Look at me! I'm an attention whore! (My pic)


Active Member
Jul 15, 2005
I don't know why I'm doing this - probably because I find the thought of one of you getting pissed and photoshopping my head onto a lewd picture kinda flattering. That, and now I'm open to physical insults.

Now, I'm the first to admit that I'm a fat, pimply bitch, so if you want to really offend you're gong to have to dig deeper than that. ;)

And by the way, the weird facial expression is me trying to figure out my new camera.
God, sometimes the US is way too harsh a place to live...

Number 1: You're not fat, your healthy looking... any skinnier and I would think you were Somalian! LOL

Number 2: Pimply? You have like 3 pimples! Chirst, I'm 30 and I have 3 pimples! don't be so damned harsh on yourself!

Stop reading Cosmo! that **** is evil!
DizzyME said:
I guess I'm supposed to sit here and tell you you're wrong, eh?

Nah. I'm actually one of those people who criticize themselves and don't expect anyone to immediately follow up with "Nooo, you're fiiineee". I'm really just hard on myself, and wanted people to have an idea of what I looked like. -Shrug-
Don't get me wrong, I'm not agreeing with your comments, but I can't stand it when people criticize themselves purely so people will tell them how great they are. lol
Don't worry, I'm not one of them. Although there is a little pang when my mom calls me "really fat", but I guess that's understandable. XD
Cute pic but.....

I am the forum whore around here!!!!!! Don't even try to take my title babe!!

;) :p

You DO know I am kidding right?
I bet you said you are fat and have pimples to distract the fact that one of your **** is smaller than the other... or do you have big feet?
You do realize, I WILL take advantage of that photo when you least expect it.

Nice high resolution too, and look, already saved it to my hard drive.:D
Ya once the great Phreak has your pic you're in deep ****!!!!

I speak from experience here LOL
Hey now, I'm not ALWAYS naughty, I could do something NICE for her, and "FIX" the Zit problem.:D 3 is hardly enough.

I'm glad I read on, I didn't realize she had zits, I just thought I had some **** on my screen, tried to clean it first.

I have more zits than you due to a mild acne problem and I have a gut. Your picture is nothing to be ashamed of. (except for that awkward look on your face) :p

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