LPF Projekt 2.0: Out With The Old, In With The New

Okay, fine. Take over the art.

I was asked to do it for this project, but obviously no one likes mine. Whoever the **** wants it, have it. Take over, I don't care.



New member
Okay, fine. Take over the art.I was asked to do it for this project, but obviously no one likes mine. Whoever the **** wants it, have it. Take over, I don't care.
man, im wasnt trying to take over at all. Simply presenting my ideas. It was suggested to me the other night to play around with some ideas, so I did. This wasnt intended as an attack towards you, or your work. I was simply showing my ideas.

Sorry you feel that way



New member
It looks cool, i think this might be it. But i'm still scratchin my head to what it is. I see a man, but i dont kno whats goin on in the background =/

Enlighten me, O album artist



New member
hey wakka, Shadows put in a mix of art from the meteroa art day lp had, he's got the middle and right hand canvas panels from the day as the main background, the thing that looks faded going across it is taken from the back of the Meteroa case, and obviously the spray paint coming down the left hand side is self explanatry :p

Anyways, i know whats there, not why XD Shadow?

Referring to the front cover of course^_^



New member
Ok, I am going to explain the different elements of the covers I designed:

LPF Projekt v2.0 Artwork

Theme Of All Covers:

Meteora Art Day


The Meteora Art Day, to me, represented Originality and Creativity, Two qualitys that I feel have gone into the LPF Projekt so far. Also, Im an artist too, and i like to do spraypainting and that, so the art day was just like, awesome lol.

Front Cover:

The front cover is made up of one of the art day panels. Blended with that, I have a segment of a soundboard. I also added the "Sad Man" sillohete (sp?). And finally I added the spraypaint overspray and the text. I choose a grungy, urban style text to suit the urban/spraypaint feel.

Inner Booklet:

The inner booklet is made up of the remaining part of the soundboard, used in the front cover. Overlayed with that, was a random word that was spraypainted on a panel, and then down the side I added the spraycans as a kind of stylish margin.

Back Cover:

The back cover is made up of another of the art day panels. A low opacity rectangle was added in place of where the tracklist will be placed, so it draws attention to the tracklist, whilst the background still remains visible. This effect was applied to all areas of text, to help seperate them from the background image, whilst still being able to see the background image.

So yeah, hope that explains a little.

Remember, we dont have to use my covers, I encourage anyone to make some and present their ideas to everyone. Infact, maybe we could have multiple covers, and people choose the one they prefer to have as the cover of their version of the LPF Projekt once its availible for download.

If anyone is interested in doing this, the dimensions of the cd covers are as follows:

Front Cover and Inner Booklet:

Height - 119.5mm(+/-0.5mm)

Width - 120.5mm(+/-0.5mm)

Back Cover

Height - 118mm(+/-0.5mm)

Width - 148mm(+/-0.5mm)

Perforations (The little folding bits on the side of cd covers)- 6mm (+/-0.5mm)

If anyone is stuck with that, or wants a template to make things easier, send me a PM.

Also, my apoligies to Vash, I said earlier in the thread that he had the incorrect dimensions for the cd cover. He was right (give or take a couple of pixels), and I was wrong, I had my images set higher then the standard 72dpi, and my printer was higher too, so 500px x 500px fitted for me. Sorry about that.




New member
So is the title officially Out with the Old, in with the new? I thought we would get some new ideas, and vote for the top nominees. I personally don't like the title but I won't make a big fuss if it's official.
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