Lp Helping Katrina Victims, Did it help push the New Cd release date back

Sacrifice Within

Active Member
Aug 17, 2006
Washington, Pennsylvania
As Some of u might know, linkin park is going to new orleans to help out with the hurrican (Katrina) that hit. They will be handing out school supplies to schools that are in need..... i know its a really nice thing to do, but do u think this could of been one of the reasons they pushed back the due date of the cd. Mike did state on the interview on KROQ radio that he had to pull everybody out of the studio to go.
This is one but not only reason so we can't put all blame on this. Besides helping people is a big part of being a celebrity in my opion. I think it is a great thing to do.
No. They are just trying to help out, which is awesome. I don't think it will affect the work in the studio because they are most likely already almost done, just putting finishing touches and prefecting things.
doesnt really matter, i think the boys doing this is awesome, i woodnt mind waiting a little longer knowing the boys are actually using their time wisely and not bumming around!
I don't think it's the reason the CD got pushed back...You can't even really say it got pushed back because they had no official release date...
True Jeezy....that is very true.

Oh, i'm glad that they are all helping with New Oreleans and stuff, it shows that they care about us (thier fans and people) instead of being like some celebs and just not caring...
Everyone needs to help. The city needs all the help it can get and most people don't realize how bad things still are. If you ever have an oppurtunity to go and give help of any sort, do it! It is totally worth it.