LPF Family Tree


New member
i just realized i'm the good kid of mum!!! I havent had a kid yet and i havent adopted anyone or slept with anyone i didnt know i was sleeping with....GO ME


New member
good job

ah shoot...I forgot to tell one thing lol

I'm married to keza...

and I thought franka came into this somewhere, I'm not sure though



New member
First of all: *claps for 5 minutes* thank you, it's amazing :)

Second of all... what happened to my bro and how did i become Pete's descendant?

Third of all *claps again*


crazy robster

New member
Hahaha great job Josi!!! Well, by the looks of it, my sis could be easily declared a universal mummy!!! Like I said to her the other day she's on the way to repopulate the planet!!!! I feel so lucky that I am part of such a great family!!! And most of all cause Rob is my daddy!!! What more could a Robster like me ask?? *thinks* Well, I could very well be his wife now that I think of it but that's a priviledge I gladly leave to my sis!!! I'm very pleased!!! Great job once again! :thumbsup:


New member
Your kids ditched you

And to forget your very mother coughcoughmecoughcough i'm much disappointed. >=( Even though you're like, older than me >_>

You were adopted after all.

I'm just messin with you >< lol



New member
@sygy: not really... well it a lot confusing bc rav almost adopted everyone lol
^ Well I don't think I am, let's put it that way... Never know anymore... I'm still freaked out about it... *lol*

What in tarnation possessed me to adopt/have so many damned kiddies??? :shok: *cries... exhaustedly* haha

It's confusing for those who dont know the 'family' so to speak that there are what, 5 not adopted. Where do Jeezy, Javier and Peter come into it again? Did I adopt them I take it? With... Chester? Okidoki. Strange but I'll accept it. Haha. *thinks about it for a second* So what about this family ISN'T strange I wonder? Hmm.

And I may be old and senile (haha, sorry Mum *smothering hugs for Allie*) but what's the little '8' symbols attached to lines there from Sarah to Cyro and Peter to Jos?

And sis - thankyou! Haha... no wait, best not call you that here, kinda validates Sygy's theory on this bizarre family. But thanks ever so much for the privelage of well... you know, haha, and as far as being part of a great family...

Its all good! Hahaha

Well done I say... three cheers, a round of vodka and red bull for everybody! hahaha

hahahah thanx again to all

well the '8' means that they are married at the mo...

and yeah its very strange and confusing... but well it was fun... :D

@Josh: peter and jess are ur 'real' parents but u came out of a one-night-stand... :p lol

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