Lights On/Lights Off


New member
-____-..........why *** WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????

fire torch!!!!! on! ok where cave man at?



New member
since you took it back to a cave man fire torch, thats when.... have you not see the simpsons with the toaster, lol

Lighter off, out of gas .... ur in the dark now, hahaha



New member
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!O.O.............<(T.T<).............<(T.T)>.............(>T.T)> i didn't see it LOL

Lights on, I payed the bill!!!



New member
NOOOOO it can't be magic!!! You didn't say no presto or alli kazam! or whatever!!!!!!!!!!

Light's off then on!!!! The exorcist!



New member
lights off, using the power of the mind, haha, i beat ***... *does dance*


llights on, ah, *** dammit

*disembodied voice: "don't take the lords name in vain*

*looks around in fear, hides in the wardrobe again*

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