Liberals Piss Me Off!


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2005
Obviously not all of them... but most of them are so ****ing NAIVE!


Sally Struthers is waiting!
liberals dont want to succeed in life and dont want anyone else to. they think we should give all of our money to welfare.

liberals love all religions except christianity.

liberals think all people are good and can be rehabilitated.

liberals think rapists and murderers should have the same rights as everyone else.

liberals think it is the USA's fault that muslims are evil,lowlife,scumbag murderers.

liberals think that men who suck dicks should get special rights.

liberals think that war is only necessary when a lib is president.
1. no, we just don't like filthy rich, greedy, materialist, self centered money grabbing assholes who like to **** over the working man. They may have earned their money but they don't have to **** people over to survive. And you CAN survive without a mansion that has five ****ing Koenigsegg CC 8s's
parked out front. So yea, nothing wrong with giving back to the government that allows you to live the lavish lifestyle. And if we didn't have taxes, the roads would be all ****ed up and you wouldn't be able to drive your shiny new Koenigsegg down it.

And as far as "not wanting to get somewhere in life" goes, NOT EVERYONE CAN BE A DOCTOR, LAWYER OR SUPERSTAR, DAMMIT. And these people need to eat as well, something that they probably wont' be able to do by time THEY get taxed.

2. I don't have anything good to say about ANY religions

3. people aren't bad, they just do bad things

4. They do have the same rights, but they should still be punished with jail time

5. I don't think think they should have special rights. EQUAL rights yes, but special rights, no

6. War is only necessary to defend yourselves. Doesn't matter what side of the fence the president is on
smutt butt said:
liberals dont want to succeed in life and dont want anyone else to. they think we should give all of our money to welfare.

liberals love all religions except christianity.

liberals think all people are good and can be rehabilitated.

liberals think rapists and murderers should have the same rights as everyone else.

liberals think it is the USA's fault that muslims are evil,lowlife,scumbag murderers.

liberals think that men who suck dicks should get special rights.

liberals think that war is only necessary when a lib is president.
Brother, you don't know the half of it. The liberals are what my late granddad would call "fifth columnists". Stupid bastiches.
Kryptonite Man said:
Brother, you don't know the half of it. The liberals are what my late granddad would call "fifth columnists". Stupid bastiches.

You read way too many comic books.
im sure charles manson, son of sam, jeffery dahmer, jw gacy,richard ramirez,hitler and on and on were really good people.
they do not deserve anything except for what they gave to thier victims. torture, death and nothing else.
Someone needs to help me find where I stand in politics and personal policies. I have no clue, heh. I try thinking about it, but then I always find myself agreeing and understanding the points of views of conservatism and liberalism. I don't know why. Guh.

But I don't think liberals are the worst thing to grace this earth - I support a lot of the social ideas to benefit the whole of society (referring to Canada's liberal party). But I don't condone multi-million dollar scandals either...
TheJenn88 said:
Someone needs to help me find where I stand in politics and personal policies. I have no ****ing clue, heh. I try thinking about it, but then I always find myself agreeing and understanding the points of views of conservatism and liberalism. I don't know why. Guh.

But I don't think liberals are the worst thing to grace this earth - I support a lot of the social ideas to benefit the whole of society (referring to Canada's liberal party). But I don't condone multi-million dollar scandals either...

Not a problem, you can start by taking the test AGAIN on this link, then reporting your answer, see if your views have changed since you first took the test: http://Off Topic

Its the only Poll that is ALWAYS open (Only because I wanna see how many of what party we accumulate as members come and go). You took the test once on 05-03-2005, why not take it again. Your views may have changed.

I retook it and I moved from LIBERAL to Libretarian... hmm... that means SOMEBODY HERE has influenced my thinking.... I mean I get my own opinions from others commentary and thoughts just like everyone else... see how COLLECTIVELY, ALL OF US ASSHOLES can start changing each others views in SOMETHING or other... Gotta love GF.
phreakwars said:
Not a problem, you can start by taking the test AGAIN on this link, then reporting your answer, see if your views have changed since you first took the test: http://Off Topic

Its the only Poll that is ALWAYS open (Only because I wanna see how many of what party we accumulate as members come and go). You took the test once on 05-03-2005, why not take it again. Your views may have changed.

I retook it and I moved from LIBERAL to Libretarian... hmm... that means SOMEBODY HERE has influenced my thinking.... I mean I get my own opinions from others commentary and thoughts just like everyone else... see how COLLECTIVELY, ALL OF US ASSHOLES can start changing each others views in SOMETHING or other... Gotta love GF.

Still centrist, but now my red dot has moved from the left line (i was right on the line between centrist and liberal, and near the top to libertarian), closer to conservative, and closer to the top of libertarian. blah.
TheJenn88 said:
Someone needs to help me find where I stand in politics and personal policies. I have no ****ing clue, heh. I try thinking about it, but then I always find myself agreeing and understanding the points of views of conservatism and liberalism. I don't know why. Guh.

But I don't think liberals are the worst thing to grace this earth - I support a lot of the social ideas to benefit the whole of society (referring to Canada's liberal party). But I don't condone multi-million dollar scandals either...
Heres a general outline of wht OUR idiots are about.

Conservatives: These guys are all for big business, they believe that by giving tax breaks and money to big business that'll create more jobs and better canadian economic powerhouses. This is also the religious (Christien) folks, they want to go back to the good ol'50s. Not supporters of pretty much any minority rights or environmental issiues, ahte the french. Tough stance on crimes, all for caging the jerks. They're represent the western provinces mostly (namly Alberta) and hate everyione east of Manitoba. Onterio and Quebec for being the power houses, and us maritimers for being 'leeches' on Canada

Bloc: The above, only french sepertists.

Liberials: Our near dictatorship. Basically they've held power longer then anyone else. They hold the center of the political spectrum which means that they get the lions share of the votes. Economically conservative but more in favor of human rights etc. The problem with the liberials is that they'll do pretty much anything to stay in power. theres a sickly feeling that the OWN Canada and serverly need to be humbled. (Ref: when they were about to be outed Martin ran around the country and handed out billions in promised funds for everyone. ) And incase you wern't aware, we were recently (and kinda still are) living under an illegal dictatorship headed by the liberials. The conservatives won the first no-confidence vote and by law, the liberials should have stepped down. (In canada we have responsable government, which the US dosn't. if at anytuime the majority of the house feels the Gov is BS, they can be voted out and an election is called) But rather then step down they said "Nope...tradition says the non-confidence must be on a money bill!" whihc is total BS. Tradition ISEN'T law!!!! Not only did they refuse to step down, but while they were at a loss of their power when they had NO LEGAL authority Martin went on his lil spending trip, which he wasn't allowed to do! Why nobody sues the hell out of these idiots is beyond me. Anyhow, now that the bribed ol'Belinda (or rather she took a opertunity at power) they're set for now. The conservatives lost their chance at power when she crossed the floor and we now wait till November for Gomery to tell us what we already know, the Liberal are fukn thieves. (Although this is an illegal case, they waste Much much more all the time, google 'slush funds') Anyway, i've gone way off topic..but man i fukn hate the Liberial party. (Note for Americans ; Liberial Party dosn't necessarly mean liberial. They accually more right winged then center or left.) The only reason they're in is because the Conservatives scare the hell out of ppl, they'ld have every non-white-christen in a hole...(well, thats an exageration) and for some reason Folks don't consider the NDP to be an option (Hell if i know why!) although this generation seems to be more left and that very-well could change. :)

New Democratic Party: These guys are my choice and the only ones left of centre (Except the Green Party :rolleyes: ). They're all for the people, they've always held to their word and fight for EQUAL rights for all. Supporters of social programs (health care, education etc..) and although they;ve not the most carasmatic leader, they're in my opinion a good bunch. Problem; They've not once held National Office. So although they can say they've ever fuked up, they've never really had that chance. But i say they sure as hell couldn't do worse then the current idiots and we're in desprit need of a change. Another thing keeping them down is when you Onterio folks voted em in, something unheard of! But the guy you voted in was really a conservative in NDP clothing and went against everything the NDP stand for, and when you piss off Onterio you're chances of going anywhere drop by 49% (Quebec is the other 49% and the rest if canada means aprox 2%)
smutt butt said:
liberals dont want to succeed in life and dont want anyone else to. they think we should give all of our money to welfare.

liberals love all religions except christianity.

liberals think all people are good and can be rehabilitated.

liberals think rapists and murderers should have the same rights as everyone else.

liberals think it is the USA's fault that muslims are evil,lowlife,scumbag murderers.

liberals think that men who suck dicks should get special rights.

liberals think that war is only necessary when a lib is president.
Thanks, cum boy. You are right. Actually, conservatives think that their opponent should think the above so that the dumbass conservatives have an easy target. Otherwise, liberals beat them hands-down in an IQ test.
Well, Well, Well :D

Fanatical Liberals piss me off too, but people have to realize that this country's founding fathers were pretty liberal. They wrote the constitution (probably the most liberal document ever written) in order to keep the power-hungry theocratic right in check. Those who complain about "liberal media" fail to realize that it is this media that keeps the government from going ape-****. When we are in a time in which all three brances of government are controlled by one party, this media becomes even more important. I consider myself moderately conservative. However, without liberals this country would be no better than pre-9/11 Afghanistan. It would be theocratic, women would have no power, laborers would have to work for next to no pay, and there would be no freedom of speech, social security, or welfare. Basically, the things that make this cournty great would be non existant
MR. DR. said:
Well, Well, Well :D

However, without liberals this country would be no better than pre-9/11 Afghanistan. It would be theocratic, women would have no power, laborers would have to work for next to no pay, and there would be no freedom of speech, social security, or welfare. Basically, the things that make this cournty great would be non existant

EXACTLY. If the place was full of conservative nazi wackjobs we would be ****ED
WWIII, plain and simple... we need liberals to tell the conservatives who worship the "GREAT WHITE CHRISTIAN GOD" not to nuke the other guys.
fullauto said:
Obviously not all of them... but most of them are so ****ing NAIVE!


Sally Struthers is waiting!

Conservative ****s piss me off. They're so naive, they believe everything GWAsshole says and yet 1,700+ troops are dead, $300 billion is wasted, we're paying outrageous amounts of money for gas, they don't give a **** about the environment nor about anyone that is not rich and white.'

That's ok, I'll take naive, cause you all conservamites are ****ing stupid.
Liberal and conservatives piss me off because they are actually the same thing with different personal issues but they always like nothing more that to trash eachother endlessly and mindlessly