LPF Matchmaker

Damn. We have our first person to beat me at that thing.

woodyloveslinkin & Vash_the_stampede = 93.5%
woodyloveslinkin & Shinodabear = 96.5%
woodyloveslinkin & crazy robster = 95.5%
woodyloveslinkin & allieking = 97.5%
woodyloveslinkin & ATLien = 99%
woodyloveslinkin & Phage = 89.5%
woodyloveslinkin & coredump = 98%
woodyloveslinkin & Greyfoxx = 98%
woodyloveslinkin & MayatheVampire = 95%
woodyloveslinkin & 2Much4U = 98.5%
woodyloveslinkin & Clogz = 99%
woodyloveslinkin & DarknessLover = 95.5%
woodyloveslinkin & Suicide King = 96%

I am so loved :D
Actually no, if you check your first post, you and Jeezy equal me and Rob ;)
Interesting fact.

Also interesting Rob and I are only 'compatible' using my User name and his real name. Any other variable we are lucky to equal 60%. Meh, could be worse I guess. But only works with my user name *snuffle*
Oh well.

Ravynlee + allieking = 71.5%
Ravynlee + ATLien = 63%
Ravynlee + MayatheVampire = 79%
Ravynlee + coredump = 82%

Aww... still no true love here :'(
FireHawk said:
I was never into Canadians :p JK

well i never liked corn. :p

One thing I've noticed, especially when I put DarknessLover + LP~Shinoda~FM together (as one name) I had an almost 100% compatability score with me! I guess that means I need them both in order to find my match, eh? hahaha 8P Just kiddin.

Threesome? O.O
i still had an 78% score with her, but thats not enough

not only that!!!!!!!

if we put our real names...


:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

>:eek: >:eek: >:eek: >:eek:>:eek: