and many other places to drill for oil. We do not need to solely rely on the Middle East for oil.

In the norther Arctic of Canada potentially lies the biggest oil reserve in the world (learning about it in business class). And the US Gouvernment wants it and the pressure is high... Yet organizations and people are protesting it from being drilled.
Liberals that are against the war must have forgotten...

1) The scientist who hid nuclear detonation devices in his back yard.
2) The yellow cake purchased from Africa.
3) The constant no fly zone violations.
4) The defiance to the UN weapons inspectors.
5) The slaughter of Kurds, shiites.
6) The first gulf war.
7) The fact that the mother-****er is Sadaam Hussein.
8) The fact that Al Queda has a HUGE pesence in Iraq.
9) The fact the Jordanian suicide bombers were Iraqis.
10) There is more, but I gotta go...
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Liberals that are against the war must have forgotten...

1) The scientist who hid nuclear detonation devices in his back yard.
2) The yellow cake purchased from Africa.
3) The constant no fly zone violations.
4) The defiance to the UN weapons inspectors.
5) The slaughter of Kurds, shiites.
6) The first gulf war.
7) The fact that the mother-****er is Sadaam Hussein.
8) The fact that Al Queda has a HUGE pesence in Iraq.
9) The fact the Jordanian suicide bombers were Iraqis.
10) There is more, but I gotta go...

And why is this so easy to forget?

It blows me away how soon we (no all!) forget!

Not Me!
Goog God people wake up!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Liberals that are against the war must have forgotten...

1) The scientist who hid nuclear detonation devices in his back yard.
And now he is where exactly? And why haven't these devices been unearthed and sent to the correct arsenal?

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
2) The yellow cake purchased from Africa.

Isn't this why Cheney is now up for deletion? Same ****, different fly zone?

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
3) The constant no fly zone violations.

Oh, so controlled air space is important now why?

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
4) The defiance to the UN weapons inspectors.

The defiance of UN is wholly an Iraqi thing? Idiot.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
5) The slaughter of Kurds, shiites.
Iranians slaughtered the Kurds. Believe your propaganda at your own expense, not mine.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
6) The first gulf war.
Was a total waste of time. Oh, except for the depositing of tonnes of depleted uranium. Perhaps that was the hidden agenda?

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
7) The fact that the mother-****er is Sadaam Hussein.
You mean Saddam, the CIA puppet, who was given a list of thousands of his countrymen to assassinate by the USA gov. Same honcho?

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
8) The fact that Al Queda has a HUGE pesence in Iraq.
I don't doubt it. But hunting one man hiding in the hills, and blanket bombing civilian areas in a city far, far away, are two very different excercises in counter-terrorism.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
9) The fact the Jordanian suicide bombers were Iraqis.
No evidence of that is clear at this point in time. Propaganda is useful only when the doubt is clearer than the evidence.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
10) There is more, but I gotta go...

**** your pants again MRIH? Not surprised at all.
builder said:
And now he is where exactly? And why haven't these devices been unearthed and sent to the correct arsenal?
You have no ****ing clue, do you? You tell us where they they are, dip-****!

builder said:
Isn't this why Cheney is now up for deletion? Same ****, different fly zone?
Where is my moron to English translator? What does this **** mean, builder?

builder said:
Oh, so controlled air space is important now why?
It was part of the original cease-fire agreement signed by Sadaam after the 1st gulf war. This violation alone gave us the green light to invade his sorry ass. If you don't like it, lump it! We're there and you can't do **** about it!

builder said:
The defiance of UN is wholly an Iraqi thing? Idiot.
You idiot, it's not the defiance of the UN, it's the defiance of the cease-fire agreement Sadaam himself agreed to. This alone was enough to invade, now coupled with violatiing the no fly zones... idiot!

builder said:
Iranians slaughtered the Kurds. Believe your propaganda at your own expense, not mine.
You have got to be this stupidest person ever... You believe whatever fantasy you want, you're still retarded.

builder said:
Was a total waste of time. Oh, except for the depositing of tonnes of depleted uranium. Perhaps that was the hidden agenda?
The first gulf war was atotal waste of time... That is your counter-point? You are total waste of skin and a waste of my time!

builder said:
You mean Saddam, the CIA puppet, who was given a list of thousands of his countrymen to assassinate by the USA gov. Same honcho?
No ****, Sherlock...

builder said:
I don't doubt it. But hunting one man hiding in the hills, and blanket bombing civilian areas in a city far, far away, are two very different excercises in counter-terrorism.
just because you you got your head stuck in the sand, doesn't justify your stupdity.

builder said:
No evidence of that is clear at this point in time. Propaganda is useful only when the doubt is clearer than the evidence.
When you ppull your head out of the sand (or your ass) Read the news from a week ago, you'll see that they caught an Iraqi woman with explosives that did not detonate.

builder said:
**** your pants again MRIH? Not surprised at all.
It seems you **** the original post.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
You have no ****ing clue, do you? You tell us where they they are, dip-****!

Ask your govt.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Where is my moron to English translator? What does this **** mean, builder?

Wilson did not go to Africa off his own bat, like your lying excuse for a vice-prez claims.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
It was part of the original cease-fire agreement signed by Sadaam after the 1st gulf war. This violation alone gave us the green light to invade his sorry ass. If you don't like it, lump it! We're there and you can't do **** about it!

I was referring to the "no-fly zone" surrounding the WTC. It is common knowledge that no fighter jets were scrambled, despite plenty of prior warnings, and plenty of time to intercept. Dipshit.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
You idiot, it's not the defiance of the UN, it's the defiance of the cease-fire agreement Sadaam himself agreed to. This alone was enough to invade, now coupled with violatiing the no fly zones... idiot!

And now we have such a peaceful amicable Iraq, don't we? Don't forget that Australian troops are in there too. And it was an Aussie general who ran your ****-show for you for twelve months.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
You have got to be this stupidest person ever... You believe whatever fantasy you want, you're still retarded.

And you have to be the biggest sucker for unproven propaganda this side of the black stump. Try harder, ****tard. .

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
The first gulf war was atotal waste of time... That is your counter-point? You are total waste of skin and a waste of my time!

Finishing daddy's ****-up has made young dubyeeeehah such a popular little president now, hasn't it?

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
No ****, Sherlock...

Thanks. I am such a good sherrif. Where is my hoppy badge?

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
just because you you got your head stuck in the sand, doesn't justify your stupdity.

Then justify yours. Seems I have an excuse.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
When you ppull your head out of the sand (or your ass) Read the news from a week ago, you'll see that they caught an Iraqi woman with explosives that did not detonate.

And Iraq-born Australian women were detected leaving a Syrian airport with dismantled gun components, bound for our shores. Your point is?

The US forces are irradiating Iraq. Using waste plutonium products to ensure the next generation, and half of this one, get sick and die. How would you like that **** happening in your neighbourhood? Kinda makes a couple of roadside bombings look a little lame compared to genocide.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
It seems you **** the original post.

**** in? On? Over? I don't get it. But then, most of your bullshit is readable only to a select few, and they only get let out on alternate weekends, and never at the same time. :cool:
MRIH, I can't belive you see no truth in Builders points! Perhaps if they are wrong, why don't you prove it through some documents? I am not doubting your abilities, I do know you're a smart man.
Builder just reminded me of a little something that I heard on the radio one day.

Clinton said something like this...

When see someone like Saddam or Osama, or even a Terrorist, as a representative of Islam, then you can see someone like Lyndie England, to represent "Home of the Brave", and someone like David Wayne Hull, to represent "Land of the free"...

Obviously, "Land of the free, Home of the brave", applies to those good American men and women. So then why should a terrorist or Osama do the same for Arab or Muslim men and women?
Hamza123 said:
MRIH, I can't belive you see no truth in Builders points! Perhaps if they are wrong, why don't you prove it through some documents? I am not doubting your abilities, I do know you're a smart man.
What point ham-head? It's all dribble.
Hamza123 said:
Builder just reminded me of a little something that I heard on the radio one day.

Clinton said something like this...

When see someone like Saddam or Osama, or even a Terrorist, as a representative of Islam, then you can see someone like Lyndie England, to represent "Home of the Brave", and someone like David Wayne Hull, to represent "Land of the free"...

Obviously, "Land of the free, Home of the brave", applies to those good American men and women. So then why should a terrorist or Osama do the same for Arab or Muslim men and women?
Islam promotes these people to the top. The west tries to stop them.