LP audio request thread


New member
Hey guys

I'm looking for an audio of "In Yourself." I have a live version from ChesterSings.tk but I'm after a version where you hear the song more because Mike talks over that version... can anyone help? Thanks.

Another request! Can anyone upload Part of Me? Once again Chestersing.tk isnt being my friend, lol. It freezes my computer. So if anyone can do this thanks!


New member
I'll try to upload Part of me tonight. You're talking about HT EP version, right? Not the demo?

And I've only got In yourself where Mike's talking, maybe someone else's got it without the talking.



New member
Yea the HT EP version. I read the lyrics to it and i was like "Holy ****! I gotta hear this!"
Yeah it's a great song, still, I like the demo probably exactly as much as the album version, that one's great. Right now I am uploading Part of Me for you, it should be up soon. The version includes Ambient as well.



New member
I like the demo better, mainly because Chester screams 'Cut myself free' instead of mike just saying it.


New member
no they don't have.Links are down.
In that case I have no idea where to find HTF live anywhere, that was the only audio I knew of. Someone on LPF has got to have it though. Still, LP don't do much of HTF live.



New member
I have Hit the Floor live from Hamburg, Germany. Also I have it live from the Warfield Theatre. Then I have Easier to Run Live too in 2 places if anyone wants that. IM me on AIM, Yahoo or MSN for them.

Nope, I don't have LP in India >_<

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