LPF Island Signup

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ah see azem i cant enter..my button things dont wor...i cant change my font/colour/size
dang it *slaps knee*
Oh just enter Keza, Ill make it yellow for you. No trouble at all. :p

Or you can just use these tags with the ( ) being [ ]
(COLOR=Yellow) (/COLOR)
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Username: Greyfoxx (foxx)
Age/Sex: 16 female
Why You Think You're Going to Survive: casue i'm a Fox<username!> and i'm evil, and i am just gonna win!! GO ME!!!! :thumbsup:
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rofl...im not..and nah its ok, i couldnt as azem said...stab people in the back...i'll be an observer...this time...i already entered one contesty thingy...im pooped out^^
Age:16 (im not sure if it asked for sex..short term memory.. but im a female)
Why i think ill survive: Um well i got the hunting skills of a caveman you see..
and im pretty bright.. you know.. so I just know ill survive.. its a win or win situation :]
WOW! only 1 spot left. Shadowed Heart, specifically asked me a question about joining and i am reserving her spot since she wasnt sure if she was 'allowed' to join. If she does not send in a form in 24 hours her spot will open up.

i guess this thing really is going to happen. there is going to be stuff for the people who arent contestants to be involved. after the last entry i will open a topic to discuss the game.

There, you'll be able to talk to contestants, maybe even start rumors about others having alliances. but your business out on the table~! Just like a reality show there's gotta be a story. So the topic will also be an open FANFIC and people can make a story and someone else can continue it. The viewers want to know whats happening on the island! So make up fun stories that happen on 'The Island'. Hopefuly it'll be entertainign for everyone!
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