Lookin for some good Music type-shite.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2005
I listen to me music almost non-stop, we;re tlaking atleast 6 hours of my regular day, sadly that means its wonderfulness starts to wear-down and i am forced to find more and more music. I'm wondering if anyone has some recommendations as to wht i should be filling ym head with.

Just for reference i like any genre, so long as it's good. Some examples would be Beatles, Foo Fighters, Zepplin, Frou Frou, Daft Punk, 2PAC, Hank Williams, The Ditty Bops, Blue Rodeo, ZZTops, Matt Good, Rammstien, Children Of Bodom, Aphex Twin, Trosca Symphonic etc...etc..

As you see i don't much disciminate in my music, so have at her. :)
Maybe try some classical as an addition to your listening list?

Soundtracks can be pretty cool.

Easy listening singers like Barbara Streisand and Barry Manilow.

70's and 80's rock and pop.
I'm very well versed in pretty much all classic rock, 60+. Berry Manilow and Steisand? Not for me thanks. And i do listen to orchistral and smyphonic stuff, not necessarly classical (Mozart etc) but in the same relme. (Torsca Smyphonic was listed)
Hmm. I personally have been listening to alot of Pink Floyd lately. Animals is my favorite. Good stuff. Just bought 'The Division Bell' (Post-Waters era but you probably knew that) once my house isn't so damn noisey I'm gonna sit and listen and I will let you know what I think.
Sarah McLachlan is good. Metallica is classic, always good. Johnny Cash, Tim McGraw, Toby Keith, Brad Paisley...If I think of anything else I will let you know.
OK. THE DIVISION BELL..Gets two thumbs waaaay up. I don't miss Roger Waters one bit! :p
Alright, here's some of my favorites for when you're feeling strange...

Nightwish - They're from... finland, I think? Sort of like a harder-rocking evanescence, by the sound of the lady's vocals.

E Nomine - German band. A lot of snarling and chanting... Like a mix of rock, techno, and gregorian chanting. It's pretty great.

Dir en Grey - Japanese goth-rock with slightly nasal vocals but a cool sound.

Malice Mizer - Another goth-rock band; very creepy, nifty music.

X-Japan - Japanese classic rock. Quite cool.

Psycho le Cemu - Completely and totally on crack. But awesome.

There's others, but yeah... that's enough crazy foreign bands for now...
Oooo saw some Rammstein and Aphex Twin up there, good effing deal.

Most of the stuff I listen to is industrial or electronica in some way, but theres some other stuff thrown in too:

Die Warzau
Mindless Self Indulgence
Lucia (a singer from KMFDM, her solo stuff is pretty good, but alot more pop-ish)
Skinny Puppy
Head Automatica
Creedence Clearwater Revival
David Bowie

Could go on, but getting ready to go out for awhile.
I go with Stevie Ray Vaughn, Lynyrd Skynrd, The Blues Brothers, BB King, Alice Cooper, Chicago, KISS, Tom Jones, Johnny Cash, and a lot of Gospel music. (ANYTHING to counter that sorry-ass TRASH called "Rap", or hip-hop or whatever that crud is called).