LP song with the best drumming

Best drumming in an LP song?

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New member
EASIER TO RUN!!! i didn't even check the other ones. His drumming is so breath taking on this one.

Maybe I should've checked the other ones....Faint is good too.



New member
definately faint, because of mikes "id like to direct yur attention to mr. rob bourdon on the drums...this song is called faint, if you know it then help us out"


New member
Yes, I vote for APFMH cause it's older. After that is Faint then FTI.

I can't believe someone said FTI cause at school I had another "LP moment".

On LPTV10, it shows them in the studio with a clip of FTI..

I found myself beating on the lunch table "NA-NA-NA-NA CHA" over and over again to FTI beat lmao. Started singing it o_O

But yes, FTI is amazing.



New member
I'll decide in a bit' date=' I'm analyzing them all lol. I think it'll be Faint though...[/quote']yeah I got the poll options by kind of analyzing, but mostly this idea occurred to me while I was drumming the beat of APFMH, I love that one.

And then I chose By myself, cause if you listen to the final part, Rob does an incredible job, a very complex drum pattern, also the chorus of in the end, especially live, and the final part of Faint is very complex, but mostly just ecstacy to listen to.

I kinda chose to make those options cause I can't really decide between all these.

And sure, I could've out FTI in there, but it's just not as hard to play, or as good as the other, if you ask me, but that's just my two cents.


New member
Faint first, APFMH second.

Lol Hahninator, I had a bit of an experience like that the other day. We got new homework planners at school and they had these really cool holographic covers that squeak when you scratch them :p . So in the boredom of form-time I began unconciously squeaking the intro to APFMH.



New member
My favorite is the drumming on Faint. I can play most of Faint on my drums.

I also like A Place For My Head and their cover of "Wish".

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