LP with or without Jay-Z

i dunno....i respect jayz alot...but i only like some of his songs,,,he has a goos personality but i think LP are better off without jay cuz if he is wih em'' i dunoo..they wont be linkin park...i think their better off!! :thumbsup:
i don't dig Jay-Z's music (but i guess they could have done worse in the "collaboration aria"...)
I definitely want LP's music without any trace of Jay-Z's influence!
Heh, I think that what they did with Jay-z was just a big commercial for LP...and, yeah, to bring some rap fans "into" LP...I personally don't like that but anyway...collision course is not such a bad album...and ofcourse...without any doubt...I prefer LP going solo!
I hated CC (i mostly hate rap; if you ask me if i liked fort minor i would say no, not because it was bad, i just don´t like rap) thank god Jay-Z is retired!!!!!!
No.. just no.

Linkin Park is NOT hiphop, they are a combination of many things, and two rappers would be rediculous. Sometimes I actually don't think as Mikes rapping... as rapping. There's just to much rock.

I'm not saying anything bad about Jay-Z, since adding any other rapper to LP would be a mistake. CC was a one-time thing (hopefully), and yes I enjoyed it... but there was just way to much rapping for my taste.

And I just don't like the type of lyrics that most rappers write.

Also, Chester would barely get any parts due to two rappers taking up the song, and would probably leave the band.
'Course without him. LP has a different style and they should not leave it. Anyways I don't think they'd go on with other common songs(fortunately:D)
has everyone basically forgotten why LP and JZ colabed in the 1st place? MTV wanted to do somthing special in general, to take 2 genres and mash em yp, as an experiment sorta. they askd JZ wich band he d like to collab wif, and HE chose LP. This wasnt some stunt LP and JZ pulled, this is somthing MTV has had doing for along time now, theyve had a few rappers and a few bands collab, jus THEY didn hav the hit power of LP OR JZ, let alone BOTH.
CC was great, i dont know why u ppl hated it, the mere fact that the sounds blended so smoothly was a testament to how good jz and lp really are. R E S P E C T, if u dont like, dont listen to it, dont knock it.
Im not a big lover of Jay-Z but i do like hip-hop aswell and i think the collision course album was well good but only as a 1 off and not as a perminant thing but yea was a cool album :thumbsup:
I like both with or without Jay. But they have a better style without him. Anyways it was just a side-project.
I think LP is LP without Jay-Z.I don´t think Collision course was bad album.It wasn´t.But LP is the best without any artist who doesn´t belong to the band.Everyone knows that HT or Meteora are more favourite albums that CC.So this is one of confirm.But I think ,too,that LP can´t make bad song and it doesn´t matter who thay will work on it with.
I think there better with him They won a grammy for that mash up so it cant be that bad and they got the chance to play with one of the beetles thats pretty good! And it added more rap fans to LP. But alot of people who liked Jay-Z by him self at my school say they dont like him anymore because black people arnt supposed to be in rock bands and **** like that.
i REALLY hate it when ppl can jus start bagging som1 bcoz of a collab,especially this one.why? coz they hate rap? well boo hoo, LP did a collab wif JZ, it was a ONE OFF, stop gettin ur knickers in a knot.
to be honest, if u didn like it, dont lissen to it, yeesh, stop baggin it out, it WAS Warners no.1 money maker in terms of DVD sales,so it HAD to hav done somthing right.
and y bag JZ and them for? i can BET that u ppl hu bag out JZ and 50 and all them hate it wen them rap loving ppl start knoking LP. do remember JZ s been in da msuic biz like FOREVER, and he DID help Mike with his FM album.
And to those hu hate it, jus burn ur cds, delete ur tracks and dont say another word. COZ far OUT im sick of hearing u bastards knocking the album.
I don't give a **** if they did or not. It works, and the only people that'll hate LP for the idea of collacorating with Jay are just very close minded.

Now you may not enjoy it, which is fine, but I'm sick of people bitching.
Hazi[LP]Tonz said:
i REALLY hate it when ppl can jus start bagging som1 bcoz of a collab,especially this one.why? coz they hate rap? well boo hoo, LP did a collab wif JZ, it was a ONE OFF, stop gettin ur knickers in a knot.
to be honest, if u didn like it, dont lissen to it, yeesh, stop baggin it out, it WAS Warners no.1 money maker in terms of DVD sales,so it HAD to hav done somthing right.
and y bag JZ and them for? i can BET that u ppl hu bag out JZ and 50 and all them hate it wen them rap loving ppl start knoking LP. do remember JZ s been in da msuic biz like FOREVER, and he DID help Mike with his FM album.
And to those hu hate it, jus burn ur cds, delete ur tracks and dont say another word. COZ far OUT im sick of hearing u bastards knocking the album.

Whered did you guys find this kid? She/he is a frikin genious. Finnaly someone who has a brain.

Yeah I mean it had to be a good album if the Grammys had them perform as one of their main acts. If its a major rington seller. Theres just one two many close minded people in this world. I understand if you don't like rap then your probably not going to like this track. Understandable. But to say it sucked just becuase it was rap is just plain ignorant. Jayz has like 2 to 3 albumns that have been listed as one of the greatest album of all times. Thats him going up against every single Goddang genre one can name. Is Hybrid Theory or Meteora up there? No. Just becuase it is rap does not mean it is garbage. His lyrical ability to make us feel like we have never heard a rap about guns, drugs, ho's and the ghetto is how he earns his respect. When he lays down his track he just doesn't lay down a track. He puts a peice of his life into it. Just like the guys in Linkin Park do. If you whiney omgoshitsrapsoitsucks idiots would stop to really appreciate something when you hear it maybe you'd realize the greatness. Like I said, if you don't like rap in general and so Collision Course wasn't appealing to you then fine. Just don't go saying it's complete garbage. It's like art. People see a picture and automatically say its garbage just becuase it looks funny or doesn't look flawless. When even though their maybe a reason the artist makes it the way he does. I don't know but fans from both sides of the genres need to stop being so predjudice towards the other and start realizing that their not so diffrent.

Everyday I hear the same. Oh I don't like rap becuase it's all the same. Is Kanye West the same? Is Fort Minor the same? Okay lets say we exclude them. And so that all it is is gangster rap. Rocks the same way. People sing about how much their life sucks, how the person they loved screwed them over, how their moving on, or how they just wanna go nuts. Not a very wide variety. Linkin Park doesn't have a wide variety in what they right about. Same concepts everytime. Don't hear any complaining there. The we'll get some smart bean who comes up with something like "oh well SOAD sings about **** that stinks and ****s that are bigger" well then SOAD is like the Kanye of rock but since we excluded Kanye SOAD gets excluded aswell so we are still left with the Mainstream Rock and Mainstream Rap of America, and the other 191 countries.
Frankly I liked that LP mixed it up a bit with Jay-Z. It shows how that they can not only sounds great on their own but also can do things with other people and be just as successful, but I don't think that it should be done all the time. Every once in a while is cool because it gives LP fans a different view of the group and explores their other talents.