Lost Season 4

the first thing i thought of was..."not again...."

while smart as the concept is...to go this long and when theyve finally been found...they hafto go back for god knows what reason....
so episode 3 i think...better episode...ben being an assasin with sayid as his hitman is pretty crazy
ok episode 4 blew me away finally lost redeemed itself for me the ending was quite wicked
Yeah i´m gonna bring this back

Since April 2008 I´ve watched the first 3 seasons on dvd, and downloaded Season 4
Watched it entirely, what did you think of the rest of the season?
Season 2 was really good at the end, but not really in the beginning, Season 4 had alot of questions imo, with all the flashes of what happens when they have left the island, oceanic 6 and stuff, what did you think of the last 3 seconds of the final episode?
John Locke, damn, i´m curious how they will continue
I hope Locke's gonna get magically brought back to life when he goes back to the island, I always thought he was invincible!

Same thought here, but they all have to go back Ben said, so yeah hopefully the island will do something with him, just like getting him out of his weelchairs

And about moving the Island, it is weird yeah, but just like firehawk said, it will be explained