Loving the Best Friend


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2005
Kijac, Croatia
Hi people... I have a friend...a very good friend.
She goes in a class with me for 3 years, lately we've became very close and i can say i really love her.
She knows everything about me and i about her, she told me she loves me, i told the same to her...But both of us are in relationship and love our partners. I'm not suer but i think she broke up with her boyfriend..
Now the problem is that when we told each other that our love is a friend kind of love (sorry for my english), but i know that my love to her is much more.
Now i don't know if i want to lose a best friend and get the best girl if i succeed with her, and if i fail i won't be able to look at her in the same way as now.
She also asked me if i'd like to kiss her, i said yes, she also said it, but none of us wants to do it first.. If i only knew in which way she loves me... :rolleyes: ...
Does anyone have some advice, everything is useful...
tell her that u been thinking bout her as more than a friend and if that wud be ok with her then if it is..kiss her..happy ending..end of story...u gys probly get married...call me 2 the wedding ill be ur best man..hehe..gotta bit of carried away there..lol
That story reminds me about a year ago... Me and Reimo have been best friends for ages.We took those long walks on the beach, went to the movies... I never took him as a boy who i could love more than a friend. I never admited my feelings for him. Until one day he asked my help to buy a necklace to his new girlfriend. So i went to the shop with him and i picked up the ugliest necklace of all time. :D He trusted me and bought it. And then he went to the date with her. Later that night he knocked on my door and told me that he needs to talk with me. He had broke up with the girl on the frist date and gave me the necklace.:D (wasn't that funny) And we have been together about a year now.

So i agree with ugur90. Tell her that u have ben thinking about her more than a friend. Tell her about your feelings. She probably loves u more than just a friend too. Anyways i wish u two a good luck!:)
oooh just do what you think is right to do

you want to kiis her just DO IT

and tell her i love you as a lover not as a friend and if she side the same !!! hey she's yours!!!

just open UP for her and i'm sure she will :p
so lemme get this clear.. you allrdy have a girl but you like the other "friend" more?
go for the hotter one :p no go with your heart if your heart tells you something you should stck with it.
GraDoN said:
so lemme get this clear.. you allrdy have a girl but you like the other "friend" more?
go for the hotter one :p no go with your heart if your heart tells you something you should stck with it.

My Friend is hotter, at least to me... But that thing with my girl is starting to get on my nerves, i'm starting to hate her so i'm sure that one of us will put an end to it.
Dude, I understand your situation completely. It happened to me, and didn't go down too well, My best friend used to string me along, treat me like ****, but then flirt some more and she kept doing it. She knew how I felt and I eventually gave up.
But she IS completely unpredicatble and possibly even borderline physicotic.

Not trying to put you off, from what it sounds like. You're doing fine, don't be afraid to make the first move, I hear girls like it when the boys lean in first. If she said she wants to kiss you, then she obviously likes you in that way. So good luck :)
yea dude if she asked you if you wud like to kiss her then thats a sign that she thinks of you as more than a friend maybe so you should make a move kinda like hers
:D :D :D :D :D You all know what this means right? We're not together or anything, but today i kissed her, and after she was sooooooooooo happy that i couldn't believe my eyes.. After the kiss i looked at her smiling and asks WHAT??(i thought it was funny to her that i've done it), after that she asked me to promise that we'll do that again :D :D :D :D
But still' she's got a boyfriend, i also have a girlfriend, but honestly, i'm really not sorry that i'm not in relationship with her.. Don't know how smart is that, but that's how i feel. If we someday get married or something, you're all invited! ;)
Thanks y'all!!
Another couple saved thanks to the Dark Room of LPF!!!!...Congrats man!! Hope it works out for you guys for the best....and I'm your best man..I called it...lol...and it better be a chocolate cake..hehe..anyway GOOD LUCK MAN