

New member
Love is a special connection between 2 people <3 You can't describe it, it's just there and you can't control it. I think we're all a little too young to be in true love but there's always **** =D I guess it could develope into something special if it all works out. Meh I dunno, I haven't been through it =D Will remember to come back if I do fall in love though lol *In my dreams*.


New member
i agree with minzara yet again..

but a part of me says i should define what it should mean not what it does...

uh...it means 2 people that are loyal and there and like azem said they feel like the dont deserve eachother

-they have unconditional love eg..still think ur pretty even without make up and skanky clothes on

-they are happy to be with you no matter what



New member
Love is something so hard to describe. It changes from person to person, I think. But still, I could say love (from a gf/bf point of view) is: when one person doesn't feel whole without the other, when anything feels like a gift of happiness just because you have the company of the other person, when someone knows your bad side and loves you even more for it, when someone can't be happy without the other also being happy, when you can be happy just watching the other person and communicate without the need of words, when hearts speak to one another, when thinking about the other person makes you feel like you're walking on clouds.

I'm getting cheesy now, so I'd better stop while it's time lol :p

But of course, love has its downsides. When it hurts, when it disapoints, when it fails, when it's not corresponded, it can be one of the worst pains ever.



New member
here goes..
you can find love at any age.. it doenst matter.. between to people its doesn't matter the age as long as you truly do love each other...... you can find love in the wierdest situations and places... it can basically happen to anyone anywhere... so yea.. the toughest question you asked... what is love... hmmmmm....to me...

it has to do with honesty, being able to trust the person with no doubts or worries, thinking about the person more than you think about yourself, its where you cant picture life without them or with anyone else... iv never been in a serious love relationship..its just not me.. lol... but im sure one day it will happen...

you know another great question is how can tell if it is love or just a fling..how can you tell if it is real or not...

CB7.. what is your sudden interest in love.. have you fallen in love with someone!?... or is it just a question on your mind!?

Umm of course i havent fell in love with with anyone else, how can i fall in love with someone else when im still madly in love with Azem? I just wanted to see what everyones veiws were... it really interesting too see what you all had to say!... ill come back and put my veiw on it later!



New member
love is that mushy feeling you get when you are around that special someone.

and it can either build you up or destroy every fiber of your existance


Dark Rain

New member
maybe i'm a hopeless romantic...but love is something that cannot be decribed...butwhen you feel it you know it... and no matter how much the aftermath sux... or how horrable you feel when it is over "tis far better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all"


New member
Well, this is going to sound kind of weird coming from a guy, but love can be a great thing, and a **** all at once. I think you can find it any time during and after your teen years. Dunno where or how to find it, it just happens.
Toughest question of all - - what is love?

I think love is when you think about the person constantly, and no matter how hard you try can't get them out of your mind. I dunno. Tough question. Can't really explain it; it's just something you feel for another person.
i agree with u misery about what love is i can totally relate to that!



New member
Hmmm I have been in love before and got backstabbed by the person I went out with....he just faked it all. I just cant really trust anyone now.. after that happend. By the way nicely said Misery.


New member
What age do YOU think you can Find love? Whenever you mature into an adult

What is LOVE? Where you can't imagin living without that person

Where can you find LOVE? Anywhere



New member
here goes..
you can find love at any age.. it doenst matter.. between to people its doesn't matter the age as long as you truly do love each other...... you can find love in the wierdest situations and places... it can basically happen to anyone anywhere... so yea.. the toughest question you asked... what is love... hmmmmm....to me...

it has to do with honesty, being able to trust the person with no doubts or worries, thinking about the person more than you think about yourself, its where you cant picture life without them or with anyone else... iv never been in a serious love relationship..its just not me.. lol... but im sure one day it will happen...

you know another great question is how can tell if it is love or just a fling..how can you tell if it is real or not...
Well thats a good question. alot of people feel somthing strong for another person and they just think its love. but there are other strong emotions besides love. love is very complicated and deep. and i think it takes time to actually "fall in love" with anyone. it doesent just happen over night. i mean you can love people. but the question is are you "in love" with them. they are 2 completly diffrent things in my eyes.

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