LPF Island II signup

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Me again....
Status: Partner found!

Team: UnhingedMouse0 and Victim
Team Color: YellowGreen... The other green meat. o_O
Why you think you and your partner are going to win: Because the first letters of our usernames are right next to each other in the alphabet! We were made to be paired together! :p
Team: UnhingedMouse0 and Victim
Team Color: YellowGreen... The other green meat. o_O
Why you think you and your partner are going to win: Because the first letters of our usernames are right next to each other in the alphabet! We were made to be paired together!
and because I can see the in the future, and the future shows gold!
Team: LP~Shinoda~FM and Hyper
Team Color: Red (sorry Hyper green's already taken)
Why you think you and your partner are going to win: Cuz this is like, the ultimate team: intelligence, determination, and sexiness to top it off ;)

Whoot! go us! :D
Team: mundo119 and chaz-girl-fanatic
Team Color: Teal :D
Why you think you and your partner are going to win: Because both our names start with the letter J (Javier and Jana) and a german + a german descendant = awesome :D
Team: Chaz-girl-fanatic and Mundo119
Team Colour: TEAL ROCKS!!!! :)
Why Do You Think You And Your Partner Are Going To Win: oh do i...o_O

WE WILL WIN TOGETHER!!!!! \m/ (^_^) \m/
Team: Hyper and LP~Shinoda~FM
Team Color: INSPI(RED)
Why you think you and your partner are going to win: Because I still have my knowledge stick. And I'm still not afraid to use it :thumbsup:

Oh, and I'm teamed up with a girl :thumbsup::thumbsup: (<-double thumbs up)
****...oO; Let's hope this starts soon...Cause in less than 3 days
I Won't really have much time to come here
but I'll be on the pc but not for long maybe a hour or so,
but that should be enough I hope =o
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