LPF Matchmaker


New member
DevilDog420 + WoodyLovesLinkin = 96.5%

DevilDog420 + StupidSoul1 = 79%.

Come on Woody this Yank will treat you real well ;) .



New member
I don't know DD420...not only did you use wrong capitalisation on my username but you're so far away from me!!
LOL come on woody u know I was joking :p , but **** I even get rejected over the net thats a real blow to my self-esteem lol.



New member
Jack + Sarah = 0%

John (Jack's real name) + Sarah = 5.5%

John Gillis (Jack's real name) + Sarah = 22%

Jack White + Sarah = %

Meg White + Sarah = 3%

Meg + Sarah = 1%

This ******* sucks. Lol.



New member
I think if we do put long names, the percentage is high.....and i hate these kinds of things. And I've tried three. Not really what I expected but...oih well.


New member
This ******* sucks. Lol.
I know!

This ought to make a few people very happy...

Ravynlee + David = 53.5%

Ravynlee + David Draiman = 49.5%

Rachel (my real full name) + David (his full name) = 51%

Rachel + David = 14.5%

Rave + Dave (XD) = 26%

We're barely half compatible! *snuffle*

Eerie trick; I put 'Bourdon' at the end of Lee and got:

Ravyn Lee Bourdon + David Michael Draiman = 91%

There ya go Sarah, I should've just cheated, would have worked out then! lol

Sarah + David = 0% (Big shocker there)

woodyloveslinkin + David = 89.5%

woodyloveslinkin + David Draiman = 85.5%

Sarah (your real full name) + David (his full name) = 50%

Wow, that shouldn't have shocked me like it did. You're more compatible than we are :'(

And just for *****'n'giggles;

Ravynlee + Jack White = 51%

Rachel (my real full name) + Jack White = 8.5%

Rachel (my surname) + John Gillis = 38%


Anyway, as I suspected and stated from the start, longer names = higher scores. Mostly. Still amusing way to kill a few mins... and braincells. Man, I need a life...

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