Liberals are helping to help win the war for the enemy

Islam promotes these people to the top. The west tries to stop them.

I wonder who promoted Lil' Timmy, Hitler, the Segregation of the Jewish people, the Segregation of the Black people, Palestinian Blood Shed, 30,000 Civilians in Iraq dead...

Don't get me wrong, those people who support terrorism and/or terrorists, are no better than the scum that they support. Just before you rant about others, perhaps you should check yourself!
snafu said:
I think the lights are on but there's nobody home at builders.

I give up.

Chat is taking up my time. It's much more satisfying than posting, though not as permanent.

The lights are clearly on. ;)

Oh, and if you give in that easily, it means we can have our troops home for christmas?
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
What point ham-head? It's all dribble.

Including your posts, yes, it's all conjecture. But if we don't ****ing thrash it out, and reach some sort of conclusion, then the doubt remains, and the current ruling party loses votes.

Now that is what the issue is here. Not the thousands of lives lost, not the trillions of dollars spent, not the oil, not the gas, not the cringing gap between repugs and looney lefties........ it all comes down to votes.

How ****ing sad is that ****?
That was a sad example of right wing political propaganda. To blame anyone but the terrorist for what happened on 9/11 is pathetic. Another example of politicians using tragedy to extort votes.

Which, ironicaly, was exactly what republicans said when dems tried to blame republican politics for 9/11.
Agreed! Would you expect the left to throw out propaganda and the right not play the same game? But was any of it a lie?
Should we forget how we got to were we are now?
I've said it all a long it didn't matter who was president we still would've gone to war. But should we have waited through all of that?
Is using the truth propaganda? Not different than the Bush lied comments that can't be substantiated. But these are hard proven facts.

I want people to understand how we got were we are and who's willing to sit idle!!
snafu said:
Agreed! Would you expect the left to throw out propaganda and the right not play the same game? But was any of it a lie?
Should we forget how we got to were we are now?
I've said it all a long it didn't matter who was president we still would've gone to war. But should we have waited through all of that?
Is using the truth propaganda? Not different than the Bush lied comments that can't be substantiated. But these are hard proven facts.

I want people to understand how we got were we are and who's willing to sit idle!!

The truth is not propaganda, true. But when they doctor the truth to fit an agenda then .....well it becomes propaganda. Your right in saying that billy boy didn't have the military understanding required to take on Al Quida. His half hearted attack on Afganastans Al Quida outposts was so flat and misguided.
At this point its best to move on, forget our past transgresions, and attack the nations that are actualy guiding terrorism. Iraq is a shell now. Hand it over so it doesn't continue to suck our military dry. WE ARE DONE THERE. Its time for Saudi Arabia and Jordan to answer a few questions.
Propaganda is not the truth?

OK take the blame away from everybody. What do we have? Islamic militants that want us all dead. You said it yourself not to blame anybody but the terrorists that did these actions.
Intresting article Builder.
It seems a risky propasition though don't ya think? For a country as suspect as Iran to manufactor weapons grade plutonium would be the end of us all. Period. And you know the slimey ****s would do just that. Once that door is open then in comes every bad thing imaginable.
Iran opened the door to any kind of inspection and monitoring processes. They need the energy to develop, and save oil for sale to the US among others. **** they are bending over backwards to meet any and all criteria. They keep hitting brick walls set up by Bush and co.

6. Abuse of IAEA Machinery

Regrettably, the EU3, pressed by the United States, adopted a path of
confrontation in the September 2005 IAEA Board of Governors meeting. In clear violation of their October 2003 and November 2004 commitments, the EU3 moved a politically motivated and factually and legally flawed resolution in the IAEA Board of Governors, and together with the United States and using all their combined diplomatic and economic leverages imposed it on the Board through an unprecedented resort to voting rather than the previously unbroken practice of consensus.

If you read to the end, you will see that denying them their rights under the NPT is the real issue here. There is also no evidence of a wish to join in the nuclear arms proliferation rush. Only more neocon propaganda, and media control of the real truth.

Nuking a non-nuclear country is a crime under the NPT. Trouble is, who will police the police?
snafu said:
Propaganda is not the truth?

OK take the blame away from everybody. What do we have? Islamic militants that want us all dead. You said it yourself not to blame anybody but the terrorists that did these actions.
builder said:
Iran opened the door to any kind of inspection and monitoring processes. They need the energy to develop, and save oil for sale to the US among others. **** they are bending over backwards to meet any and all criteria. They keep hitting brick walls set up by Bush and co.

If you read to the end, you will see that denying them their rights under the NPT is the real issue here. There is also no evidence of a wish to join in the nuclear arms proliferation rush. Only more neocon propaganda, and media control of the real truth.

Nuking a non-nuclear country is a crime under the NPT. Trouble is, who will police the police?

Iran opened the door to any kind of inspection......

Well here is the problem. A door may be closed as easily as it is opened. After establishment of nuclear cabability, we are thrust into a position of trust. Trusting the Iranian government would prove as wise as trusting Sadaam. Analogy time everybody :D . A guy that you have fought with feverishly in the past begs you to sell him a gun. You have your doubts and argue back and forth. He maintains that he needs it to protect his family. So after much careful thought you give him the gun. Now you both have a gun and he decides he doesn't like you anymore and ........Bam.
Now what did you learn.....????
If you read that link, you would also see that the possibility of secretly stockpiling plutonium products for military use would be impossible in the first instance, and unlikely in the second.

If the door does get shut, then there is fair cause to attack. At this point in time, the big brother attitude of The US gov is the real problem. Iran will develop nuclear energy programs, as is their right under the NPT agreement, of which the US is a signatory. If Iran cannot deal legitimately over the table, they will go under the table, and set up deals with more hostile nations, like North Korea, and possibly China, who, I will add, are hungry for Iran's oil.

Why turn a potential ally into a potential enemy? Unless the US gov has a hidden agenda regarding nuking a non-nuclear country. The US gov is the wild card in this breakdown in protocol. Not Iran.
builder said:
If you read that link, you would also see that the possibility of secretly stockpiling plutonium products for military use would be impossible in the first instance, and unlikely in the second.

If the door does get shut, then there is fair cause to attack. At this point in time, the big brother attitude of The US gov is the real problem. Iran will develop nuclear energy programs, as is their right under the NPT agreement, of which the US is a signatory. If Iran cannot deal legitimately over the table, they will go under the table, and set up deals with more hostile nations, like North Korea, and possibly China, who, I will add, are hungry for Iran's oil.

Why turn a potential ally into a potential enemy? Unless the US gov has a hidden agenda regarding nuking a non-nuclear country. The US gov is the wild card in this breakdown in protocol. Not Iran.

I hear what your saying, but everytime America allies with a muslim nation....well you know all about that ****. Your absolutely correct though. It will be done.
Jhony5 said:
I hear what your saying, but everytime America allies with a muslim nation....well you know all about that ****. Your absolutely correct though. It will be done.

Meaning they will be nuked? Or Iran will develop a nuclear energy facility?

Oh, and which Muslim nation has the US gov "made" an ally? They ousted democratically elected leaders and installed their own puppets and funded them and armed them and gave them a list of their own people to kill, and aimed them like a loaded gun at their neighbours.

Is that what you mean by "everytime America allies with a muslim nation"??
builder said:
Meaning they will be nuked? Or Iran will develop a nuclear energy facility?

Oh, and which Muslim nation has the US gov "made" an ally? They ousted democratically elected leaders and installed their own puppets and funded them and armed them and gave them a list of their own people to kill, and aimed them like a loaded gun at their neighbours.

Is that what you mean by "everytime America allies with a muslim nation"??

Ya thats what I meant. :rolleyes:
Again, its about trust between nations. Muslim nations have taken our trust and molested it in ways that we all know. You really outta withdrawl your membership from the Micheal Moore fan club, its starting to warp your mind.

Outsting democraticly elected leaders??? HA. Yes, America has spoiled democracy in the mid-east. Afganastan was doing so well before we ****ed it all up for them. Iraq is no longer the peaceful desert oasis it once was. And now we're trying to spoil Irans peaceful quest for nuclear power, which they are so concerned on using to help their own people.
You've run out of ammo, haven't you, Jhony?

Afghanistan was an ally that helped you win the cold war. Job done, you left them to thrash it out amongst themselves. ****, the Koran was translated and fed to them, along with the wherewithall to cripple a super-power. Way to go, team.

Iran's Mossadegh was your Time magazine's Man of the Year in '51. Two years later he is arrested for treason on trumped-up charges, and never released from house arrest. Don't start me on Iraq and South America.
builder said:
You've run out of ammo, haven't you, Jhony?

Afghanistan was an ally that helped you win the cold war. Job done, you left them to thrash it out amongst themselves. ****, the Koran was translated and fed to them, along with the wherewithall to cripple a super-power. Way to go, team.

Iran's Mossadegh was your Time magazine's Man of the Year in '51. Two years later he is arrested for treason on trumped-up charges, and never released from house arrest. Don't start me on Iraq and South America.

Your getting to far into the semantics of world history. Wait till your nation gets stuck by the terrorist threat that you seem to be so distanced from on your island. Who do you think your powerless nation will come crying to when you witness your own cities being attacked? Whether you like it or not, the world needs police.