LP fan creates parody video

Hmm I duno, I just cant let go how much this whole thing annoys and pisses me off. I mean if you like LP why add a nail to the coffin that most YouTube members want built? I just hate it when people make fun of talented musicians, and artists (like paint art).
Breakdown Conspiracy said:
HAHA exactly what I was thinking.
The vids good. Its good to laugh at ourselves now n then.

Hmm I duno, I just cant let go how much this whole thing annoys and pisses me off. I mean if you like LP why add a nail to the coffin that most YouTube members want built? I just hate it when people make fun of talented musicians, and artists (like paint art).

So which opinion is it? Good or Bad?

I personally don't like the video. It makes LP look bad to people who don't know that the creator was actually joking.
The Interview!

Ok I got to thinking and so I wrote the comedien personally.

What I wrote
Hello Mr. Muller.
First of all I would like to say that I respect your status as a comedian and it is your job to make people laugh. But what is your aim in making your Satirical Tribute to Linkin Park? I'm asking this as a question, and not a rant. I mean you say you like the band, so why add nails to the coffin that most members of the YouTube community are trying to build? I myself am a longtime fan of LP, not because of their "Emo songs directed at 12 year old girls" but because of their creativity and contributions to musical, and artistic ideas (compared to bands like Limp Bizkit or k0rn that seem to built on aggression). Also if you listen and appreciate music, their CD's are not monotonous and "on repeat" as your Parody says. Maybe I'm caring too much..But I just thought I would ask your initial intentions. If you could please get back to me on this I would greatly appreciate it.

Jonathon Toon
What he wrote
I can't say I'm a fan of Linkin Park since I don't own any of their albums. I only know the songs that are played on the radio. And I like them. I don't change the station when they come on.

I was inspired by Stephen Lynch's "What if the Guy From Smashing Pumpkins Lost His Car Keys?" song. I think that's hilarious. So, I picked Linkin Park and first wrote some stupid song about them advertising for McDonalds. Later I came upon the idea of describing them through the lyrics. It's all hyperbole. The harshest line I think is "We never sold out, we had nothing to sell." I tried to think of something else to put there, but that seems to work the best for the rhyme. I do consider it a roast. Watch a celebrity roast--they get MURDERED--by their FRIENDS!

I don't think all their songs sound the same. I don't agree with much of the lyrics, but I think they're funny--and for comics--that's usually what it comes down to at the end.

Thanks for the email,


What I replied
Wow you actual replied =)
Cheers for that mate. I now futher respect your opinion and outlook on the situation and your standard as a comedien. Thanks for clearing that up because its impossible to draw conclusions from People spamming YouTubes comment boxes with "LP sux".

I actually admire him now, he actually does like them, but he shows that its all for fun.
Well the description did say he likes them. It was a well done video. The only thing that pisses me off about it, is the way so many people are like "your a faggy noob, linkin park is nothing like that, blah blah good music"
I'll bet most, if not all those people would laugh if it was a band they didn't like.