Liberals are mentally ill ?


New member
It's hilarious to read something like that, when, on the same forum, you find this post: http://Off Topic

Who was it that has a mental illness again??





New member
Evidently a belief that everyone is created equal, and that we should all do our part to help each other, and that war is a bad thing, is a sickness, mental illness if you would.

But Eugenics, racism, greed, hatred, etc, etc, etc... and all that, is NOT.... hmmm...





New member
Evidently a belief that everyone is created equal, and that we should all do our part to help each other, and that war is a bad thing, is a sickness, mental illness if you would.
But Eugenics, racism, greed, hatred, etc, etc, etc... and all that, is NOT.... hmmm...


I guess you either missed this quote in the article,...

"When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious."
that by the way made no mention of any of the "so called conservative traits" that you posted, most or all of which can be attributed to nearly every large demographic of society, or you couldn't help yourself but to confirm the quote and how liberals think.



New member
I think we can all agree that some people throughout history have certainly been victims of injustice in many fun and exciting ways and continue to be.. Usually an ongoing party as history has proven many times over. It's not like one day you're a victimizer and the next day you're a victim. Roles tend to stay pretty static in the short term.. short term though, can mean hundreds of years, but a mere blink in the grand scheme..

So anyone who has a problem with victims of injustice having a problem being victimized are either victimizers who wish to continue victimizing unabated to protect their illusions as superior human beings by blaming the victim like every control freak does, are totally ignorant and unaware of the situation because they have been in a coma for 20 years, or are total ******** who deny it occurs because they would only care if it were them being victimized.

People stink

"When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious

Funny.. hearing a lot of "conservatives" blaming "liberals" for everything from the rotting economy and bailouts to the moral decline of humanity.. Tune into Rush Limbaugh tomorrow for some good victim crying.. He wont let ya down..Must be mentally ill.. He's been doing it since the mid 90's and all through the "conservative" administration we just had..

What a ****** joke.. typical hypocrite jackass.. never to blame.. always someone elses fault..

Off with his fat fukking melon

It's them crazy liberals! Waaaaaaaaa Vote Bush or die! Vote McCain or die! Obama likes all this chaos and turmoil. He's responsible for the bailouts! Not the guy I told you to vote for 8 years ago! ~ Rush Limbaugh


Just ask TJ..



New member
More reasons to make a bowling ball out of his fat fukking "conservative" melon...

We're going to let you destroy your life. We're going to make it easy and then all of us who accept the responsibilities of life and don't destroy our lives on drugs, we'll pay for whatever messes you get into."

-- Rush Limbaugh show, Dec. 9, 1993


"I'm appalled at people who simply want to look at all this abhorrent behavior and say people are going to do drugs anyway let's legalize it. It's a dumb idea. It's a rotten idea and those who are for it are purely 100 percent selfish."

-- Rush Limbaugh show, Dec 9, 1993


"If (Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders) wants to legalize drugs, send the people who want to do drugs to London and Zurich, and let's be rid of them.

-- Rush Limbaugh show, Dec 9, 1993


"There's nothing good about drug use. We know it. It destroys individuals. It destroys families. Drug use destroys societies. Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. And the laws are good because we know what happens to people in societies and neighborhoods which become consumed by them. And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up.


"What this says to me is that too many whites are getting away with drug use. Too many whites are getting away with drug sales. Too many whites are getting away with trafficking in this stuff. The answer to this disparity is not to start letting people out of jail because we're not putting others in jail who are breaking the law. The answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them and send them up the river, too."

-- Rush Limbaugh show, Oct. 5, 1995


Then a short time later he gets exposed for his illegal pill popping polypharmacia adventures but does he deserve his own judgments?

Course not, he's TJ.. errrr.. I mean Rush.. he deserves the best treatment money can buy.. Poor Rush.. He's ill.. A victim of liberalism, the doctors who supplied him with perscriptions, the pharmacies who filled them and his hand that forced them into his fat fukking melon head against his free will..

Sorry for the rant.. I've had it.. :D



New member
So this is imaginary?http://Off Topic


No. I fully agree that there is racism and hate, it just isn't a corollary to conservatism.

Take the new gay marriage bans in California and Florida. The same "liberal" black voters who came out to elect a liberal President, voted at a near 70% rate to deny homosexuals the right to get married. The same voters that as a majority want to have the government become more socialist and give handouts to the unfortunate and take from the fortunate for doing nothing more than breathing and pumping blood through their system, discriminates against another segment of the population.

The article refers to the difference between a liberal mentality that purports that government knows better how to take care of people from cradle to grave, as opposed to conservatives who believe people should be not only self reliant but responsible for themselves.

[ame=]YouTube - Peggy Joseph Thinks She Won't Need To Worry About Paying For Her Gas And Mortgage Under Barack Obama[/ame]

This article is by a conservative in Europe who has observed the negatives of socialist governments. You seem to have a bias that wants to paint everything in a racist/classist bigot mentality. Not everything is about this and these issues don't always apply.






New member
The same voters that as a majority want to have the government become more socialist and give handouts to the unfortunate and take from the fortunate for doing nothing more than breathing and pumping blood through their system, discriminates against another segment of the population.
It's not racist or bigoted or biased, it's just fukking cruel from a human standpoint to NOT help others.
Who really gives a **** what the fortunate have gained... I for one don't. If everybody doesn't gain, then everybody loses. That's all the Liberal mentality feels. As for social issues like homosexuality, that crosses over into many political and religious spectrums.

Blacks & Latinos have family values too. Just because a persons minority puts them at a cultural disadvantage doesn't mean they don't hold the same values as others.

Liberal as a mental illness is absolutely a joke, the real mental illness are the people who think everything they get from this earth is theirs and theirs alone. You ain't taking it with you no matter what your religious beliefs, so why ***** about sharing it?





New member
It's not racist or bigoted or biased, it's just fukking cruel from a human standpoint to NOT help others.
Who really gives a **** what the fortunate have gained... I for one don't. If everybody doesn't gain, then everybody loses. That's all the Liberal mentality feels. As for social issues like homosexuality, that crosses over into many political and religious spectrums.

Blacks & Latinos have family values too. Just because a persons minority puts them at a cultural disadvantage doesn't mean they don't hold the same values as others.

Liberal as a mental illness is absolutely a joke, the real mental illness are the people who think everything they get from this earth is theirs and theirs alone. You ain't taking it with you no matter what your religious beliefs, so why ***** about sharing it?


I agree. What most people seem to forget or conveniently ignore, is that the US is the most charitable country on earth (unless you are either the President-elect or the Vice-President-elect anyway). We give on average, around $300 billion dollars a year to charity.

On average people who consider themselves "conservative" not only give more to charity than those who consider themselves "liberal" but there is also a large difference in volunteerism. Volunteering in traditional "conservative" states is higher than in traditional "liberal" states.

It comes back to mentality. Conservatives believe in self reliance and help from their fellow man, and liberals want government to take care of them and provide for their needs.






New member

View attachment 2137

Nothing ****** me off more then seeing some fat chick standing in front of me in the store buying tons of grocery's on her welfare issued food stamp debit card screaming about how the Liberals are gonna turn us into socialists.

Or a guy getting unemployment complaining that Obama is a Marxist.






New member
Nothing ****** me off more then seeing some fat chick standing in front of me in the store buying tons of grocery's on her welfare issued food stamp debit card screaming about how the Liberals are gonna turn us into socialists.

Or a guy getting unemployment complaining that Obama is a Marxist.


How can that be accurate since it is highly unlikely that those who are on welfare or on unemployment get out to their polling place? And look at the states and think demographics. Who lives here and who lives there? North Dakota... Indian reservations or Lousiana or Mississippi... broke *** blacks and cajuns. What are the chances that these people recieve welfare or have become inelligible to vote?

That fat chick or the unemployed guy can squawk all they want, but if they are inelligible to vote or don't get out to vote only makes them a hypocrite.



New member
Nothing ****** me off more then seeing some fat chick standing in front of me in the store buying tons of grocery's on her welfare issued food stamp debit card screaming about how the Liberals are gonna turn us into socialists.

Or a guy getting unemployment complaining that Obama is a Marxist.


Two things. First off, that has nothing to do with charitable giving and volunteering.

Second, it doesn't say where the spending is done. It could be roads, it could be pork, it could be a huge number of things. It doesn't reflect in any way, or prove in any way that this is people benefiting from social programs.



New member
How can that be accurate since it is highly unlikely that those who are on welfare or on unemployment get out to their polling place? And look at the states and think demographics. Who lives here and who lives there? North Dakota... Indian reservations or Lousiana or Mississippi... broke *** blacks and cajuns. What are the chances that these people recieve welfare or have become inelligible to vote?
That fat chick or the unemployed guy can squawk all they want, but if they are inelligible to vote or don't get out to vote only makes them a hypocrite.
Remember felons can't vote. :rolleyes:


Anna Perenna

New member
Liberal as a mental illness is absolutely a joke
The article is a joke. It's clearly just a desperate attempt from a disgruntled right-wing loser to make liberals feel ashamed of identifying as liberal.

The problem is, no 'liberal' with half a brain is going to take that article (or doctor) seriously.

In other words, neo-con quack fails at lame attempt to convince anyone other than other neo-cons that liberals are insane, concludes online forum poster(s).



New member
View attachment 2138

Nothing ****** me off more then seeing some fat chick standing in front of me in the store buying tons of grocery's on her welfare issued food stamp debit card screaming about how the Liberals are gonna turn us into socialists.

Or a guy getting unemployment complaining that Obama is a Marxist.



Figures.. us stupid fukks in MN get about .72 back.. commie bastards.




New member
Hmmm.... I bet your car runs on oil comming from Alsaska.

Oh my mystake thats hand outs your talking about. Never mind.

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