Linkin Park European Summer Tour 2008

I just hope I can go to the Spain show now, my dad said if it was barcelona, it would be a yes, if madrid, it's a maybe.

If I can go, I assure any of you here, I will get a recording of the show.
So has the UK MK Bowl gig gone from 90% happening to basically 90% NOT happening? SIGH, they going to come back to UK?
I just hope I can go to the Spain show now, my dad said if it was barcelona, it would be a yes, if madrid, it's a maybe.

If I can go, I assure any of you here, I will get a recording of the show.

In my case it'd be the opposite: if it's in Madrid I'll have a big possibility to go... if it's barcelona.. Usiel can forget the show!!!:'( You know, I dont want to be bad, but I think that Madrid is the best choice.. why? well, three reasons:
- Th first one: It's just in the middle, so we've the same possibility each other (that's mean not to be egoist!!!)
-the second one Madrid is better than Barcelona (why? I was born there!!!:p )
-The third one... AND THE MOST IMPORTANT:...... well, there isnt any third reason at all. I just said that there were three reasons 'cos everybody always have three reasons to defend their ideas in a conversation... something quite foolish, but quite habitual too.

So, you see... the last vote is for MADRID!!!:clap:
I don't know why you discuss... there's a Madrid show....

Oh, God, I cant believe. I've been here for a year and you dont know me yet???? How many times have I discussed with someone?? None. I'm not here to discuss (even less, with something sooo foolish like this. You know if they play in Madrid, I'm lucky--- and even do, I'm sure I'll have lots of problems (exams, money....)so, I couldnt go. As you can see, Lorena is a lucky girl in all ways!!:D )

So, dear SJM, I really hope you can go to the show and you can enjoy it, and I've never tried to argue with you. Believe me... (if one day, I'm furious I'll use this: >:eek: . Meanwhile, I just only use that one::drinks:)

Sorry, about the off-topic. It wasnt my intention.
Efes Festival.

and Switzerland/Denmark WILL be happening. festivals confirmed it. LPU announced the info too early is what happened.
oh c'mon... I want a concert in Italy... >_<

there are rumors about lp coming back to heineken jammin festival ..I hope it's true >_<

Could be, they're doing festivals so who knows ^^
Although I'm wondering IF IF IF they would come to Holland again, and say they'd play at a festival, what festival would it be?most of them are sold out already..
But IF they come here, I'd like a 'normal' concert more than a festival :)