Looking back...

Suicide King

[space for rent]
Feb 27, 2004
Apple Country
Time to showcase your first sig ever, my children.

The earliest sig I have in this machine is:


I used it even though it's above the size limit. And I had it saved as a .bmp. Haha. That was one of my earliest, but not my first. My first was lost back when my system crashed and I lost all my files over a year ago. My first had 4 floating heads above a red and black clouds filter.

Now you go.
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I like the style of graphics on your Disturbed signature better than that one, that one is kind of simple, but nice font, overall, good for a first signature SK, for beginners, 7/10 :)
That's a pretty good sig SK.
This is the first one I ever made.

And the sig I'm using now is one of my earliest sigs too.
Both of you.. Lol :p

Well, how come you dont make backgrounds or use effects in your sigs?
Because I suck lol. I'm actually surprised I made those boring sigs. I just messed around with Photoshop (totally not knowing how to use it) and came up with those sigs. I haven't tried making one in a while, but I have no clue how to make cool looking sigs with effects. =(

its not that hard actually. I cant make proffesional sigs, but some of my end-products look really cool
The first one I ever made was a white background, and it had "I am nothing" from the BTH video... but unfortunatly i don't have it on my hard drive.

This is the second sig I ever made, aside from the multiple changes of my first one.


wow... how unprofessional o.0 i didn't even crop the video!
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Nice Signatures everyone!!

My first one sucked so much. I think it was just like a picture of Chester from the 2/21/01 show and then it had like in a pretty cool font "If Angers A Gift Then I Guess I've Been Blessed"

I didn't even render out the picture of Chaz! Lol

Plus the backround was really gay (I used a filter option)
my secong sig i can't find my first sig that i make..

my first avatar that i make..
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this is from february. made for my brother.


i'm searching for my first. it's here on this site somewhere

meh, this isn't it, but it'st he oldest i can find


my oldest one was uber crappy. if i can find it, i'll show you guys.
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sorry for the DP, but yeah..

anyways, this is from when i was Vertigo on these here forums.





(BMIK2004 in the corner stands for Benjamin McKee Isaac Kauwe, we started tagging our stuff with that.)

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Well, I was browsing through the threads and stumbled upon this one, and thought it was pretty good. So I decided to revive it.. don't kill me please :)

Well, this is my 2nd one.. can't find my first one, but I remember it, and it sucked ass. Seriously. It was horrible. The image of it is still burning my eyes. I'm not even kidding.. it was brutal. Now that I've got my point across..

My 2nd ever sig.

Before you go saying 'Well, that's not too bad'... I used a tutorial. :'( I'm so ashamed. But believe me, this is assloads better than my first one ;)
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I dont have it saved anymore, but I was pretty pro in paint, i discovered how to make this rusty effect. I was LPF's first ever sig designer(then spud came, and owned me).
I can't post my first...which is really good, cause it sucks so bad :p
it's a screenshot from the numb video with "numb" written in runes on it lol

But nice work you guys