Lost Season 4

damn money whores, just because a series does very well they need to milk us. i watched lost first season and i was very impressed, then watching the second one was good, then i lost interest cause it seemed they were making filler eps to make the series last longer, finding all that places on the island... Lost was once awesome...
lost is going to be crap...


seriously if i was one of those people that DID get rescued, i wouldnt ****ing go back now that iv returned to society,everyones such a bleeding heart on these stupid shows -_-

this series is wayyyyy overdone now, they leave the island..now they hafta return...kinda like PB, "oh we broke out of jail season 1,ran aroundthe place in season 2 looking for cash...season 3...ohhh shiiittt we're back in jail again...-_-"
your meant to figure out the answers urselves..or at elast go ona forum and find em urself...they dont just hand u the answers,if they did,then whats the point of watching?
it's a genius show....

I didn't like season 2 myself....too many characters...

but now it's good again
lol they need to give answers..they can't jst finish the series and be like ok goodbye i guess no one will ever know what the smokey dragon is and well what the hell is the island neway..we dont know either. and we cudnt figure out what Jacob is either yea so u guys argue on that too.

I don't think the writers themselves have all the answers to the questions i think they read and listen to the good ones the fans have and mix it with the ones they've got in mind and come up with it. What I heard is that the whole thing was planned all along and that the people were chosen to be on the island since Naomi said in season 3 that the wreckage of flight 815 was found and there were no survivors..thats the only explanation if the island is not purgatory
In the end someone on the plane was just dreaming about it (Hugo)...and he wakes up shortly before it all really happens...and the show starts all over again
the writers confirmed that its not sum1s dream and that its not purgatory..i think most of the original characters will die in the end
yea its gonna go up to season 6 with 16 episodes each season and no breaks in the season
not to bad. i liked it alot. though they made it confusing.

On the last season Jack screamed WE SHOULDNT HAVE LEFT KATE which gives the idea that maybe locke was right and jack was wrong. but then in this episode Hurley is like Jack...im sorry i shoulda stayed with u and not have left with locke. so its kinda confusing a little.
It was sooooooo sad when Hurley told Claire that Charlie was dead :'(

But yeah I liked it, despite the confusion lol.. I guess all will be revealed eventually.
ok i jst watched episode 2 most annoying thing ever still no answers except 1 but like 15 new questions added..this show frustrates me like no other