LPF I lied to you...

I never personally knew your age... I never saw immaturity or whatever though. Its all good.. I understand why you'd lie about it... I'm just glad you came clean.:)
I know what It is like mate :) I'm 14 turning 15 soon in July some time.. I recently joined a forum and they had no respect for me because I was 14, So I do know how it feels, but I've found this Linkin Park forum to be the best by far, everyone's nice to each other and it's really nice being here... I'm so happy I joined :) Thanks LPF! :p
Yeah, that's my main thing, I got disrespect for writing, and some dude was like you're just a teen on hormones...I hate that ****
meh.. I'm only 14 turning 15 and some think I'm 19 - 20... If people give you **** because of your age it's because they are afraid we are the new youth in the world who have grown up with the technology world and they haven't so they get scared that we know a little bit more in that subject then they do haha. :thumbsup:
Its interesting that you say you pretended to be 17, when your profile says you're 26. To be honest, I think that if you don't want to be judged on age, don't put your age in your profile. I generally don't judge based on age, but when someone says something completely out of their apparent age-group, its strange. I was very, very tempted to flame you in the lonely hearts thread because you clearly don't understand relationships, and now I know why.