Life liberty and teh persuit of...what was it again?

The news just reported a republican senator has sponsored a bill to prohibit the government from seizing private property for private use in opposition to the Supreme Courts decision. Imagine that vern?
Activist Tries a Grab for Jurist's Property
A foe of the high court's eminent domain ruling wants to apply it to seize David H. Souter's home.
By Benjamin Weyl
Times Staff Writer

June 30, 2005

To good to be true. Would love to see that ****er get the table turned on him.

I always thought the right of emminant domain primarily for railroads, airports, and things of that like. Not for commercial developement. What if these new business' don't work out and they have to close the stripmall or whatever it was? Then they made this guy move his house for a failed investment. It just doesn't seem right to do that.

If they offered him way more money then the property is worth then it would be better but i'm sure all they offered was 'market value'.
It is not even the money that is at issue, it is the principal of teh thing. No one should be asked to sell their home and move out of their neighborhood to make way for a private venture. It is essentially unconstitutional and driven strictly be the almighty buck! And it sux donkey balls too
tizz said:
It is not even the money that is at issue, it is the principal of teh thing. No one should be asked to sell their home and move out of their neighborhood to make way for a private venture. It is essentially unconstitutional and driven strictly be the almighty buck! And it sux donkey balls too

Damn straight its the principal. How could there not be another area around town that would be vacant? This just seems like another example of legislaters molesting the rights of Americans. They take a law and twist it to fit they're agenda. I'm sure that the people who will recieve these jobs will be happy for it but why not find somewhere else to put it?
I'm tellin ya, if they get that hotel built I am applying for a live in position. To live in New Hampshire WHILE stickin' it to the supreme court for such an idiotic descision would just make my lifetime!
tizz said:
I'm tellin ya, if they get that hotel built I am applying for a live in position. To live in New Hampshire WHILE stickin' it to the supreme court for such an idiotic descision would just make my lifetime!

That would be great.
I would have to take a picture of myself urinating on what used to be his frontyard and mail it to him every year for christmas.