

Oct 25, 2005
Have you ever joined a forum and then tried to navigate but the ****ing server was so slow you could go take a piss in between click's?

I ****ing hate that ****, here I spend all this money on a fast internet connection and still certain sites load slower then a legless woman can run a mile.

Can anyone out there relate?

Hey dumbasses, we lost a hard drive the other day and had to rebuild the array.. that's why **** was slow, and then taken off line.. get real, this site is normally pretty ****ing quick.
I agree. I think the newbs need to quit bitching. Ive been here for almost 2 years. This site is ran great and normally very fast.
dshogan1 said:
I agree. I think the newbs need to quit bitching.

**** off.. I'm a noob, and if I wanna bitch about anything, I will. If you dont like it have the admin change the site title. After all, the site is about what pisses you off, eh? Or, are there some clarifiers that should be added to the site title?

Is there anything else youd like to censor the noobs from complaining about?
thekid65 said:
**** off.. I'm a noob, and if I wanna bitch about anything, I will. If you dont like it have the admin change the site title. After all, the site is about what pisses you off, eh? Or, are there some clarifiers that should be added to the site title?

Is there anything else youd like to censor the noobs from complaining about?

You are an angry little man aren't you?

Angry little men piss me off..

And I am not a noob.. So I can pretty much bitch at will..
Know what else "they" don't let n00bs do?...you can't start your own thread? What is that about? This isn't a GF site...it's a 3rd Reich Hitler site (3RH). :mad:
eddo said:
Quit looking at porn

With a face like that....I think me and you both know who's looking at porn...tsk tsk

phreakwars said:
Hey dumbasses, we lost a hard drive the other day and had to rebuild the array.. that's why **** was slow, and then taken off line.. get real, this site is normally pretty ****ing quick.

First of all **** face, it's Mr. Dumbass to you. :cool:

Secondly, I don't really give 2 ****s what happened to your hard drive.

And third,
phreakwars said:
that's why **** was slow

Is an admission by you that there is actually a reason to be bitching...

Now, the title of this forum is "Off Topic Forum"

Is it not?

Maybe you are hanging in the wrong forum?

If you'd like I could probably google you a nice (Ima****ingsissyassbitchwholikestoacthardtothenewbsbecausemycockissosmall) forum?

You just get back to me about that mmmmkay:D
BitchingSkanBabe said:
Know what else "they" don't let n00bs do?...you can't start your own thread? What is that about? This isn't a GF site...it's a 3rd Reich Hitler site (3RH). :mad:

no, we don't let piss ants and dipshits spam our site with worthless crap.

you want to be accepted as a member and allowed to make a contribution to the site, than proove you gave the brains to start an intellegent topic, bitching about how we didn't give you 'white card' to do whatever you want just becouse you typed in a user name and e-mail is not helping your case.
absolutely, this site is about 2 things, respect, and accepting the amount of **** that the regulars, premiums and mods give to you. Its the secret of success. Oh and dont be a ****head, if you have an useful contribution you will get respect. The problem with most of you ****s is that you want meaningless rants about nothing. Most of us here are intelligent and come here to actually have intelligent conversation, or just to batter on stupid ass newbs that dont know how to quit while they are ahead.
Question for the public:

When you click on a thread, does it seem like it is taking a littl bit longer for the pager to load than usual?