Linkin Park and Nu Metal


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
So here's my question, and I don't really want it to be a poll, but if someone thinks there should be, then someone will add one, later....

Anyway, do you think it would've been better for Linkin Park to still change their sound, but remain in the 'rap rock' category that got them famous?

Like, maybe not make it as polished or formulaic as before, but still retain it's feel.

When the band themselves said that the album would have 'classic rock guitar, vintage hip hop beats,' I imagined something sort of like Start It All Up's beat, with Lying From You sort of guitar, except with that classic rock sort of feel.

Like it would not only bring together the genres of today, but also the genres through time, and how they've changed and adapted.

Don't get my wrong, I love Minutes to Midnight and how it came out, but do you think they could've been equally different by going more within those parameters?
Hmm, I'm glad they quit Rap Rock; I think people would get bored with them had they remained in that catagory. But I see your point, and I do miss the Rap Rock aspect, but they still keep it in songs like Bleed It Out.
I say they should've released a double album with one side like MTM, and the other side with the classic LP sound... but oh well, I like the new stuff just as much as the old stuff.... only time will tell how I truly feel.
I say they should've released a double album with one side like MTM, and the other side with the classic LP sound...
Are you serious!? I mean come Linkin Park isn't make stuff like Hybrid Theory anymore deal with it please. This whining is getting old...
I really like the change, and like GraDoN said, nu-metal is kind dead. Not that I don't enjoy it, but I think it was time for a change, and I love it.
linkin park had to change bc it was evolve or die for them. I just wish they didnt turn into what they did in M2M, i really was looking forward to a much heavier album. But alas, only a few songs were. But on the other hand, im soo glad that they didnt go uber hip hop or whatever.

meh, i dont know. I still think they should have still waverd onto rock-rap bc thats were their credited on and what everyone know them for.
nu metal is in koma right's matter of time when it will die. thank god shredding is back in the game + soloing. I expect emo metalcore to die too, that it would be good...and LP got away to play softy music.
cyro wasn't whining, he was stating his opinion.

ref if you're talkin about something like Qwerty, I would've liked that, but I also kinda like how they've changed. but I hope they change more for the next album
The album wasn't exactly what I was expecting,but it was still pretty good.

Also,I see a bit of a rap/rock comeback lately,but it's been on more of the hip-hop based with some rock elements
I honest to god think that legitimate RAP is dying, Rock/Rap is barely surviving, and Rock is just living clean

I think that's why Lil Jon and others are trying to include rock in thier music,trying to get a wider fanbase before rap completely loses any credibility...besides the few good party songs that have come out lately
I haven't noticed any of that...and yeah Rock isn't producing much great material, but it's still producing enjoyable music that any and all people can truly enjoy
I haven't noticed any of that...and yeah Rock isn't producing much great material, but it's still producing enjoyable music that any and all people can truly enjoy

I have noticed at lot of my friends even statrting to listen to more rock,though it is still a lot of rap,that is usually a year or so old when rap was still enjoying it's prime