
You should have stayed with 3.6.0 the 3.6.4 version has issues and there are other hacks to get the security items the .4 was supposed to have addressed.
Msixty said:

you are as retarded as the welcome thread lead me to beleave!

Well then, make like a leaf and leave. :eek:

Actually, the only reason I asked that is because of all the previous threads.

GF Admin said:
Seems to work.

Anonymous said:
Testing this

NazzNegg2 said:
another test

Anonymous said:
This works as well

But then again, you are only 17 and can't be expected to spell anything correctly nor to display an ounce of intelligence. :cool:
Some of the forums IMG code is on, some have it turned off. You'll have to look around to figure out which ones do and which don't.
This place generates it's own best customers. It's a self-perpetuating cycle:

Step One: Create website about bitching and encourage people to join & post.
Step Two: Piss off people with silly "rules" to create more rants.
Step Three: Sit back and reap the rewards

BitchingSkanBabe said:
This place generates it's own best customers. It's a self-perpetuating cycle:

Step One: Create website about bitching and encourage people to join & post.
Step Two: Piss off people with silly "rules" to create more rants.
Step Three: Sit back and reap the rewards

By George I think she's got it !!
BitchingSkanBabe said:
Could someone break into song now? :rolleyes:

Why didn't you break out in song? You went through the trouble of posting a question. You could've just as easily sang the ****ing first two stanzas and chorus to American Pie by now.
RoyalOrleans said:
Why didn't you break out in song? You went through the trouble of posting a question. You could've just as easily sang the ****ing first two stanzas and chorus to American Pie by now.

No thanks, that song is painfully long but still one of my favorites. I'd rather tell you to hit the road, Jack, and don't come back. :rolleyes:
BitchingSkanBabe said:
No thanks, that song is painfully long but still one of my favorites. I'd rather tell you to hit the road, Jack, and don't come back. :rolleyes:

Holy ****! Royal = PWNED!!!
BitchingSkanBabe said:
No thanks, that song is painfully long but still one of my favorites. I'd rather tell you to hit the road, Jack, and don't come back. :rolleyes:

Could you have been born and not egg-hatched as I previously assumed?