Linkin Park Karaoke???


New Member
Jan 25, 2006
ANyone know where I can buy Linkin Park karaoke VCD or DVD's? There are some w/ only 1 or 2 songs out there. It would be nice to have one with alot more. thanks
Stenners said:
The isnt any official DVD's/VCD's and I dont think you will have anymore luck finding more.

i agree... anyways try looking on ebay you might have luck there (due to the fact that on ebay you can find anything, even if it's weird) :thumbsup:
wow a rare kinda thread!
I don't think there is one specific one I can name!
But if you want lyrics there is always websites right! Maybe even the booklet you get with an album you bought.
lp karaoke wow im a little shocked but umm all u probably need is instrumentals and there are some fan done nes that are insane i think there on cs
i was thinking about it

im that asshole thats like hell no im not singing and says it then finnaly does it and then wont stop and then they get anoyying and ppl get tired of it and crap and there just like stfu looser