Linkin Park Meets Inuyasha


Well-Known Member
Okay lovelies, a new story! This story is the title says...Linkin Park Meets Inuyasha! Inuyasha is an anime, but in this story it is going to become a reality...the guys are on tour and they are currently in Japan. They get a tour around some of the attractions of the area that they are in, and when plans to return to the shrine turn into a small mishap. The guys discover that their stupid idea of fun would turn into something that they certainly were not expecting, and get dragged into a whole load of chaos that they never meant to get dragged into.

"And this is the famous shrine, no one is quite sure of it's meaning or origin it was built in feudal Japan..." the drone of the tour guide continued, a rather bored looking blonde haired guy leaning on his half japanese friends shoulder, trying to stop himself falling asleep.
"Chester!" the half japanese man hissed, shrugging him off of his shoulder.
"But i'm bored!" Chester whined, his friend sighing heavily. "We have been on this tour for feet are killing me! I'm thirsty...can we go back to the hotel now? I'm hungry! Mike...Miiiiike!"
"Chester!" Mike said a little more sharply, "will you please...shut the hell up?!" Mike hated to admit that he even knew Chester at that moment, let alone is his band mate. "I'll be happy when Kelly gets here later...and maybe she can keep you quiet for a few minutes!! Who am I kidding? You two can't even be quiet for two seconds!"
"That's how I do things Mike," Chester grinned, Mike rolling his eyes as Joe jumped in between them.
"What's happening kid-a-roonies?" he asked, grinning at the two.
"I'm being bored..." Chester sighed, Mike shaking his head at them.
"And...that concludes the tour! Thank you for your time gentleman, and enjoy your stay here in Japan!" the tour guide smiled pleasantly, bowing to them before moving away. Chester, as the man turned his back, made a rude hand gesture at him. He looked up at the shrine, a smile spread across his face, a smile which clearly read 'trouble'.
"Hey dick features! You going to move your skinny ass or what?!" called Rob, who was making his way back to the hotel with the rest of the guys.
"Yeah, c'mon Chaz! Kelly and Ravvy will be arriving soon!" Mike said, Chester turning and running to them at the mentioning of 'Kelly'.
"And by the ass aint's lovely and gorgeous all know you want a piece!" Chester shouted, laughing as Mike made a look of 'I-do-not-know-you'.

Later that night, Kelly and Ravyn arrived at the hotel, their tour with 'Black As Day' finally over. The girls now deciding to come on the remainder of the guys tour.
"Aww...Kelly Kels...I misses you!" Chester sighed, nuzzling against her neck playfully, Kelly giggled.
"Chester! Stop it!" she laughed, Chester grinned.
"But I missed you! And i'm horny as hell!" Chester moaned. Mike and Ravyn, who were curled up on the couch, pretending that they weren't listening. "Hey Mike...what do you think about going back to that shrine?" Chester asked, Mike looking at him and frowning.
"I thought you hated it..." Mike said plainly.
"I have a new interest in history!" Chester declared, the michevious grin on his face.
"What are you scheming Chaz?" Mike asked, wondering if he really wanted to know.
"Me? Little old me? Scheming?" Chester said, trying to look innocent, using his puppy dog eyes.
"Awww! So cute!" Kelly squealed, ruffling Chesters hair. Chester grinned as Mike rolled his eyes, he had known Chester long enough to know what he was like by now.
"Seriously, I was only going to check it out!" he protested, trying to look offended. "Have a little look around inside..." Chester added quickly and quietly.
"Chester...we aint allowed in the shrine!" Mike argued, Chester shrugged, grinning as he stood from his seat, grabbing his coat. Kelly looked at Mike then Chester, then gave a small shrug as if to say 'what the hell?' and grabbed her own coat.
"I aint coming..." Mike said announced definately as Kelly pulled on her coat, he was most suprised when Ravyn stood, grabbing her coat. "Ravvy!!" Mike complained.
"Come on Mike, it might be fun! It gives us something to do anyways..." Ravyn shrugged, suddenly someone dropped onto the couch beside Mike.
"YAY! Field trip!" shouted a somewhat over-excited Joe.
" guys aint going to are you?!" Mike asked, the guys shrugged, and looked at each other.
"It's better than staying here..." Phoenix said simply, Mike sighed.
"Fine have it your way..." he said sulkily.

"Let's see what's inside..." Chester grinned as he walked up to the shrine doors, he pulled them open a small way and peered inside. "Oooh...dark...and spooky..." Chester said, stepping inside.
"Chester!" Mike hissed at him, the older man ignoring him as he walked inside, followed by Kelly...then Joe...then Rob...then Brad...then Phoenix...and finally Ravyn. "Why do I even bother?!" Mike sighed, reluctantly following behind them. They were all gathered around what looked like a large well, Chester...being Chester...was leaning over it, waving his arms.
"I'm falling! I'm falling!" Chester laughed, Kelly grinning as she pushed him a little, causing Chester to wobble dangerously. "**** KELLY!!" Chester shouted, Kelly bursting out laughing. Ravyn walked up to the well, peering inside.
"Doesn't seem to be much point to this shrine..." she commented, looking around. Chester started to lean over the well again. "Chester stop that..." Ravyn sighed.
"What? It's only a bit of fun!" Chester grinned, suddenly, in a quick second, Chester toppled over the side of the well. "NOT FUN! NOT FUN!" Chester shouted, hanging from the edge of the well.
aww dude this is gonna be super sweet. two of the best things ever put together! i hope they meet lord fluffy aka sesshomaru. XD thatd be too funny. keep it up!
"Idiot..." Mike sighed, walking to the well and grabbing hold of Chesters hand. "**** Chester...what have you been eating?!" Mike said, attempting to pull Chester up and out of the well. Suddenly, Joe found the need to jump up behind Mike.
"Don't fall in!" he shouted laughing, but with that Mike fell forward, toppling into the well. Joe's eyes widened, "IT WASN'T ME!" he shouted out as a flash of purple light threw itself out of the well. "IT WASN'T ME! YOU CAN'T PROVE NOTHING! I DON'T WANT TO GO TO JAIL! I WANT MY LAWYER! I'M TOO YOUNG TO GO TO JAIL!!!!!!" Joe wailed.
"**** dude..." Rob said, taking a step back. "Uh...guys?" Rob muttered,
"Chester's just playing around...!" Kelly laughed "C'mon! he could do that with a flashlight! Chester? Chazy?!"
Ravyn looked panicked "Mike doesn't play tricks!"
"Chester would talk him into it, chester always has his crazy schemes..." Kelly said lightly
She peered into the well "Chazy? Puppy?!'s really dark! CHESTER WE KNOW YOU'RE HIDING IN THERE STOP MESSING AROUND!"
"Maybe he isn't messing around! maybe it's a man eating well!" Joe wailed "Bone eaters well! it likes flesh! the flesh of arizonain! and it has a taste for japanese dudes it's like sushi to it! ARHHHH!"
Kelly slapped joe roughly at the back of the head "don't be stupid!"
Joe wobbled in to the well "Kels! ****! this isn't funny!"
kelly pushed joe into the well "go and find them! and tell chaz to stop being an idoit!"
"WOAH! YOU BITCHHHHHH!" joe screamed and he was gone with a flash of purple light
"See...a trick!" Kelly said truimphtly
Brad looked into the well "Joe?!"
"well he obviously hiding too!" Kelly protested
"Kels....i think this is different then one of chester's lame pranks" Brad sighed heavily "so...who's gonna go down next? we have to see what's wrong!"
"MIKE!" Ravyn jumped in, the purple light flashed again
"RAVVY!" Kelly yelled "don't leave me here with these idoits!"
"OH NO RAVVY'S BEEN EATEN BY THE WELL!" Phoeinx screamed hysterically
"Get ****ed!" Kelly argued
"AW **** this if chester's ****ing around i want to be the first to slap him upside the head cos this is NOT funny!" Brad ranted, and with that he jumped in
"Brad" Phoenix said weakly
the purple light flashed as the guitarist diasspeared into darkness
Phoenix looked into the darkness "CHESTER! YOU'RE A DEAD MAN!" He bellowed
Rob sighed "are you comin' Phi...?"
"I'm not goin' in some man eatin' well!" Phoenix argued
"aw grow up!" Kelly snapped "it can't eat people!"
"How do we know?! HOW DO WE KNOWWWWWW?!" Phoenix wailed
"well...this is one way to get rid of a band you don't like!" Rob said lightly "shame, we should've brought the backstreet boys....or somethin'....well...seeeya if it spits out my bones, avenage my death!"
He jumped in, through the flash of purple than the dull darkness
"the body count is really mounting up!" kelly smiled
"ROB! I'll save you!" Phoenix jumped in, he disappeared
Kelly looked around "well this is a pleasant way to spend a saturday afternoon, at the bottom of a bloody well!!" She mused to herself "guys! i'm going home byeeee! BYE! Chester! C'mon! Rav?! Mike!? Chester no sex for a week!"
She listened for a loud harsh protest
"****! he...didn't...answer..." Kelly eyes widened, she sighed heavily "YOU GUYS ARE JERKS!" she jumped into the well. The purple light flashed in her face, the shrine falling silent. THUD!
"OWW!" came the familiar voice, Kelly lying on top of something.
"Chester?" she said, "I KNEW YOU ****ERS WERE MESSING AROUND!" she shouted at them.
"Jesus Kels, we weren't messing around! Everytime I tried to climb out of here...SOMEONE FELL ON TOP OF ME!!" Chester shouted angrily, Mike sighed as he turned and started to climb. Chester grabbed the back of his pants, pulling him down. "Where the **** are you going?!" he questioned.
"As much fun as it is standing down here in the bottom of the well talking to you guys...i'm hungry...i'm getting food..." Mike sighed, starting to climb again, the others starting to following suit.
"Kelly..." Chester said, looking at her grinning.
"No sex...!" she growled at him, starting to climb too.
"AW MAN!" Chester wailed as Kelly too started to climb, Chester moodlily following behind.
"What the hell?" came Mike's voice at the top of the well.
"What is it?" Chester called up to him, Mike climbed out, helping Ravyn.
"We're in a forest dude!!" Mike shouted.
"WHAT?!" Chester yelled to him.

hehehehe got to go to nurition lecture...MORE LATER! ^_^
*Kelly beams proudly* and i helped!
i did the well bit and sarah is gonna write the bit were they meet inuyasha, we have some really good one liners WOOOH!

Sarah: I wrote the funny Joe line! Yay! 'IT WASN'T ME!!!' lol hehehe

sarahs wrote the first chappie and i will write after sarahs wrote her next bit and then i think it's gonna be Kels...sarah....kels....sarah YAY! i helped! they fell down the well heeheehe!
cool a duet sort of thing :) anyhow its all cool and im looking 4ward 2 the end nice work 2 u 2 :thumbsup:
They all climbed out, looking at the changed surroundings.
"Uh guys...we aint in Cansas no more..." Rob said, looking around them.
"Japan you idiot..." Phoenix growled at him, Rob shrugged. Mike looked into the well, trying to figure out how they could of ended up in a totally different area.
"We fell in...climbed out...and we are in a forest...NOTHING MAKES SENSE!!" Joe shouted, Chester rolling his eyes at him, he took Kelly's hand and strode ahead.
"I aint standing around here! I am gonna find out where the hell we are!" Chester called to the others, walking on towards the trees. Mike sighed, running a hand through his hair.
"Why do I have a feeling something will go wrong?" he mumbled as Joe ran off behind Kelly and Chester. Rob hit him sharply on the back, smiling.
"That's because...something will..." he nodded solemnly, before taking off with Phoenix and Brad. Mike followed reluctantly behind as Ravyn took hold of his hand, pulling him after the others.
Chester continued to walk ahead, Kelly just behind him as he searched for any clue or anyone to tell them how they ended up in the middle of a forest. Chester stopped as he heard voices, looking towards some bushes. "Finally..." he sighed, pushing them aside. But Chester immediately jumped back, running and hiding behind Mike.
"What the hell...?!" Mike looked at Chester, "what are you doing?!" he questioned.
"There's a guy...he has a sword! And...and...HE HAS EARS DUDE!!" Chester yelled hysterically, Mike raised an eyebrow.
" heard of someone with ears..." Mike said sarcastically.
"**** YOU!" Chester hissed at him, "they are white...they are on top of his a dog!"
"Stop pissing about Chester!" Mike growled at him, "as if a guy would have..." before Mike could finish, something burst out through the bushes, a white haired male, sword in hand, and as Chester had described...white dog ears sticking out from his hair. He pointed the sword at them.

gah going to science! add later!!!
hah! they met inuyasha!! hey can i be in the story *puppy dog face* aww it dosent matter as long as I can read it. XD its all good. i just wanna know whos gonna be drooling over kagome. and Id like to see them and inuyasha square off against something. that would be so fricken funny.
Chester made a small squeak from where he was standing behind Mike, the male making a small growl at them.
"Who the hell are you? And what are you doing here?!" he questioned, Chester started to push Mike forward, Mike looking back at him as if he were crazy.
"Go on Mike! You're good at negotiations!!" Chester said, giving Mike another prod in his back, the emcee looking at the sword the guy held and swallowed hard.
"Inuyasha! What's going on over there?" came a call, the white haired guy glancing back momentarily.
"We have tresspassers," the guy, identified as Inuyasha, growled as a black haired girl came up behind him. She looked at all gathered there, blinking as she saw the guys and two girls not moving as they looked tentatively at the giant sword.
" did you get here?" the girl questioned, Chester standing straight from behind Mike and grinning, but a certain glance from Kelly made him shrink back again.
"We didn't mean to!" Joe spoke up nervously, "the well swallowed us!"
"You came through the well? What were you doing in the shrine in the first place?!" the girl demanded of them, her hands going to her hips.
"It was him!!" Joe said, pointing at Chester, who growled at him.
"Aw thanks a lot Joe!!" he shouted at him, the girl just watching, along with Inuyasha, who had not moved.
"I couldn't help it...HE HAS A SWORD DUDE!!" Joe yelped, hiding behind Brad. The girl sighed, the newcomers obviously afraid out of their wits at having a guy charge through the trees, sword raised.
"Let's at least let them explain," she said to Inuyasha, who looked at her questioningly. "Put the sword down Inuyasha, give them a chance to speak at least!"
"How do we know we can trust them Kagome?!" Inuyasha growled, raising the sword and pointing it at Mike, "they could be demons..."
"Somehow I doubt that," the girl, named Kagome, sighed heavily.
"Stop being so god damn dramatic Joe!" Chester shouted at him, Inuyasha looking at Kagome, who gave him a look which he knew very well.
"Don't you dare..." he said, Kagome grinned.
"Then put the sword down...let them speak..." she said, folding her arms.
"I said, sword down..."
"But Kagome...!"
"Inuyasha...SIT!!" Kagome shouted, and in the instant, a necklace around Inuyasha's neck glowed, suddenly his head was pulled down and ploughed into the floor. "Good boy..." Kagome smiled.
"No fair..." Inuyasha muttered from the floor.
"Can I get one of those?" Kelly asked, grinning as Chester looked at her scournfully.
"Need a bandage for that?" Ravyn asked Inuyasha, who had winced as his head plummeted into the ground. Kagome sighed, shaking her head.
"He should be used to it by now..." she shrugged, "so...want to explain what happened?" Kagome asked. Chester, followed by a glare from Kelly, stepped from behind Mike, who suddenly seemed that Inuyasha was face first in the dirt.
"I apologise for my friends...but...HE DID IT!" Chester declared, pointing at Mike accusingly, "HE PUSHED ME IN THE DAMN THING!!"
"DID I LIKE HELL!" Mike argued, "I was trying to help you...then Joe jumped on me!"
"I didn't mean to!" Joe sulked, "Kelly pushed me in!"
"You deserved it!" Kelly said to him, she looked to Ravyn. "She just jumped in the damn thing!"
"I was worried about Mikey!" Ravyn protested, folding her arms. Kagome just looked from one to the other as they all took their turns in talking, this all soon broke out into one large argument. Kagome sighed, looking down at Inuyasha, who was sitting cross legged on the floor, looking somewhat disgruntled.
"Enough of your bickering!!" Inuyasha shouted suddenly, the guys all falling quiet at once. "I don't care how you got here...all I care about is you getting back..." Inuyasha suddenly stood, looking around him, his ears twitched.
"Something wrong Inyasha?" Kagome asked him, Inuyasha frowned.
"I hear something...and it don't sound like another lost and found party..." Inuyasha answered, Chester suddenly jumping and hiding behind Mike again.
"What is it now?!" Chester squeaked, Inuyasha drawing his sword.
"I hope you are all good at running..." Inuyasha said, glancing at the group momentarily. "Because we've got company..."