lp fear factor...ooooohhhhh


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
in the shadows
hey guys!!! so, the lpmb had a REALLY oldschool thread about lp on big brother, so i'm thinking, why not lp fear factor?!?!! this'll be funny, especially the challenges!!!!! here we go!!!!

*theme music to fear factor*
host guy (don't know his name): hello, and welcome to celebrity fear factor! tonight we have the guys from rock group Linkin Park going head to head against eachother in some terrifying challenges...
chester: *under his breath* i don't like the sound of that...
host guy: so, we have three teams. mike shinoda and chester bennington are the first team, joe hahn and brad delson are number two, and rob bourdon and dave farrel are number three. now let's get started!!!!!
*the host guy brings the others onto a platform where they see a blender and various crustacean and pork remains*
brad: oh s**t!!!! dude - this isn't good....
rob: hopefully god will forgive us for this...
joe: what the hell are you two rambling about???
brad: i can't eat that stuff, it's against my religion.
rob: mine too
mike: probably why they're making us do this first....
host guy: ok, our first challenge is to drink as much of this tentalizing "smoothie" as you can without puking. once you do this, you're eliminated from the round. the last person left will win the round, and the team who drinks the most "smoothies" will win this challenge.
*everyone looks at eachother with apprehensive looks on their faces. the host guy starts to blend the remains together into a pink mushy liquid. chester cringes*
chester: god, it's like that time mike got drunk in tokyo
mike: really???
chester: yeah, and that was the color puke that was all over our bathroom...
mike: oh!!!! dude, don't remind me!!!! i got in so much trouble for that....
joe: guess karma's come to bite you in the ass, huh mikey-boy?!?!?!
mike: shut up hahn. it's not like you haven't gotten wasted off your ass before!!!
joe: yeah, but THOSE times i didn't eat sushi so my puke wasn't pink.
chester: could you two PLEASE shut up!!!! you're getting me sick!!!!
mike and joe: sorry chazzy
joe: *realizing something* hey!!! i shouldn't be saying sorry!!! i'm trying to win!!!!
brad: you idiot...
host guy: ok!!! the first round contestants will be chester, brad, and phoenix. step on up, fellas.
chester: *in his head* it's not puke, it's not puke...*looks down* oh s**t it's puke...no it's not....it's...er....ice cream or something....something other than rancid smelling puke...
brad: *reciting prayers from the torah in his head for forgiveness*(i'm not jewish so i don't know any...all i know (from watching the first ep. of state of grace when it was on) is that jewish people can't eat seafood and pork)
phoenix: *in his head* it's a shot drinking contest, that's all it is...i'm just taking shots....
host guy: you guys ready???
*chester, brad and phoenix nod their heads*
host guy: ready???? GO!!!!!
*the guys start drinking the rancid stuff as the others cheer them on*
mike: dude!!! look at phi-phi!!!!
rob: he's downing that s**t like it's nothing!!!!!
joe: chazzy's catching up though - he's drunk five shots so far
rob: phi's done seven....i can't see brad though, how's he doing???
mike: he's forced down four...
rob: go brad!!!!! you got this!!!!
*suddenly, chester's face turns pale and grabs his mouth*
mike: *noticing what chester's doing* hang in there chazzy!!!!!
*chester tries to drink another shot, but as soon as it slides down his throat, he pukes it up in a bucket placed next to his table; along with all the other shots he took. the others cringe as he continues to vomit*
host guy: looks like chester couldn't hold his "smoothie". it's down to brad and phoenix...
mike and joe: BRAD BRAD BRAD BRAD!!!!!
chester: *weakly* shut up shut up shut up shut up!!!!! ugh...*pukes into the bucket again*
*brad and phoenix continue downing shots of the "smoothie" until suddenly, phoenix retches violently into the bucket*
host guy: the winner of this round is BRAD DELSON!!!!
mike and joe: woohoo!!!!
rob: mazeltov!!! (yeah, the only jewish word i know lol)
brad: thanks guys *looks over at phoenix* you all right phi???
phoenix: *tiredly* i will be...god that was rough
brad: it'll be ok...*pats phoenix on the back, which makes him puke in his mouth*
phoenix: dude, don't do that, please...
brad: sorry
host guy: *to chester and phoenix* you two wanna lie down???
*phoenix and chester nod*
host guy: *points to a couch* right over there, ok???
chester: thanks...*goes to one end of the wrap-around couch and lies down* good night ....
phoenix: *goes to the other end and lies down as well* see ya later chazzy chaz
host guy: now it's time for the second round; mike, joe and rob. are you guys ready???
*they nod*
host guy: ready??? GO!!!!
*the guys start downing shots. joe ends up puking on the first one*
brad: ooohhh....harsh.....
host guy: now it's between mike and rob. whoever drinks the most will win
*mike and rob drink their "smoothies" one after the other. the two of them are holding them down pretty well, and are up to their 15th shot.*
brad: keep it up guys!!!!
*suddenly, as if a weird force came over the both of them, mike and rob puke at the same time*
mike: *disappointed* s**t
rob: *pissed* s**t
host guy: since the two of you puked at the same time, we're going to have a tie-breaker. whoever can down five shots in 60 seconds will win the round. clear?
*mike and rob nod*
host guy: ok, sixty seconds on the clock. ready? GO!!!!
*mike and rob start swallowing the drinks quickly. however, on his third shot, mike becomes queasy and pukes*
host guy: oooh!!!! looks like the winner this time is ROB BOURDON!!!!
brad: great job buddy!!!!
host guy: okay!!!! now it's time to find out the winner for this round....with a combined score of 26 shots, the winners are....CHESTER BENNINGTON AND MIKE SHINODA!!!!!!!
chester and mike: *from the couch where they're lying next to each other half asleep and sick* woo.
host guy: for winning this challenge, you win a $2500 gift certificate to Best Buy electronics store.
chester and mike: woo. hoo.

that's the end of the first challenge....i'll think of something for the interim parts, but this is all for now....hope you like it!!!!!

ps: aren't my random ideas awesome????
hey guys!!! i'm back with the next part!!!!

*the guys return to their hotel and walk up to their rooms..*
mike: augh....i feel sick....
chester: me too....*falls on the bed*....no dinner for me tonight...
mike: how could you even think about eating?!?!?!?!
chester: i don't know, and honestly don't care at the moment....*closes his eyes and curls up under the covers*.....i'm gonna sleep....
mike: i will too.....
chester: are you gonna leave the bathroom light on??? just in case either of us puke??
mike: yup...
chester: *yawning* g'night m...mmm*yawns again*mike...
mike: *yawning* sleep well chazzy chaz...
*meanwhile - in brad and joe's room*
joe: that had to be the worst challenge in the world....
brad: no kidding
joe: i felt bad for you and rob...
brad: yeah; that s**t wasn't kosher
*joe laughs and turns the tv on*
joe: ooh!!!! sopranos!!!!
brad: nice!!!!
*joe and brad watch the sopranos*
*meanwhile - in rob and phoenix's room*
rob: *looking at phoenix with concern* are you all right dude??? your face is all red
phoenix: i'm ok...i promise...
rob: you don't look it....
*phoenix takes off his t-shirt, exposing bright red patches on his back*
phoenix: don't worry - it's nothing at all
rob: dude - you have hives on your back!!!!
phoenix: *surprised* really???
rob: yeah - come look
*rob and phoenix walk into the bathroom, where phoenix looks at his back in the mirror*
phoenix: wow...i didn't know i was allergic to any of that stuff...i'll just take some benadryl and go to bed...
rob: that sounds like a good idea...good night phi-phi
*phoenix nods his head as he takes his pill*

*the next morning. the guys have left their hotel and gone to the site for the next challenge. they enter a large room with small tanks full of spiders. chester looks at the tanks and yelps*
chester: *stuttering* sp-sp-sp-SPIDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*chester hides behind mike*
chester: please don't let them touch me
joe: shut up chester!!!!! they're just tarantulas
chester: TARANTULAS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!
mike: it's okay chaz. tarantulas don't bite...
host guy: hey guys!! welcome to day two of celebrity fear factor!!! so, today's challenge involves spiders and keys. you will be locked by your ankles, wrists and waist to these tanks. you will then find the keys to these locks in your tank. but, there's a catch. these aren't your keys.
*the guys jaws drop*
host guy: the keys in your tanks belong to your partner's locks. after you find the keys, you will then unlock your partner from their tank. the team with the fastest time wins. so, who's going first???
joe and brad: we'll go
host guy: ok. take off your shoes and socks and step into the tank....

I g2g, so r&r!!!!
Ahhhhh! Spiders!!!!! And trantulas are suppose to make me feel better about them? *snorts and runs away, far away from the trantulas*
Great update anyways! :cool:
hey guys!!! thanks for the comments; i appreciate them very much!!!! so, here's the next part!!!!

*joe and brad take off their socks and shoes and step into the tank*
joe: holy s**t!!!! they're all crunchy!!!!
chester: *freaking out* you're STEPPING ON THEM!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!
joe: well, how else am i supposed to get the keys????
host guy: actually, there's boxes for you to put your feet.
joe: oh. sorry.
*joe finds the boxes and puts his feet into them*
joe: hey!! chester!!! i've got spider guts on my feet!!!!
*chester runs over to a garbage bin and pukes*
mike: thanks joe. that really helped a lot.
joe: *grinning* no problem.
mike: *muttering* a*****e.
host guy: ready??? GO!!!!!
*brad and joe reach around in their boxes for their keys. joe finds his quickly, while brad struggles to get most of his from the spiders*
brad: *frustrated* d**n you f*****g spiders!!!!! give me my keys back!!!!
joe: here! i'll get the ones on your wrists and waist!
*joe unlocks brad's wrist and waist*
brad: thanks. now i can get those b******s!!!!
*brad finds his last key*
brad: here!!! i've got them all!!!
*joe unlocks brad, who unlocks joe's ankles*
host guy: TIME!!!!
brad and joe: YESSSS!!!!!!
*brad and joe hug*
host guy: you guys got eachother unlocked in one minute, 46 seconds. who's up next?
mike: we...
rob: we'll go!!!
host guy: okay then. your time to beat is one minute, 46 seconds. think you can do it??
phoenix: absolutely!!!
host guy: all right. take off your socks and shoes and step into the tank.
*phoenix and rob step into the tank*
host guy: ready????
*phoenix and rob nod*
host guy: GO!!!!
*phoenix and rob search for the keys and find them in about 30 seconds*
chester: wow....they're fast
mike: no kidding.
*they unlock each other as fast as they can*
host guy: TIME!!!! wow!!! dave and rob pull ahead with a time of 1 minute and 5 seconds!!! chester and mike, it's now your turn. you think you can do it???
*mike nods as chester looks at him fearfully*
mike: *whispering to chester* it'll be ok chester, they won't touch you.
chester: you know you're just trying to make me feel better.
mike: i actually meant they won't touch your ass.
chester: oh. well....that's good to know.
host guy: ok you two. take your socks and shoes off and step into the tank.
*they take their socks and shoes off. mike steps into the tank, while chester sticks his toe in nervously*
mike: come on chaz; we can't put this off any more. let's get through this, ok???
chester: *sighing* ok...
*chester steps gingerly into the tank, staring frightfully at the spiders*
host guy: ready???? GO!!!!
*mike scrambles around to find the keys to chester's locks while chester stands frozen in the tank*
mike: come on chazzy!!!! you can do it!!!! forget the spiders!!!
chester: i can't!!!! they're all around me!!!!!
mike: don't worry about them!!!!!
*chester sticks his right hand in to find a key as a spider crawls up his bare arm*
chester: *screaming* OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD IT'S ON ME!!! IT'S ON ME IT'S ON ME!!!!!!
mike: calm down chazzy....just find the keys....
*chester digs around the tank for mike's keys, hoping to find them as quickly as possible*

i g2g....r&r!!!!
hey!!! i know it's weird to have two updates in one day, but i wasn't finished with the other part....so, y'all wanna know what happens to chester??? well, KEEP READING!!!!

mike: move your hand back a little...they're right behind your left ankle...
*chester moves his hand towards his ankle and loses his balance. he falls, and some of the spiders crawl into his pants*
chester: *screaming* MIKE!!!! THEY'RE IN MY PANTS!!!!!!! *screamy-whiny* I WANT THEM OUT MIKE!!!! I WANT THEM OUT!!!!!
mike: *frustrated* CHESTER!!!! GET THE F*****G KEYS SO WE CAN BOTH GET THE F**K OUT OF HERE!!!!
*chester scrambles for the keys, gets them and unlocks mike*
mike: *reassuringly* there ya go chazzy...i've got my keys so you'll be out in a sec.
*mike unlocks the now shaking chester*
host guy: TIME!!!!! well, i don't think you guys need to know your time....*looks at chester* is he all right???
*chester is in the middle of a panic attack/meltdown. he's shaking, crying, and he can't speak. mike walks over to him*
mike: *comfortingly* it's ok...it's all over now....
*chester grips mike in a tight hug and bawls into his shoulder*
mike: sssshhh.....it's okay now chazzy....you don't have to deal with the spiders anymore....
host guy: *walking over to them* have him breathe into this paper bag. that'll help...
mike: *to chester* hey, chazzy, sit down for a sec, ok???
*chester and mike walk over to a wall, where chester sits down*
mike: *handing chester the paper bag* that guy told me to have you breathe into this..feel like trying it???
*chester nods, tears still falling down his face. he starts breathing in and out of the paper bag, and slowly begins to calm down. meanwhile, the others walk over to chester to try and console him*
phoenix: *sitting next to chester* hey bud...you were pretty brave in there...
joe: *shocked* BRAVE?!?!?! *seeing mike's furious face and changing his mind* yeah, you were more than brave...good job buddy...
*joe puts his hand in front of chester for a high 5. chester weakly receives it*
mike: you feel better??
chester: *softly* a little...i just wanna go home....
brad: don't worry, we will
host guy: now that chester's feeling better, i'm going to announce the winner...the winner is ROB BOURDON AND DAVE FARREL!!!!
chester: *hugging phoenix* good job
phoenix: thanks...
host guy: you guys have won a dell flat screen computer, courtesy of best buy.
rob: nice!!! i needed a new one anyways

that's the end of the 2nd challenge...i'll make up some more later...see ya!!!!
hey guys!!! glad you liked that part...and numbStruck, he wasn't overreacting...sometimes people get panic attacks and stuff like that when forced to be in contact with something they fear for a long time....for example, claustrophobes would have a panic attack if they were stuck in an elevator for a long period of time (esp. if the thing broke).....i think that's the whole point behind fear factor, to make people freak out for other people's entertainment....anyways, back to the story...

*the guys return to the hotel and walk into mike and chester's room. chester lies down on his bed as the others mill around. mike walks over to him*
mike: how're you doing???
chester: i'm ok...just tired...
*just then, mike spots a tarantula crawling from chester's pants leg*
mike: chester, don't move your leg
chester: why???
mike: *quickly snatching the spider and throwing it in the trash* i wanna sit here
chester: *yawning* okay
*mike lies down on chester's bed as chester closes his eyes*
brad: hey mike!! you and chester wanna play halo 2???
mike: i'll play, but i think chester wants to rest...
brad: chester???
chester: *opening his eyes halfway* hmm???
brad: wanna play with us???
chester: what're you playing???
brad: halo 2
chester: ok
*the guys play halo 2 for a while. after two hours, mike notices that chester's been unusually quiet*
mike: chazzy???
*mike looks over at chester, who's fast asleep, controller still in hand*
mike: wow...*mike quits out of his game*....he's worn out...

that's all for now...sorry for it being so abrupt, but i need to think some more...see ya!!!
hey!!! i'm back with a new part!!!!! come r/r!!!

*mike finds a blue electric blanket at the end of chester's bed and drapes it over chester*
mike: *whispering in chester's ear* goodnight chester...see ya tomorrow...
*chester sighs in his sleep and curls up underneath the blanket*
mike: *to himself* did he hear me or something???
*mike goes back to the game. after another hour of playing, mike feels exhausted*
mike: you guys??? i'm gonna go to bed, ok??
rob: sure thing...
phoenix: 'night mike...
*phoenix starts walking out of the room*
mike: you don't have to leave!!! i can sleep while you're playing...
phoenix: you sure???
mike: yeah...
*mike quickly changes into his pajamas and brushes his teeth. after, he pulls down the covers and attempts to wriggle them out from under chester. he succeeds, and lies down. he pulls the covers over himself and chester and slowly falls asleep. while chester and mike sleep, the others play halo for another hour before leaving the room*
*next morning - the others have woken up and are ready to leave for the final fear factor challenge. however, chester and mike are still in their room sleeping. phoenix recognizes this, and hurries up to mike and chester's room. after opening the door (with chester's key that he accidently dropped), he walks into the room*
phoenix: mike??? chester??? are you up???
*phoenix walks over to chester's bed (which, at this point, they're sharing). he sees the two of them fast asleep; mike has snuggled down into the covers with his head on chester's chest and his arms around him in a loose hug. chester has his right arm around mike, and his head ****ed to the left side near mike's head. phoenix giggles softly*
phoenix: *to himself* if either one of them, or both of them, were gay, they'd make a great couple....
*phoenix walks over to the bed, and lies down on the side where mike is. he begins to try and wake him up*
phoenix: *whispering in mike's ear* mike....miiiiikkkkkeee.....wake uuuuuppppp.....
*mike grumbles softly in his sleep, but doesn't wake up. phoenix tries again, by tickling mike's stomach. he starts giggling and slowly opens his eyes*
mike: chester?? why're you...*yawn* tickling me....
*mike sits up, and sees phoenix next to him*
mike: hi phoenix....
phoenix: hey
mike: was chester tickling me???
phoenix: *stifling a laugh*
mike: what???
phoenix: that was me
mike: phoenix!!!! *laughs* why'd you do that!!!
phoenix: i had to wake you up!!! we're late...
mike: is chester awake??
phoenix: nope, he's still sleeping.
mike: wanna help me wake him up???
phoenix: sure
*phoenix gets up and walks over to chester's side of the bed. he lies down.*
phoenix: so, what are we gonna do???
mike: ummm...can't tickle him; he'll think spiders are on him.
phoenix: well, what can we do then???
mike: er..i dunno...
phoenix: tapping him??
mike: er, ok..
*phoenix and mike start poking chester's shoulders. as they do this, chester flicks his wrists at them; obviously annoyed*
chester: *talking in his sleep* go away....go away d**n birds....*yelling in his sleep* QUIT POKING ME DAMMIT!!!!!!! I'M NOT A F***ING SCARECROW!!!!!
phoenix: ok, now we can talk to him *whispers in chester's ear* chester....wake up buddy...
*chester slowly begins to wake up. his eyes open halfway*
chester: *tiredly* hi.
mike: hey chazzy. how're you doing???
chester: tired...
phoenix: tired?!?!? you were out for most of the night!!!
chester: not really. i woke up in the middle of the night, and everyone was gone. it was really dark, so i tried to get back to sleep; but for some reason i heard scuttering noises and i thought there were spiders. i was awake until the scuttering stopped around five in the morning.
mike: i didn't sleep well either. i woke up when you guys left, because everything was eerily quiet. it was kind of unsettling. i didn't get back to sleep until five thirty.
phoenix: at least you weren't with joe!!! dude, not only did he talk with a bunch of people for about two hours, but when he went to bed, he talked most of the night!!! i only got like, an hour of sleep!!!!
mike: d**n joe...

i g2g....r/r!!!
hey guys!!! thanks for all the reviews...you're all awesome!!! now, back to the story!!!!

chester: you can come back here and sleep if you want after the challenge...
phoenix: thanks chaz...i *yawn* think i'll take you up on that...
mike: let's just go....i wanna get a frappuccino
chester: *eyes lighting up* frappuccino????
mike: yes, chester. a frappuccino. that drink at starbucks that makes you go berserk.
chester: i know what it is mike, and i'd like one.
phoenix: umm, we're gonna have to wait until after the challenge. it's starting in ten minutes.
chester: s**t!!! let's go
*phoenix, chester, and mike run to the challenge spot and make it 2 minutes before the challenge begins*
joe: glad you could make it.
mike: *yawns* thanks.
rob: what're they gonna make us do today???
host guy: hey guys!!! welcome to the final day of the celebrity fear factor challenge!!!
everyone: wooohooo!!!
*phoenix yawns*
host guy: looks like some of you are pretty tired.
*mike, chester and phoenix nod*
host guy: was it a rough night???
mike: sort of
chester: yeah
phoenix: mmhmm
host guy: well, this challenge will wake you up. you and your partner will be standing on a tractor trailer truck and traversing it back and forth as it gains speed. the time will begin when the truck begins, and will end if you lose your balance and fall. the team with the longest time will win.
*chester leans on mike's shoulder and closes his eyes. mike shakes him awake*
mike: don't conk out yet chazzy.
chester: sorry. i can't help it..
*mike yawns and closes his eyes*
chester: hey!!!
mike: i can't help it either...i'm *yawns* really tired...
host guy: chester and mike, will you go first???
mike: *to chester* let's get this over with. then we'll be able to sleep.
chester: good idea. *to the host guy* yeah, we'll go.
host guy: ok guys. step on up. our wire team will get you all set to go.
*chester and mike walk up onto the tractor trailer truck and get connected to a bunch of safety wires*
host guy: ready??? GO!!!!!!
*the tractor trailer truck starts to roll*
chester: i got an idea!!! grab my hand..
mike: why???
chester: because, if we move together, then there's less of a chance that one of us will fall.
mike: that's the *yawn* smartest thing i've ever heard you say chaz
chester: come on!!! there's no time to drop insults - we gotta go!!!!
*mike grabs chester's hand. they walk together slowly across the tractor trailer truck and back. around their third time traversing the vehicle, chester slips and falls. he catches mike before he falls on his butt*
host guy: TIME!!!
mike: thanks chaz
chester: *muffled by mike's back* no problem
host guy: ok. you guys had a time of 8 minutes and 34 seconds, which is pretty good for first-timers. who'll go next???
phoenix and rob: we'll go
host guy: ok then. you know what to do..

i g2g guys. hope you like!!! r/r
that was funnie poor chester i liked the part when phoenex sees mike and chaz that was like lmao till the end of time keep it up