LPF Awards 2007: The Winners

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well, I didnt won, but I feel honored just to be nominated, I really didn't expect that...

I just want to say congratz to all the winners, you've done well!! :D
Wow... Me and Jos took the journal award? o_O Thanks for voting for us!!!!
Congrats to everyone else and sorry I didn't vote, I was asleep the whole time so I didn't have time :s
Wow... Me and Jos took the journal award? o_O Thanks for voting for us!!!!
Congrats to everyone else and sorry I didn't vote, I was asleep the whole time so I didn't have time :s
You're pretty amazing sleeping for 1 week straight d: semi-hibernation? ^^
hehe ya thanks all the prizes will only be up tomorow cause im writing a major exam tomorow morning but tehn its friday so ill have it up no problem
and YES like allie said thanks to everyone being so col we have just booked next years LPFA, it will be in Sydney or Moscow im still deciding though :p
My dearest LPF buddies!! First of all congratulations on the wonderful and peaceful competition you organised this year!! Props for that! Also congrats to all the winners and also to all those who got nominated even if they didn't win! Personally I am extremely proud to know people regarded me good enough to include me in three categories and THAT to me is very important!! Almost as important as actually winning!! I may not post in here often any more but I do love this place and I care. I am so glad to see that LPF members are mature enough and cooperative enough to work on something big together without fights, without hatred or anything like that! Congrats again and love to all! <3
OMG I DIDNT WIN I HATE YOU ALL!!!!!!!1!!!!!"1oneoneoene

Wait, I was nominated XD

I'm kidding :p

Grats all! :D
My dearest LPF buddies!! First of all congratulations on the wonderful and peaceful competition you organised this year!! Props for that! Also congrats to all the winners and also to all those who got nominated even if they didn't win! Personally I am extremely proud to know people regarded me good enough to include me in three categories and THAT to me is very important!! Almost as important as actually winning!! I may not post in here often any more but I do love this place and I care. I am so glad to see that LPF members are mature enough and cooperative enough to work on something big together without fights, without hatred or anything like that! Congrats again and love to all! <3

Come back here you ! :p

@ Allie; you're getting 'the green' next year. for sure.. I hope anyway. You deserve it a lot too!
@ MBD(err yea your name is long lol); I'm up for that :p
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